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"You're an idiot."

Jeonghan grinned, then winced

"And you," Hani turned on him. "I can't imagine you take that badge very seriously if you're fighting in the street with your own brother."

"He started it!" Jeonghan and I both said at the same time.

"Then we'll leave you to it." She said primly, putting a hand on Mimi's shoulder. "Let's go."

"Heading to Jennie's?" Jeonghan asked.

"We are. We were invited for dinner." Hani said.

Mimi raised the plate she was holding. "Brought cookies."

"I'll walk with you." Jeonghan said. "We can talk on the way."

"Sounds good to me." I said, moving my chair out of the road.

"You're not invited." He said

"Oh, yes, I am. Seven sharp."

My brother looked like he was going to haul off and hit me again, which suited me just fine. Tarnishing his 'aww shucks!' hero vibe would only further my case. But just as I was about to goad him into it, Hani stepped between us. Kkuma followed her and sat near her feet.

The woman couldn't read signs. She was a danger to herself, trying to get between two men itching for a fight.

"Did you find my car?" She asked Jeonghan

"Did you find my mum?" Mimi asked.

"Maybe we should talk in private." He suggested. "Seungcheol, be a good neighbour and take Mimi up to the house while I have a few words with Hani."

"No way." Mimi said, crossing her arms.

"Fuck no." I agreed.

Our staredown lasted until Hani rolled her eyes. "Fine. Let's just get this over with. Please tell me what you found."

My brother suddenly looked uncomfortable, and my interest piqued.

"Guess I'll just get right to it." Jeonghan said. "I didn't find your car yet. But I did find something interesting when I ran the plates. It was reported stolen."

"No shit sherlock. Hani did that this morning." I reminded him.

Jeonghan ignored me and continued. "It was reported stolen by a guy by the name of Wen Junhui."

Hani looked horrified.

"You stole a car?" Mimi asked her aunt, looking impressed. I had to admit that I hadn't seen that one coming either.

"It's my car, but my ex fiancé bought it. His name was on the title with mine."

She looked like the kind of woman a man would buy cars for.

"Don't you mean ex husband?" Mimi piped up.

"Ex fiancé." Hani corrected. "We're no longer together. And we didn't get married."

"Cause she left him at the altar," the girl added knowledgeably. "Yesterday."

"Mimi, I told you that in confidence." She hissed. Her cheeks turned a bright shade of scarlet.

"You're the one being interrogated for grand theft auto."

"No one is being interrogated." Jeonghan insisted. "I'll talk to the office in charge and clear up any misunderstanding."

"Thank you" Hani said. Her eyes were filling up with what suspiciously looked like tears.


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