F* It

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Krystal's POV
Demi gently set me on the bed as a medic came over to check me out, she squeezed my hand before walking out. "you'll need to wear this along for a few short days and you're back is going to be pretty bruised so just ice it off and on for a while but you're cleared , just be careful." She handed me a sling and a bag of ice as I laid there for a moment before moving. What am I going to do, Raquel went after me ,well Demi, even after Demi pulled me away from attacking her further. I rubbed my forehead as I needed to find Demi and figure out. everything as I was confused about her.
I walked out of the medical office as I made my way down the hallway to the main area, hearing Raquel screaming. "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE." To only hear Dom responding. "She's in medical but you need to cool off before you talk to her because I won't let you talk to her like this dude." I walked around the corner as Raquel's eyes fell on mine as she ran over to me. "K i'm so sorry, are you okay?" I raised my hand as I wanted distant. "I'm fine Vic. I'm just sore and I need to get some sleep." She went to talk a step further but Dom grabbed her arm holding her back. "I'll text you I just need space from you right now Vic." She look offended as I brushed past her. "What the hell did I do." she asked as I turned around. "Obviously you don't understand what you did wrong if you have to ask me. I'll text you." I motioned for Dom as he came over to my side as I wrapped my arm around him leaning into him. "our locker room or yours?" He asked me as we walked together. "Yours." He smiled and pulled me towards the Judgement day locker room where I found everyone sitting and talking. "THERE SHE IS OUR WARRIOR, how are you feeling?" Finn asked as i smiled at him. "I'm fine , can Demi and I have the room for a minute please?" They all smiled as they got up while Demi stood up shoving her hands in her pockets. I shut the door once dom left shooting me a wink as I laughed. "You didn't need to put your health on the line for me , but thank you for taking those hits for me. You made a great storyline now." I walked towards her as she looked at me. "Of course, anything for my Papi right." She smiled but it was genuine as I watched her move closer. "Fuck this." Was the last thing she mumbled as her hand went to the back of my neck pulling me towards her as she connected our lips. I instantly kissed her back as a spark of warmth and desire ignited in me. My hands went to her neck as I played with her hair in the back. She was soft , gentle as her lips moved perfectly against mine. She pulled away slowly as she looked at me , her breath slightly faster. "I've been wanting to do that since the day at the gym when I saw you lifting the way you did." Her hand rested on my hips as she pulled me closer against her. "Then you should have done it, I would have joined right then and there. If I knew that calling you my Papi would have gotten us here then I would have said it so much sooner." She laughed softly as I pulled her back into me as she held my waist causing a soft moan to escape my mouth, making her pick up the pace of the kiss as I melted into her. I ran my hands down her arms as I swiped my tongue against her bottom lip for her to only deny me , pulling back as I looked up and her face was stone cold. "Don't move." She looked at me and the at the door as I can hear it now. Screaming between the guys and my guess Raquel. Demi wrapped her arms around me as she stood in front but keeping her arms on me like a shield. I held the back of her shirt as Raquel seemed really mad. She barged through the door as she screamed right into Demi's face. "You're such a snake of a woman and of a best friend. THATS MY GIRL." She spat at Demi as Demi never backed down from her but rather stood taller. "She's no one's girl but Papis , I suggest you get out of the locker room Raquel, you never know who is hearing our conversation." Demi tried to hint to Raquel that I'm standing behind her but she never picked up on it. "I won't stop until I win. She'll realize who you really are. You'll betray her like you did Liv and she'll come back into my arms, where Mami will welcome her back. Watch your back and tell K to do the same." She said as Demi tightened her grip on me as I buried my face into her back. " You underestimate her a lot, I can't wait to make her MY champion. Papi will take care of her now. Leave our locker room." She was super calm as she was talking , not letting her anger get the best of her when I knew she was fighting back the words she wanted to say. Raquel stormed out as the guys came back in. "Where's CJ?" Dom asked as Demi let go of her grip on me as I stepped out from behind her , holding her hand as Dom smirked and so did Damien. "I'm short I don't know what you expected. She's 5'10 and wide frame , and excellent hiding spot." They all laughed as we all sat down as Demi went to sit on one end and Dom on the other as I sat in the middle. "So CJ are you going to join us official?" Finn asked as he looked excited. "Yeah, Next week I'll officially turn heel, I'm going to take