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Dragonstone had become less peaceful in the days following the 'death' of Vaera and Luke. The whole island seemed empty, void of life.

It seemed as if Baela Targaryen was the only one who could feel it.

She stared out at the blackwater, her hair flowing slightly as a breeze made its way through the castle.

She hated to admit it, but she knew Jace missed Vaera, even if he was betrothed to her. She missed the girl too, though less dearly. She missed Luke too.

She could see the pain their absence had caused both Jace and Rhaena. "What are you thinking about?" She jumped at the sudden appearance of her betrothed.

"Nothing..." She kept her gaze on the water. "I know something's bothering you. You can tell me," Jace spoke, holding the hilt of his sword.

"I can't," Baela replied, crossing her arms as she leaned against the cold stone wall below her.

"Why?" Jace asked. "It would cause too much unnecessary pain." Jace sighed as he stood next to Baela.

"Is it about Luke?" Baela shook her head, not meeting Jace's gaze. "Vaera." Jace's breath seemed to hitch at the name. He could feel the heartache swelling in his chest.

"I didn't trust her. I thought her fealty was a ploy to get closer to your mother. How wrong I was." Baela let out an exhale, almost too soft to hear.

The two royals stood there for a while, not saying a word, only the chirping birds could be heard.

"My Prince, Princess." Ser Erryk Cargyll spoke from behind the two, making them turn.

"Ser Erryk?" Baela spoke in a questioning tone. The knight looked distressed.

"I've received word that the Hightowers have sent ravens to the North. They mean to get the Stark army to fight for them if war is to break out." Jace stared at the knight, an angry frown on his face.

"War has already broken out. The greens killed my brother." Ser Erryk nodded. "Yes, but you never made it North. If-" Jace cut him off, walking by the knight.

"Then we'll just have to make sure the Starks are still loyal to the rightful Queen."


Chaos tended to cascade through families, even if they were far apart, and the Targaryens were no exception.

A child had lost his head, and even though the news had yet to reach Winterfell, it was as if the mood in the air had already gone somber.

Vaera sat at the table with the Estrelas and Stellan Snow, slowly eating a bowl of soup when Cregan Stark burst in, causing everyone at the table to stand.

He looked angry, more angry than Vaera had seen anyone... ever.

"My Lord-" Alden was cut off when Cregan slammed his hand into the table, shattering the plate in front of him.

"What has happened, my Lord?" Alana asked in a calming voice. He handed the piece of parchment in his hand to Alana, who carefully read it.

"A raven from the usurper." Alana covered her mouth, causing Alden, Vaera, and Stellan to stare at her with concern.

"Prince Jaehaerys has been killed." Vaera felt her heart drop at the sentence as Alana put her hand on the girl's shoulder. "What?" Stellan spoke in disbelief.

"Apparently on the order of Queen Rhaenyra," Cregan spoke, rolling his eyes. Vaera looked in the Lord's direction.

"That is ridiculous. She would never order a child to be killed," Vaera said as Cregan nodded, agreeing with her.

"I'm well aware. I've yet to receive word from her, however." Vaera looked at Cregan.

"She's grieving. She's lost her throne... and her son." Cregan nodded. "And her sister from what the Hightowers have sent. But, nonetheless, I intend to uphold my father's oath to Rhaenyra."

Vaera felt slightly relieved when Cregan spoke but she still felt as if she was responsible for everything that happened.

She wished that the world would go quiet for just a little while and that everything could go back to normal.

The world would not go quiet just because she wanted it to, however. They could hear the chaos outside, and one man's yell caught Vaera's attention for all the wrong reasons.


For a moment, the girl was unfazed by the comment. She saw dragons all the time. Dragons were a natural part of her life.

She herself had a dragon waiting for her somewhere in the middle of the North, but then she realized just how dangerous it was for them with a dragon there.

An unknown dragon. A dragon rider that could potentially recognize her. She looked over to Cregan Stark as the door opened, revealing a young squire boy. "Yes?" Cregan asked.

"A dragon has arrived, my Lord." Cregan immediately walked to the door, the Estrelas, Stellan, and Vaera following closely behind him.

Alana grabbed onto Vaera's hand, squeezing it tight. "Whoever it is, I assure you we will keep you safe."

Stellan soon fell into step with Vaera and Alana, his demeanor immediately changing around the two girls.

"Who do you think it is?" Stellan asked Alana. Vaera had been told about Stellan by Alana, and it was clear the girl was a bit infatuated with him.

"I could not say, but unless it's one of Rhaenyra's dragons..." Alana stared forward, looking for any sign of the dragon, not finding any.

"We're fucked." Stellan finished her sentence as they heard a dragon's call. Alden and Cregan had continued walking, but Vaera, Alana, and Stellan had stopped.

"Can you see?" Vaera asked in a hushed whisper, only for Alana to hear. "No, but-" Alana cut herself off as the dragon came into view.

She'd seen a dragon before, of course, but this one was significantly smaller than Vaera's dragon. The green colour made her think of Vhagar, but this dragon was way too small to be Vhagar.

"The dragon is small... and green." Vaera felt her heart start to beat faster as she remembered the only other green dragon she could think of.

The green dragon she'd feared so many years ago.


Gods, please let it not be Jace. Vaera repeated the one thought constantly until she hoped to see the dragon in question. The dragon and its rider nearing a stoic-looking Cregan Stark.

The dragon stopped just before the line of trees blocking her sight, but the rider neared the Lord of Winterfell, and when Vaera saw his face she let out a small sob.

Her little prayer had not worked. Jace was here. Jace was in Winterfell. Jace was so close to her and she couldn't even go to him.

"Is that-" Alana whispered before she was cut off by Vaera, who spoke so quietly that it was a miracle that Alana heard her. "My Strong boy... yes."


A/N- I actually have no idea what I want to do with Vaera, but I don't want to discontinue the book because I don't want to leave it on a cliffhanger.

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