Say it again

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Krystal POV
Pulling into the vacation house that Rhea has rented for us , it was absolutely gorgeous. From the grey modern exterior to the private beach we had to ourselves. "This is absolutely beautiful babe." I smiled over to her as she shut off the truck and smiled softly at me. "I can't wait to spend two days with you just us and the dogs." I watched her blue eyes turn soft and her tough and rough exterior disappear.
I grabbed her hand, intertwining our fingers together and bring the back of her hand up to my lips, kissing it softly. "Come on I want to take the dogs to the beach." She pulled her hand away, leaving the truck, and opening the door for the dogs who all jumped out immediately. I watched her as she ran with them to the back towards the beach, Barry on her left and Monty on her right. I got out of the truck quickly and followed them as I tried to take as many pictures of this moment I could.
I watched as Barry and Monty both ran into water as Demi stood on the shore line watching the two play, Luna sitting next to her. I made my way towards her, sitting next to her, resting my hand on her knee. "It's so peaceful here, it makes me think of home." She spoke so softly that if I wasn't paying attention to her I would have missed it. "Do you miss being home?" I looked at her while she smiled slightly, pushing back her black hair. "I miss it all the time. I miss my family mostly. I left home at such a young age to pursue my dreams and my parents gave up everything." She looked over at me, her arm wrapping around my waist as she pulled me closer to her.
"I'm taking vacation here after the rumble, for two weeks. Come with me , come meet my family. I want them to know the women Ive hopelessly fallen for." I felt my eyes start to water up slightly as I kissed her ever so gently. "I would love nothing more than to go home with you. I can't wait to meet everyone."

She smiled brightly at me, seeing the excitement and happiness radiate from her. But our attention was broken when we heard Barry and monty barking up a storm. " Oi Barry no, leave the crab alone." Rhea quickly got up and running over to where barry was barking, scooping up the crab throwing it back into the ocean. I laughed slightly as I watched Barry and Monty start jumping all over her getting her wet in the process.

" Oh so you think this is funny huh." she looked over at me, with a devilish smirk. I have never stood up so fast, running back towards the house, to only hear Demi not far behind me. I laughed as she finally caught me in her arms, flingling me over her shoulders with ease. "No wait, Rhea don't you dare!" Before I even knew it, I was in the ocean as the dogs now were swimming and Rhea was laughing next to me.