this week and make some new gear until I can get some made for me since I have to match a certain person." I felt Demi's arm snake behind me as she pulled me closer to her. She smiled , running her tongue over her teeth as I shivered next to her. "So what's the story line then, Dom Dom calls her Mami, You call her Papi. Where are we going with this because it's plain as day you two are smitten with each other and in the ring you could see the chemistry. Tag teaming, championship, storyline." Damien asked as I wasn't really paying attention well as Demi was dragging her finger tips up and down my arm. "I whiling to give up our story line with Mami , I can be the best friend like priest." Dom offered as I shook my head. "No Im not asking you to give up any storyline , we can play it by ear for now. I can just be another member. Whatever you decide to do I'll follow it. I'll play along." I looked over at dom who nodded and smiled. The boys engaged in conversation as I leaned more into Demi as I felt her breath close to my ear. "So if i whisper things into your ear like the way you called me Papi tonight, makes me wonder how else you could say it. you just going to play along?" I didn't know what to do as her voice was deep and husky , my body grew hot sitting there as I nodded. "What if you win a match, and call you a good girl, you going to shutter against me again like you did at the gym." I instantly got up as I walked out the door yelling that i'd be right back as I ran into my dressing room taking deep breaths while I calm myself down. I grabbed my spandex and hoodie as I went to change out of my ring gear not hearing that Demi snuck her way into my locker room. I realized I didn't bring a shirt with me so i ran back out in my sports bra and spandex to see Rhea holding a shirt for me. "Jesus christ Demi, you trying to kill me." She cocked her eyebrow as she stared me up and down. "Do you always wear spandex when I'm around." I bit my lip as she gives me a look promising me so many things. "No one should see you the way I get to, you understand sweetheart." I grabbed the shirt as I turned around to go back into my changing room, as she grabbed my wrist pulling me into her as our lips connected once again. She held me close around the waist as my hands immediately went around her neck as she shoved her tongue into my mouth.  I moaned softly as she gripped my waist tighter, scratching at my bare skin before she pulled away leaving me speechless. "Get dressed , The guys invited us out to celebrate you." She kissed my forehead as she let me go as i went back in with the shirt she gave me as it was her merch shirt, "Shes my Mami" on it . I laughed as I grabbed my hoodie and my clothes and walking back out to her waiting for me as she played on her phone. "You look good in my clothes." She smirked to herself as I packed up the rest of my clothes. "K? Are you there?" I looked up to see Raquel standing in the doorway as she stared daggers at me. "Raquel." Rhea gritted out of her teeth. "Rhea." Speaking the same way. "What do you need Vic?" She never broke contact with me as Demi walked over to stand next to me. "Can I speak with you please." I nodded my head in agreement. "Alone." I looked at Demi as she smiled and letting me handle this my way as she walked out but not let Raquel off easy as she shoulder checks her. " I'm listening Vic, but I have to go so speak quick." I zipped out my suitcase as I looked up at her. "K, I'm sorry I hit you, I was mad and so was hurt. You knew how I felt about Demi and You knew how I felt about you and yet you backstabbed me." I scoffed as she was trying to pin this on me. I quite frankly had enough. "Have you ever thought to ask about how I felt, or how about the times you made me uncomfortable to where I felt like everything was my fault or that you proved Demi right, Having you ring side made me weak. You kissed me when I didn't want to be kissed. I'm over this conversation Vic." I grabbed my bag as I walked passed her and head to the JD locker room. "She'll hurt you just like everyone else K. I'm the better option here." I stopped in my tracks as I looked back, watching her. "That's the funny part, the better option waited for me to come to them about my feelings. and the best part is that the respected my choice regardless of which way I went." I continued walking as I made it to their room as Demi stood there waiting for me in a pair of black shorts and a black Tank top as her face was natural and so was her hair. "Hey." She looked up as a smile came across her face. "Hey sweetheart." She walked across the room as she cupped my cheek. "You okay?" I nodded as she didn't push further grabbing her bag and mine as we both walked out. "Come on I'll take you to the restaurant we chose." I smiled as I walked next to her as we went to her rental where we found Dom wait for us. "CJ!" He got so excited to see me as I laughed and could hear demi's light chuckles. "Hey dom." He grabbed the bags from Demi and placed them in the trunk as she walked me to my door and opened it allowing me to get in. She quickly made her way around and she jumped in and started the car up and making her way to the restaurant.
