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I arrived at Lock's Glass early for my shift in my dad's pristine car. A bonus to having my parents in town. Another bonus was the fact that they were having a movie night sleepover with Mimi at Jennie's.

I was under orders to buy a car ASAP.

Between my poker winnings and the proceeds from the sale of my house, I found myself in a pretty solid financial position even with the impending purchase of a decent car. I was feeling pretty damn good about life when I strolled into Lock's Glass. "Hey, guys!" I said to Seungkwan and Kazuha.

"You're early and in a good mood." Seungkwan noted, sliding the cash drawer into the register. "I hate that about you."

"What's with the chocolate and heating pads?" I asked.

Next to the register was a plate of brownies wrapped with pink cellophane, a box of stick on heating pads, and a bottle of Midol. "Seungcheol's monthly care package." Kazuha said.

"Care package for what?" I asked.

"Kazuha and Yujin's cycle synced up. Eunchae's too." Seungkwan explained. "Every month, the boss puts together a period survival kit and is nice to them for a day or two."

"That's really nice of him." I said.

Seungkwan slapped the counter. "OHMYGODYOUHADSEXWITHCHEOL!?!"

"What?! Me??? Seungcheol!?" I felt my face getting hot. "Why would you think that?! Can I have a brownie?"

"She's definitely deflecting." Kazuha decided.

"Yeah, Hans. Your poker face needs some serious work. This is so FUCKING exciting! You know he's never touched an employee like that before. Maaaaannnn, I knew there were sparks! Didn't I tell you there were sparks?" Seungkwan slapped Kazuha in the shoulder.

"Yeah. Sparks." Kazuha agreed. "So are you guys a thing? Or was it a heat-of-the-moment, my-brother's-just-been-shot kinda thing?"

"On a scale to 1 to 10, how good was he?" Seungkwan asked.

This was not going the way I'd planned. My gaze slid to the kitchen doors and back to the expectant faces before me. News traveled fast in this town, and I did not want to feed the gossip.

"You guys, I really don't want to talk about this."

They stood there staring at me. Then they looked at each other and nodded.

"Okay, here's how it's gonna go." Seungkwan said. "You're going to tell us everything and in exchange, we won't tell anyone anything!"

"Or else what?" I hedged.

Kazuha's smile was wicked. "Or else we spend the whole shift wondering out loud who put that smile on your face in front of all the customers."

"You're evil."

"We're evil. But we can be bought." Seungkwan reminded me.


"Your parents walked in on your one night stand?? Classic." Kazuha said ten minutes later when I'd finished verbally vomiting all over them.

"And we aren't in a relationship. Unless you're my parents or a caseworker weighing my stability as a guardian, in which case we've been swept away by an unexpected romance."

"But you are having sex." Kazuha confirmed.

"Temporarily." I said with emphasis.

Kazuha raised her eyebrow. Seungkwan stopped eating his brownie.

"Saying it out loud makes it sound stupid. Maybe we should finish getting ready to open?"

"Eh. I'm PMS-ing. I'd rather eat brownies and talk about your love life." Kazuha said.

I was saved from responding by my phone signaling a text.

Seoyeon: my blabbermouth niece told me something I think u should know.

Me: what? btw is my side part out of style?

Seoyeon: yea. also she said the teachers been pretty rough on Mi the last 2 days.

Me: wdym??

Seoyeon: Tara said Mrs Kim is being mean to Mimi. Like yelling at her infront of the rest of the class and shit. Making WEIRD comments about her mum. Tara and Nina got in trouble for defending her.

Me: ty for letting me know x

Seoyeon: ur gonna go mama lion on an elementary skl teacher, aren't u?

I pocketed my phone. "I hate to do this to you guys, but I need to go to Mimi's school."

"Is Mi in trouble?" Seungkwan asked.

"No, but Mrs Kim is about to be. Do you mind covering for me until I get back?"

Kazuha looked up from the heating pad she was taping to her stomach. "I'll cover for you if you bring me back one of those pretzels with caramel dip from the place next to the school!"

Seungkwan's eyes lit up. "Oooh! Bring two!"

"Better make it three." Kazuha amended. "Yujin is coming in at 4:30 and she's on day 2."

"Three pretzels with caramel dip. Got it." I said, untying my apron and grabbing my purse. "You guys sure you don't mind covering for me?"

Seungkwan waved away my concern. "It's always slow the first hour or two after opening. And Cheol won't be here with these girlies in the middle of Shark Week."

"Shark Week?"

He pointed at the Midol and brownies.

"Oh right. That Shark week. Thank you for covering!!" I blew them kisses and headed for the door.


short chapter bc I have no ideas but I'm making filler chapters to get to the action! Won't take long guys I promise and thanks for all the love!!

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