Home and Party

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Krystal's POV
      Finally landing back in Orlando and being able to have time off is what I'm looking forward to the most. Priest took me home which I was thankful for and he even came in to say Hi to Monty. "You coming Doms party right?" I nodded excitedly as he smiled. "Alright, I'll see you there!" He gave me a hug goodbye and a pat to Monty as I walked further into my house to see 2 vases of beautiful red and white roses. I looked at them harder and saw they were delivered this morning, so my mom must of brought them in. I looked at both cards as they came from Demi. I looked at them again, smiling at the thought from her. She's really not wanting to give up hope right now. I pulled out my phone and shooting her a quick text , thanking her for the flowers.  I grabbed the bottle of red wine and glass from the counter as I made my way upstairs to my bathroom so I could relax in the tub for a few and then relax in the couch for the rest of the day.

   A whole bottle of red wine in and I was feeling great. I ran downstairs after and grabbed the other bottle and then making my way over to the couch as Monty climbed up on the end and laid against me. I pulled out my phone and saw that Demi responded back with a short but super cute response. I smiled thinking about her and everything that's happened in the past few months with her. I didn't get far in thought as I got invested into the crime documentary that I put on. That was the last thing I remember seeing before I passed out on the couch shortly after.
    I woke up to Monty barking at the door loudly as he ran back and forth from the window to the door. I opened my eyes slowly , looking at Monty who sat there looking me and then door. "What , who is here big guy?" I opened my door to see my sister and brother standing there as they held out coffee and breakfast, my niece and nephew running into my legs as I laughed seeing them. "Hey, what are you guys doing here!" I leaned down to pick up my niece as she clung around my neck as I let my family in. "Oh this house looks so beautiful, I love what you've done." I smiled as my sister looked around and seeing how the whole house was remodeled. "So where's your girlfriend, the kids won't stop talking about her." I looked at her sadly as she realized what I was saying to her. " Okay what happened ? Spill the beans." We walked into the kitchen as she looked at the flowers and questioned them and then the bottle of wine on my coffee table.  "Here let's sit and eat , I'll tell you everything."
  After I told her what happened , I could see the slight anger in my sisters eyes and the sadness in my brothers. "Well it's very obvious that she still wants to be with you after all this time. Why don't you give her the chance to talk and fix things with you. It's plain as day Krystal that you are in love with her. For christ sakes you brought her to moms and dad, even though you two weren't even together yet you still brought her." My brother pointed out as he was the most sensitive person when it comes to love. He's my oldest and has married his high school sweetheart. "Well just because she's sorry doesn't mean that what she did is forgiven. Calling someone names like that especially in front of a crowd , that's a lot of insecurities being thrown around. Demi was a sweet women but I don't know. I've always liked Vic, she seemed good to you." I rolled my eyes at that one. "You only like her because she became your best friend. She's a good person, I just don't feel the same way about her nor do I feel the things Demi brings out in me." She waved her hands at me. "Well, what's the difference in the two. Obviously there's something that has you troubled.?" I looked at the kids while they were playing with Monty and laughing. " Vic, is kind and funny. She's a my type with no doubt but she's controlling and can be a light switch sometimes. Demi is hard in the outside but loving and caring on the inside. With her i've always felt safe and comfortable, I never had to watch my back with her. Raquel I felt comfortable but never safe. Demi just brings out the carefree side of me, We could spend a whole week with each other and i'd never get bored or tired of her. I'd get annoyed with Vic a lot because of certain things or something. Demi just made me feel like I was the only person that mattered to her in her world. Vic's there was always someone else, someone better in hers."   I sipped on my coffee as my siblings looked at me warm smiles. "Mom and Dad loved her, they immediately accepted her when I brought her over. When they first met Vic at NXT. Mom told me to watch my back with her." I looked back as I heard Monty barking . " Well Mom and Dad haven't shut up about you and Demi either. Mom says that you two remind her of them when they were younger. Sis you know I love you and I'll forever support you in what you want in life, but Demi is good for you. Let yourself have something good." My brother came over as he gave me a big hug and kissed my check before going to play with the kids. "As much as I don't want to admit it , you did seem a lot happier with Demi around than Vic." I smiled as she rubbed my arm before grabbing her plate and walking to the sink.

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