We pulled up to what looks like a bar as we parked , i went to open the door but quickly Dom came over and opened it for me as Demi came over extending her hand out. "Come on sweetheart, time to celebrate the newest addition to our family."I took her hand as she pulled me gently towards her as I laughed while my hands grabbed her arms. "You look so beautiful when you smile." I hid my face in her arms as Dom came over as he Wrapped an arm around Demi. "So Mami, how does it feel to be the most wanted woman tonight?" I tensed up at Doms comment but moved past it as Demi kissed the top of my head. "Come on let's go in." We all three walked in as this was more like a club than anything. "Guys you should have told me we're going to a club , I would wore not workout clothes." Dom laughed as he led us to the table in the corner. "AYYYEEE THERE THEY, WAITER ROUND OF SHOTS!" Demi waved her hand as she said she was staying sober for a DD. The waiter came back with a round of shots as Priest passed them all around except for Demi. "To CJ!" I laughed as we clinked the glasses together. I felt the liquid burn going down my throat as i set the glass down. "Here , sit guys." Finn patted the booth as Dom pulled me to sit next to him but Demi stopped him as she protectively wrapped her arm around me. "Not today Dom Dom. This one's mine." I blushed as she sat down as I sat next to her. "So CJ , tell us about yourself!" Priest leaned over the table as he ordered around round. " Welll , my name is actually Krystal. I'm from Tennessee and my family is all from there , i'm the black sheep of the family. I live in Orlando with my dog Monty . Im currently renovating my house, there's not much to tell." The waiter brought another round of shots and then Finn and Dom order another round. "What got you into wrestling?" Demi looked at me as I took the shot in front of me as i licked my lips from the salt rim. "Honestly, Chyna did. I loved that she was different , she was someone that was strong, and edgy. She literally gave no fucks and broke all rules even when every male hated her. Ever since then I would beg my parents to let me wrestle. Then once I got to NXT a certain female wrestler was defying all in women's wrestling especially in their looks and gear and it motivated me more to excel in the sport." I looked at priest as he reached over giving me a fist bump as Finn did as well. "I love to hear how you were motivated, you and the rest of the women's division as killing it for younger women wanting to be themselves. The amount of times I've been to signings with Priest and Rhea, the stories Rhea gets , It makes me tear up a lot." I smiled as Dom gave me a fist bump as well before I looked at Demi and her eyes told me all, Admiration. "I'm glad I was able to push you into the brutal truth of yourself sweetheart."

An hour or so later and many, many shots , I was able to convince Dom and Priest onto the dance floor as we were dancing to Beyoncé. "So you and Rhea huh?" Priest leaned down to me as I caught Demi's eyes as the watched me . "I guess you could say something like that." He nudged me as the music quickly changed to a slow dance as Dom held his hand out. "May I?" I laughed as I took his hand as he respectfully place his arm on my back and mine on his shoulder. "It's alright Dom Dom , I got this one." Demi stepped in as she took my hands from Dom who smiled at me before walking back to the table. "I didn't know you could dance?" She laughed as she took my hands and placed them around her neck and she rested hers on my lower back pulling flushed against her. "I wanted an excuse to get close to you." She smiled at me while we swayed back and forth. " Sweetheart I want to do us right , I don't want to rush things with us, but my feelings for you are genuine and true, and honest." I looked up at her to see the truth in her face as she reached her hand up to my cheek as she slowly brought her lips on mine . "WOOOOAHHH GET IT CJ." I pulled away as I was laughing while the guys cheered us on. "We can do whatever you want Papi." I felt her body tense and her breathing deeper as I smirked "You can't call me that outside of the ring . You understand me, tell me you are listening to me." She placed her finger under my chin as I smiled at her. "Okay.... Papi." Kissing her lips quickly as I ran back over to the table with her following me as the guys ordered another round. I smiled as we were all having fun and enjoying our evening before we all headed our separate ways tomorrow.

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