Chapter Two: Sex and Other Mishaps...Nah, Just Sex

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I moved closer, closing the gap between us. He was shocked, but then he started kissing back. His soft lips analyzed mine and he licked my bottom lip, asking permission to add tongue to the kiss. Sure, why not? I thought to myself. I opened my mouth a little more, granting him the access he was looking for. My heart was absolutely fluttering. I pushed him against the wall and sat on his lap, not breaking the kiss. He pulled away to take a breath and I started kissing his neck. He moaned softly and said, "Adelie," He said, panting. "I need you."

"Then take me..." I said breathlessly. 

Kellin took off his shirt with a smirk and said, "Oh, I plan to." 

I giggled and gave his chest little kisses and some bites here and there. He was so damn soft. I mean, people told me that I was soft. They should feel him. I felt his buldge grow under actually kind of turned me on. I started grinding on him. 

"What if--" He grunted. "What if Mandy wakes up and sees us?"

"Don't worry, she wont." I reassured him. 

Kellin picked me up and brought me to his bed in one part of the bus. He laid me down on the bed and kissed me softly and passionately, sliding his hands up my shirt. He reached behind me and i arched my back so he could unclasp my bra. I giggled and took off my shirt and bra, breifly breaking our fervent kiss. He slid my pants and underwear down as he continued kissing me.

Never in my life did I think this would happen. In Kellin Quinn's bed...nude. This was amazing.

I took off his pants and boxers. His erect penis stuck out, and I gasped. Let's just say it was big, beautiful, and absolutely turned me on way more. I glided off the bed, getting on my knees. 

I took his, uh, friend in my hand and slowly licked it, hearing Kellin moan. I put it in my mouth and started sucking and bobbing my head. I let his penis delve into my mouth and even my throat.

"Hey, save some action for other parts of your body." He said with a wink and a smirk. He was so fucking sexy, I swear.

"Hm?" I looked up at him innocently. "What might that be?"

He bent over, as if to whisper in my ear. Instead, he picked me up and tossed me on the bed. 

"This!" He laughed and crawled on top of me. 

I looked him in his big puppy eyes and casually said, "'Sup, sexy?"

We both laughed and he kissed me. I hugged him around his neck, bringing him closer.

"You ready?" He asked me, barely pulling away from the kiss.

"Whenever you are." I told him, brushing my lips on his unintentionally.

He slowly plunged into my small hole and I whimpered in pleasure. He gradually increased speed. He started going really fast, sending shock throughout my body.

"I-" He started, and buried his head into my neck. He bit my neck softly, but at the same time, roughly. Kellin's body had stiffened up and I felt his dick twitch inside me. There was an amazing hot sensation in my 'downstairs area'. Kellin melted onto my body and then rolled over, pulling out of me. I reached down and felt warm, wet, and sticky goo. Did he bust a nut in me? I thought to myself. Damn. That was unbeliveably sexy.

The room smelled like sweat, musk, and most definitely our natural fluids. Kellin wrapped his arms around me and we quickly fell asleep.

Yeah, yeah. I probably laughed too much while writing this, simply cause of the body parts I had to use. I barely used slang words for genitals because I kep't laughing. Yup, I need to mature ^_^

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