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"I already regret it and so does this whole damn town. Just because you changed your hair colour and shit doesn't mean I'm gonna forget about what you did. Now turn your ass and get the fuck out. Make sure never to come back."

"He thinks you're Chae-" Joshua cut in.

I didn't care if he thought I was a serial killing cannibal. This man was standing between me and my caffeine.

The rude man turned his head towards Joshua, "what the hell are you on about?"

Before my nice friend behind the counter could explain, I drilled a finger into his chest but it didn't go far due to the obscene layer of muscle under his skin. But I made sure to lead with the nail.

"Now you listen to me!" I began. "I don't care if you think I'm my sister or that weasel who jacked up the price of anti-marial drugs. I am a human being having a bad day after the worst one of her life. I do not have it in me to stuff down these emotions. So you better get moving and get out of my way, Lion."

He looked downright bemused for a hot second. I took that to mean it was coffee time. Side-stepping him, I picked up the cup, took a delicate sniff, and then shoved my face into the steaming hot coffee.

I drank deeply, willing the caffeine to work it's wonders as its flavours exploded on my tongue. When I finally lowered the cup and swiped the back of my hand over my mouth, I realised the big guy was still staring at me.

Turning my back on him, I flashed my lifesaver a smile and I slid my emergency coffee twenty pound note to Joshua across the counter. "Thanks for that, what do I owe you for giving me the best latté I've ever had?"

"Well...considering the morning you're having, darlin', it's on the house." He said as he handed me my license and cash back.

"You, my friend, are a true gentleman...unlike some others...." I cast a glance at where the man was standing with his arms crossed. Taking another dive into my coffee, I dropped the twenty into the tip jar.

"Thank you for being nice to me on the worst day of my life"

"Thought that day was yesterday?" The scowling behemoth cut in.

My sigh was weary as I slowly turned to face him. "That was before I met you. So I can officially say that as bad as yesterday was, today beat it by a slim margin"
Once again I turned back to Joshua, "I'm sorry this jerk scared away all your customers. But I'll be back for more soon."

"Looking forward to it Hani" He said with a wink.

I turned around to leave but I was met with my face smacked into someone's chest.


"Go away" it felt really good to be rude for once. To take a stand.

"Your names Hani." the rude guy started.

I was too busy trying to incinerate him with a glare of righteous anger to respond to him.

"Not Chae?" He pressed.

"They're twins, man" Joshua spoke, a smile evident in his voice.

"Fucking hell" the man shoved a hand through his hair.

"I worry about your friend's vision" I said to Joshua, pointing at the mugshot of my sister.

Chae had dyed her hair a bright blonde at some point in the past decade-plus, making our subtle differences not so subtle.

"I left my contacts at home" He said

"Next to your manners?" I quipped, the caffeine was hitting my bloodstream making me unusually fiesty.
He didn't respond with anything other than a heated glare.

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