Oh, It Was No Mistake

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She does not exist in this story :3 enjoy!


"Come on! If you don't hurry, we won't be early!" I heard Mandy yell at me from downstairs. I guessed I had better speed my ass up cause I was super psyched. I was finally going to a concert. Hell, a Sleeping With Sirens concert and I couldn't wait. I ran into my pastel colored bathroom and checked my makeup and hair. Almost set. I threw on my Anthem Made shirt over my black tank top. I ran downstairs to see Mandy waiting for me at the door. I grabbed my bag and we ran to her car. She drove off and we went to the House Of Blues in Orlando, not very far from here.

We got there and waited. The line was huge, but totally worth it. We checked in and found our seats quickly. Lions Lions finished their performance and Mandy and I clapped as DangerKids came onto the stage. They finished (they were great, by the way) and then Conditions played; honestly, they werent that good in my opinion.

 Gabe walked onto the stage smiling as he started to set up the drums and I started freaking out. I mean, who wouldn't? It was Gabe fucking Barham of Sleeping With Sirens. Who wouldnt freak? A bunch of screams combined with mine as the rest of the band walked out. I grasped my bag tightly in my arms, remembering what I had brought for Kellin, size nine TOMS. I was sure I was going to meet him today, so what the hell? If not, I would bring them to him anyway...somehow. I focused on the music and I sang along with every single song they played, I knew all the lyrics anyway. These Things I've Done, With Ears To See, Eyes To Hear, Fire, Trophy Fathers Trophy Son, Don't Fall Asleep At The Helm, Roger Rabbit, In Case Of Emergency, Dial 411, If I'm James Dean, You're Aubrey Hepburn, The Bomb Dot Com V2.0, Tally It Up, Settle the Score, If You Can't Hang, and Do It Now Remember It Later played as all the people in the crowd sang. It was like...incredible. I couldn't even begin to describe it. It was amazing. 

Afterwards, I was on my way to go get my CDs and probably a shirt or something signed, but Mandy said we should wait till they go back to the bus.

"Why?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. 

"Because, Adelie," She said with a smirk. "It's simple, you bring him the TOMS, I bring him the LEGOs, he invites us into the bus, we hang out for a few minutes, he realizes how amazingly cool we are, we get to chill longer, and then before you know it...I'm wrapped in Jesse's arms and we're madly in love."

"You're insane" I said, giggling. "Well, I guess it's worth a shot. Nothing's impossible." 

We waited until they had finally gone back to their bus. There were barricades, of course, so I called Kellin over. He strutted his sexy self over and I gave him the TOMS that I bought for him as Mandy gave him the LEGOs. 

"Oh my gosh. Thank you so, so much!" He said, wearing one hell of a grin. "Um..can I get you guys t-shirts or something to pay you back? I'll sign it." Well, if that wasn't more than convincing, I don't know what was. 

"Yes! Yes please!" I said excitedly. I was talking face-to-face with the Kellin Quinn. I swear, it was magical. 

"Here, come on." The security dude let Mandy and me through.

Mandy let out a girly squeal as we walked behind Kellin, to get out shirts. Kellin looked back at us with a funny expression.

"You alright?" He chuckled.

"Oh, yeah. Totally." Mandy said, trying to seem calm and collective, but I could tell that she was totally freaking out on the inside. 

Kellin turned back around and said, "If you say so." 

I nudged Mandy withmy elbow and we started having a silent fangirl celebration. 

 We got to where they had packed up the extra t-shirts and Kellin let us both pick out a shirt.

I saw Mandy, like, swaying.

"Mandy?" She fell to the ground. 

"Oh my god!" I said, and looked at Kellin. 

Kellin picked her up hastily and carried her to the bus, and I followed, genuinely worried for her. Lucky. I thought. Being carried by Kellin. God. I'm so jealous. 

The security man checked her and said, "She's dehydrated. I can take care of it."

I let out breath that I wasn't really aware that I was holding.

"So she's okay?" I asked anxiously.

"Yeah," He replied with a slight shrug. "She'll be fine. She just rocked out too hard"

That kind of made me laugh. I decided to text her mom to let her know. 

 Me: Hey, Mandy was dehydrated and passed out, but the band's security dude is taking care of her, so don't freak out or anything.

Mrs. Parks: Oh, my! Is she awake? 

Me: Not yet, but I'll keep you posted.

I slipped my phone in my pocket and sat at the table in their bus. Kellin looked kind of worried, which I of course thought was so fucking adorable, considering the fact that he didn't know her. 

"I'm sorry about that...she lost her water bottle and she was definitely sweating a lot, so it makes sense that she's dehydrated." I said as if we were an annoyance.

"Sorry? Why?" He asked, obviously confused.

"Well, we're kind of invading your space and taking up time and everything, so i just thought that I should apologize."

"No, no. There's no need." 

"Oh, okay..."

We kept talking and way later, Mandy woke up. 

"My head is spinning." She grumbled as she tried to get up.

"Lay down, Mandy." I said as she slumped back down and fell asleep on the couch of the Sleeping With Sirens tour bus. Oh, sure, Mandy. Why don't you make yourself at home while I chat awkwardly with Kellin and the other members of the band? 

It got super late way too quickly. Kellin and I were getting along well, maybe too well. I was flirting, and he was actually laughing at my attempts to charm him. 

I really didn't know why, but I trusted him really quickly. We started talking about a touchy subject and I started crying. I didn't want to, of course. He understood. I didn't want an incredibly sexy famous dude to see me like this. It was kind of embarrassing. No, not kind of. Very embarrassing. Kellin actually read my emotions so well. 

"Hey," He softly tipped my chin up so I would face him. "Don't cry...I'm here." I hugged him and I swear, my heart skipped a beat. I almost fainted, like Mandy. I slowly pulled out of this comforting hug and looked into his greeny, brown eyes that seemed to glow in the shadow between us. Our breath was mixing together. Nothing but intense stares and lips that were almost touching.

Kay, yeah. Knowing me, I'll just do the next chapter tomorrow. But I'm not sure. I hope you like it, Daisy c; 

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