The Ring

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Rheas POV
    It's been a week since everything went down, and there was still no sign of K. I was starting to grow worried about her, this isn't like her. I tried to call Raquel and Dom both to see if there has been any update but they didn't respond to me.
   I was laying in the living room on twitter as my hand played with the ring around my neck. It was Ks , after Raquel gave it back to me that night, I couldn't bare to let myself lose it. I never knew what love was until I found K. And this ring symbolizes it, even though we both made mistakes.

     "Hey baby." My attention was taken by jazz walking through the garage with a familiar set of keys in her hands. "Why do you have Krystals keys in your hands?" I snapped at her , seeing her roll her eyes at me .
   "Because I don't have a car and I'm not driving your truck.Shes obviously not using it." she sat down next to me, her hand trailing up my thigh.
  I quickly picked it off of me as I stared at her, the feeling of rage seeping through.

" You aren't allowed to touch her car, just like you aren't supposed to be here."

I gritted out of my teeth as she scoffed , throwing the keys on the table. "Baby, why are you still protecting her. She left you, abandoned you. I mean look , the house is empty and not a word on that bitch. Come on baby, take me to bed... It's been so - "
    She laid on top of me as her eyes stared at Ks promise ring. "Why are you still wearing that? Come on Demi."
her hand reaching for the ring but I quickly snatched it as she then stared at me.

"Leave the ring alone."

I pushed her off of me as I walked out of the living room, grabbing the keys and making me way over to the garage.
"Demi, Come on it's been a week. She broke you, left you for nothing and probably ran away with Raquel. Give me the ring. If you want to wear a ring i'll buy you one." I laughed as she walked into the kitchen. " Jazz go home. I don't have the entry for this." resting my hands on the counter as she crossed her arms.
   "I'll leave once you take me to bed. Baby come on, it's time to move on to something else, someone better than her. Someone like me."
    She slowly walked over to me, i can see the look in her eyes. "Come on Demi, look at me . I'm the better person here, I have more to offer."

She reached for the ring again but I smacked her hand, looking at her like i would kill her.
"Leave Jazz." I spoke softly as pressed her self even closer to me. "I know you better than anyone. Come on baby. I see it in your eyes . I know you want me." I pushed her off of me as she huffed, starting to throw a tantrum.
She screamed across the kitchen to me as I felt the knife plunge into my back even more.
"Baby come on. You have to start believing it , believing me. Would I ever lie to you." Her voice went soft as she touched my arms, rubbing her thumb across my skin.
  "You have in the past Jazz." I whispered as I fought the demons in my head. "I'm not lying now, look baby. There's evidence this time, I can't lie about it. Come on baby, give me the ring and let's make new memories together."
    I looked at her as she looked at me with big eyes, ones that I would once fall for. But instead I wished they were the bright blue eyes that I missed so deeply.

"Jazz I need you to leave . I need to be alone."

      I pushed away from her, walking over to the keys and grabbing both sets so she doesn't take Krystal's or mine.
      " Leave, demi you're being ridiculous right now. Baby come one your not thinking." She tried to plead with me, but I wasn't having it. So I pulled out my phone and ordered her an uber.

      "No I'm not. I'm just starting to think clearly. your uber will be here in 10 minutes. Now please leave my house. I need to figure out what the hell is going on." I walked upstairs, looking in the bed I shared with her.
   How the white and black comforter stayed untouched, the pillows on her side still the same, everything seemed like she was coming back.
    I could hear Jazmin screaming downstairs but i'm growing tired of this. I'm growing tired of her, I've never stood up to her for myself, it was always because of other people. It was only a matter of time before I would snap. I made my way to the guest bedroom where i've been sleeping since the first night.
   Jazz tried to convince me to go into the master bedroom but my heart couldn't. At first I was pissed, livid that she would do such a thing. But now she hasn't even returned and I'm starting to believe that maybe something truly did happen. 
    I heard the front door slam and then the bedroom door pry open and up came the dogs. I knew Barry missed Monty, hell even I missed Monty.
     I felt the tears breaking from my eyes, but I could stop thinking about her. Even after everything, I'd fight for her back, I regret the words that came out of my mouth. I regret not talking to her about it and hearing her side but all I could think of was when Jazz did the same thing to me but with Toni Storm.
    I forgave her because I felt bad for leaving her but when she cheated on me more than twice I gave up on fixing the relationship.

