Dont come home at all

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Krystal's Pov
After an hour of being poke and prodded at, I was finally given the okay to leave. "Okay, your airway is fine and clear. No broken bones, No bruised ribs or anything that I deemed concerning. Just take it easy on the wrestling." I let out a sigh of relief , the nurse handing me my discharge papers and telling Priest was waiting outside in the lobby. I smiled and thanked her , walking towards the double doors and entering the lobby. "Priest." I called for him as he was taking a small nap in the corner. He jumped up, looking like he's seen war as I laughed softly at him. "Hey is everything okay, are you okay." I smiled at him,handing over my papers to him.  He seemed relieved as I was cleared and that I was most importantly okay. "Alright let's get you back to the hotel, Dom wants to talk with you. I think about what we need to do for the JD." He placed his arm around me as we walked out and to the uber he had called. "So before we talk with dom, I want to tell you something." I looked at him , placing my phone done so he knew my attention was on him. "Don't leave the Judgement Day, you are a true heel thru and thru. You and Dom have picked up this role so incredibly well that it would be a shame to watch you turn back baby face. We are good for you and your career, I mean hell look at the way you preform in the ring when we show up and cheer for you. How great you are in the mic when talking to us, the crowd or whatever. Don't leave over her mistake, she's not in the right place to even make the shots . We all want you in this group and i would be so sad if you left. Hell for those two weeks you weren't with us, tension was hot between all of us. Especially with Dom and Rhea, he was the most upset seeing her act irrational. We been talking about how to handle her and what needs to happen best for the family. Right now though, we're missing one of family members." I looked at him with safe eyes as he knew what I was thinking about doing and that's leaving the Judgement day. I took in what he said and I see a lot of truth in his words, I'm a heel thru and thru. I love having the guys ring side they always push me to be better to go harder in the ring.  They were my family regardless of Demi and what happened between us. 
   We walked up to Doms room, knocking on the door and hearing him and Finn laughing. "CJ!! You're okay oh thank god!" He had me in a tight bear hug as soon as he saw me, after letting me down we all sat in his room. "I've been thinking and trying to figure out ways to make all of this work for us. But in all honesty I'm not fucking happy with Rhea, and the way she acted towards CJ, to me and to others. I told her to come home with you and she failed at doing so. I let it slide because it's Rhea and she's a part of this family but if she can't act right or treat us like family then why not make her earn her place back in the JD. I'm tired of cleaning up her mess the past two weeks." I was shocked at Dom and what he was purposing , how he was actually upset with Demi. "I don't want you guys to kick her out of the faction over me." I looked at the guys as the all shook their heads. "No Doms right, I'm not happy with her either. I've tried to talk to her and to get her to talk about things but she rather just bottle it up. She's becoming more aggressive with all of us and I'm tired of being the bad guy when I'm doing nothing wrong. Dom gave her the ultimatum and she never delivered, you stopped coming out with us and coming ringside. It's been two weeks now and she shows up when you called but that doesn't mean she is in the clear."  Finn spoke up and agreed with Dom. I was just trying to process that they really wanted to punish her by kicking her out and making her work her back in. "So where does that leave me then, because Demi recruited me to the JD and then kicked me out." I looked at Priest who smiled. "So Dom, Finn and Rhea will go out to the ring first and that's when Finn will start to talk and bring up the issues we have, Dom gets pissed and turns to Rhea. With no doubt she will be taken back and guilty but when Dom asks her where you are , she won't know what to say or that she failed. That's when dom will then give her his message, then he will signal for us to come out to the ring.  and i'll say something and if you want to say something then you are welcome too."  I thought about the plan and it was a good one , I think it will definitely upset Demi a lot to be kicked out from the group but it's not my call to make. We talked more about everything and what is going to happen with things and whose storyline is going to change. Doms storyline to going to be portrayed as a heartbroken lover, I'm starting a storyline with Priest  and Finn wants to have a storyline with JD.  We all agreed and left to our respective rooms to get ready for the show tomorrow.

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