I rolled my eyes, splashing water towards her, seeing the playful look she had on. "Oh really is that how we are playing this." She laughed, running her tongue over teeth as she tried to lunge at me. " Bring it Ripley." I taunted her, as we both wrestled in the water, hearing the dogs barking for us on the shoreline. She grabbed me around the waist, throwing me behind her as I emerged back from underwater. Pushing my hair out of my face, I lunged at her which only allowed her to catch me in her arms. She held me against her tightly while I wrapped my arms around her neck, laying my forehead against hers. " Promise me you'll never let me go." I whispered to her as her eyes flicked up to mine. "Never." Was the only thing she said as her lips met mine, bringing us into a heated and passionate kiss.
   I pulled away before we both got too carried away, leaving both of us breathless. "Come on let's go inside and check out the house, besides we have three dogs you have to bathe." I pushed her away from me and started running back to the house while she chased me. The dogs followed me while barking in excitement that we all were playing around with them. I made it around front, opening the bed of her truck to grab our bags. Seeing her finally making her way up to me, face slightly red and her hair slightly wavy from the salt water. "I got those." her hand gently grabbing the bag from mine a she smiled sweetly at me, causing my cheeks to instantly heat up. I felt my stomach flip in excitement, my heart beating out of my chest. The way this women has me in a chokehold is absolutely insane.
  She walked away from me , heading towards the house as I watched her walk away. I bit my lip slightly as I checked her out, from how thick her ass was, to how toned her legs were and the best part was her back muscles flexing ever so slightly. I was truly and utterly amazed by her and completely in love. "Baby, you know a picture last a lot longer than watching right." my attention was pulled away from me, making me look at my girlfriend standing in the doorway her arms above her head. I groaned internally at the sight of her, making me way inside as she pulled me into her chest. "Come on let's go shower, I have something planned for you tonight." Kissing my forehead , leading me through the house as I took in the scenery.
  The house was beautiful, modern and clean as the floors were dark hardwood and the walls were painted a light blue. The way to the master bedroom was walking through the lower level, the kitchen was white with black appliances while the living room was white.
The house was absolutely gorgeous, it was a beautiful mixture. I walked into the bedroom, gasping slightly, seeing beautiful red roses and white roses on the bed with a bottle of champagne. "Dems.. you shouldn't have." I walked over to grab the flowers but seeing a black velvet box on the bed laying opened. I picked it up, seeing the beautiful silver chain with a diamond pendant and a small R. "Dems." My voice cracked as I turned over to look at her , seeing her right behind me as she crashed her lips in to mine once again.
   I didn't hesitate to kiss her back , draping my arms around her neck as I could feel the tears leaving my eyes.  She gripped my waist roughly, causing a slight moan to come out of my throat making her kiss me even rougher. I didn't even Realize that I had drop the necklace until the sound of the box hit the ground, startling me and Demi both. I looked at her as we both started to laugh, she reached down, picking up the box. " I wanted to give you something so you know i'm with you." I looked into her eyes, soft baby blues, the emotions radiating off of them as I felt every single one of them. I smirked slightly as she turned me around softly, placing the necklace around my neck.  Taking off the one she once given me in the start of our relationship. Trailing her fingertips against my skin in the process as she kissed the top of my head then leaning down to my ear. " But also to show others who you belong too." Her deep husky voice sent chills down my spine.
I fell against her chest as she embraced me tightly against her chest. "Come on let's get ready I have one more surprise for you." Pushing me towards the bathroom as she turned around to grab our bags. I quickly turned the shower on, letting the water warm up, while I stared at the necklace around my neck. Smiling softly to myself as I thought about all the good she has brought to my life. How she has become a person I felt so safe with and so secure with, the fear of someone taking it away from me slipped in my head.
   I quickly pushed the thought away, returning to the present time. How I also wanted to give her the gift I have been waiting to give her for sometime. I pulled open my bag that Demi must of placed in here, pulling out a black box and opening it. Seeing the beautiful set of rings I had bought for us, a simple black and sliver bands.
   I thought about this for a while , how I never thought I'd ever meet someone the would love me the way I needed to be, to be supported the way I needed to be. How i never thought I'd truly ever want to settle down or imagine a life with someone. How I love this woman who heartedly, and selflessly. I quickly threw the rings in my bag, hearing the door opening as I turned my head to see Demi popping her head in.
  "It's pretty quiet in here sweetheart." I smirked as i grabbed her by her collar pulling her into the room more. Hearing the gasp escaping her throat, my spin shivered hearing it. "what are you doing" She eyed me as I continued to pull her into the shower with me. "Is it a crime that I want to shower with MY girlfriend." Her eyebrows arched as I reached for the hem of her shirt , pulling it over her head while I skimmed her body hungrily with my eyes. "You're so fucking beautiful baby." I whispered as she pulled me closer to her, her hands reaching around me, grabbing my ass roughly. "If we both keep touching each other like this , I don't think we're ever going to make it to dinner." I moaned slightly, seeing her eyes look at me and then down to my lips.  " I have my dinner right in front of me." I gasped as her hand grabbed my throat, pulling me into her as she hungrily kissed me. My knees gave out slightly as she lifted me on to the bathroom counter, settling herself in between my legs. My hands gripped her hips tightly as she continued to kiss me like it was the last time.
   it was a no more than a second later she pushed herself off of me, her eyes staring into me as they looked almost black. "Get ready, 15 minutes Little Lottie."  I whined as I was wanting her to continue what she started.  That only made things worse , her eyes locked on me and her lips thinned out as she stormed her way back over to me, her mouth dangerously close to my ear.
  "You want to act like a brat right now. Is that what you want." Her voice was deep, threatening and dark, instantly arched my back pressing my front into her chest. "Fuck look at you, needy for me. You couldn't wait until later tonight where I was going to be so gentle , so Loving" She gripped my thighs , digging her nails in my thighs. I whimpered slightly as she slowly kissed my neck. "Demi, please." I softly begged her as she continued the slow kisses down my neck, her hands still gripping my thighs. " You can wait Sweetheart, Now get ready or there will be nothing." She pushed off me , leaving me breathless and panting on the counter.
   I sat there in disbelief as she continues to tease me, leaving me in a puddle every time.  "Fuck." I whispered, bringing to strip my clothes off but look back at the mirror. My eyes instantly stared at the dark purple mark right where the diamond pendent lay. I groaned , marching into the shower and hurrying up so we aren't waiting for a second longer.
   I eventually got ready, not knowing where we were going. But i picked a simple light blue sundress, curing my hair softly and a very light and neutral makeup look. I left the mark on my neck, knowing if I covered it, she would have been upset with me, besides i think it was attractive she left it.
  I reached back into my bag, grabbing the ring box , putting in my small clutch. I walked out to see her staring out on the balcony, in a pair of black jeans and a white loose blouse or dress shirt.  She looked absolutely stunning, her hair was natural, her makeup was lit but simply. "My love... you look.." I was honestly speechless, seeing her looking so relaxed and happy, this was something I feel like was so rare for her to have.
   "Me, look at you sweetheart. You looked breathtaking." She pushed a strand of hair out of my face as while one of her arms wrapped around my waist. "Come, we have dinner plans and then a surprise right after."  She takes my hand into hers pulling me out of the bedroom and to her truck.

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