I grabbed my phone , opening it to the camera roll, clicking on Ks and I album. Scrolling down memory lane with her as I wanted to feel something than the feeling or heartbreak.
    Instead of feeling something good, I got pissed , throwing my phone across the room. I officially broke down , my chest heaved heavily as the heart wrenching sobs came through.

"Why? Why does everything good in my life get taken from me. Why am I so fucked up. FUCK" I screamed through the sobs as Barry tried to comfort me but instead I pushed him gently away. Standing from the bed and walking into the master room, ripping through my dresser. I searched every drawer, not finding the black box I'm looking for.

"Where the fuck is it?" I grew panicked as I ended up emptying every drawer

"No... No..."
I was frantically searching now, going through the other dresser , I gripped my chest. My breathing stopped, it wasn't here. I swear I put it back in the drawer after that night. No, she wouldn't have taken it. She wouldn't have ....

Krystal's Pov

It's been a week, that's how long I've been here. My pain from the beating has subsided which was a blessing but that doesn't mean I leave this bed. Everything just seems dull and pointless as this point. Ben barely spends time in here anymore because I'm just a disappointment to him. Or that I don't give him the satisfaction that he wants. I just want to go home, I want monty, I want Dom but I want her.

Ricky comes and goes, never really staying long but long enough to make sure i'm scared of him at the end. The way he would speak to me, his hands touching my body, not even sexually but how he always caressed my thigh. Almost like he wanted something but was waiting for someone.

       He told me that he's going to make sure that I'm kept quiet, I thought of the worse when it came to him. He had this look , a look I remembered. It burned inside my head as it was the same desire he showed when Ben said he could attack Rhea.

Today, Ben came in, put on a movie he thought I liked and watched it with me as he forced me to lay on him. At this point I did it just to keep the peace with him, he was not the guy to threaten me with sex. But he sure wasn't scared to hit a woman to have them submit. I heard the familiar exhaust of a car pulling in , I knew it was Ricky. After some time I was able to identify whose cars were who now.

"Are you ever going to let me atleast leave the room and walk around the house. Or am I forever going to be your chained up dog." I asked him, pushing away from him and walking into the bathroom.
I could hear him laughing on the other side. "Well, i'll think about it sweetheart." Once again I cringed at the word. "You haven't proved to either of us that you deserve to leave this room. Good girls get good things baby." I walked back into the room , as he had that stupid smirk on his face.
"Wipe that shit off your face, If you think i'm getting on my knees-" i felt immense pain on my face and my hair being pulled back as I felt Ricky standing behind me.
"Come again." He whispered in my ear, causing my skin to crawl as I gagged. He threw me down on the ground as he laughed. "Pathetic little thing."
I understood their dynamic now, Ben knew he'd never be able to take me out. I was strong than him, skilled rather. Ricky well, he was a brick house that only another brick house could fight. He was relatively the same size of Buddy, maybe a tad smaller. Ricky was here to make sure I was kept, not to mention he got a cut.

"Good girls get rewards baby. With that , i'm off. I'll see you in the morning." He came over grabbing my chin to look up at him. "What a shame, she told me that she wasn't going to hit you this hard." He pressed his lips onto mine but i refused to kiss him back, which resulted in me being shoved back in the floor. "WHEN I SHOW YOU LOVE AND AFFECTION YOU TAKE IT LIKE YOU WANT IT." He screamed at me before storming out of the room and slamming the door behind him.

I heard the faint chuckling of Ricky behind me as I became numb once again. "Watch yourself . We're only holding back until we decide when enough is enough." with that he left the room as well.

I felt the tears welling in my eyes as I tried to piece together everything. His words replayed in my head...

"she told me she wasn't going to hit you this hard."

I grabbed my chin as i rubbed it, trying to soothe the pain away. "That bitch." I whispered, finally understanding everything. " They are working together, this was all planned." I felt my world spinning , I couldn't process anything.  I ran to the door, trying to open it , slamming my hands on the door.
     "YOU MOTHER FUCKER. YOU PLANNED EVERYTHING, YOU RUINED MY LIFE." I screamed as I tried my hardest to breakdown the door. I shouldered it a few times but the door didn't budge.
      I couldn't see anything anymore as tears clouded my vision. I gave up , pressing my back against the door as I slide down to my knees.

"I want to go home."

I whispered as I pulled my knees to my chest. Closing my eyes to calm down but it wasn't working, all I could see was pain , all I could feel was pain.


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