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Even with the unwelcome intrusions of Hani's parents followed by the disapproving caseworker who'd been missing a signature on a page, I was in a great mood when I returned to the hospital.

Sure, the whole pretending to be in a relationship thing was probably - definitely - going to be a pain. But it would get Hani out of a jam and piss my brother off.

I'd woke up that morning knowing that once wasn't going to be enough when it came to her. Now we could fool around for a few weeks, get each other out of our systems, and once her parents headed home, go back to our regular lives.

All in all, it wasn't a bad idea.

I stepped into Jeonghan's room and found most of the Riperia PD crowded inside.

"Let me know what you find from the office and the storage unit." Jeonghan said from the bed. His colour was a bit better.

"I'm really glad you're doing well sir." Chan said. The rest of them nodded their head in agreement.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Now get the hell out of here and try to keep Riperia from unravelling."

I nodded to each officer as they left, thinking about what Hani had said about Jeonghan cleaning up the department to better serve the town.

She was right. I guess we both wanted to do right by the town that had given us a place to call home.

"So. How's Hani?" Jeonghan asked, sounding only a little irritated after the last officer walked out of the door.

"Good." I said. We didn't kiss and tell or fuck and tell. But I did allow the smallest of smirks.

"You fucked it up yet?"

"You're hilarious when you're pumped full of lead and drugs." He sighed, and I could tell he was already sick of being cooped up in the hospital.

"What's with the staff meeting?" I asked.

"A couple of break ins last night. An office and storage unit. Both owned by Sim Jake. Office wasn't bad. Someone got the petty cash and riffled through the safe, combinations was on a sticky note next to the computer. Storage unit was trashed. No one saw anything at either place." He explained.

"How long are they keeping you?" I asked.

Jeonghan used his thumb to scratch between his eyebrows, a tell of frustration.

"Too long. They said the soonest I can get out is a couple of days. Then it's PT to see how much mobility I can get back."

If Jeonghan didn't get back to 100%, he'd be handcuffed to a desk for the rest of his career. Something even I knew he'd hate.

"Then don't fuck around." I advised. "Do what the doctors say. Do your PT and get your shit together. No one wants you on a desk."

"Yeah..Minghao is digging into it." He said, changing the subject. He didn't sound happy about it.

"Is he?" I hedged.

"You damn well know he is. Its police business. I don't need either of you amateurs out on the streets stirring shit up."

I was offended by the amateur remark. We'd been professional hell raisers in our day. And though I might be a little tired, I had a feeling our friend was even more dangerous now than he'd been at 17.

"Your guys got anything on the person?" I asked.

Jeonghan shook his head. "Stolen car. Wiped clean on the outskirts of Lindor. Locals found it about an hour ago."

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