Chapter 15: Suprises await you

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*Kellin's POV*

I sat there on the bus's couch. I picked up my phone. 4:45. Vic better get here soon, or I'm gonna be sad. I was all alone in this dumb sad bus. Sad Kellin. The guys said they were going to some amusement park. I unlocked my phone and played a few games. About 10 minutes passed when I finally heard a knock on the door. I threw my phone down and ran to the door.

Vic! But...he's wearing a suit. Why so fancy? Hm...I wasn't going to ask.

"Vic!" I shouted and practically jumped on him.

"Hey there, calm down, now. It's just me." He said, chuckling. He picked me up all the way and carried me into the bus and plopped into the couch with me in his lap.

"Hey," He said with a puzzled tone. "where are the guys?"

"They went to some amusement park."

"Aw, did they leave my baby all alone?"

I nodded and we laughed some.

"Vic, whats with the suit?" I asked curiously.

"Well I wanted to look good for you!"

"You always look good." I said and laughed.

"Haha sure. OH! Stay here, I'll be riiight back." He said, sliding out from under me.


I sat there for about two minutes, waiting. Then Vic had to come in with that sweet ass of his and bring flowers. I felt special, but kind of stupid too.

"Y-you got me flowers?"

"Nah, they were for the guys." Vic said sarcastically and chuckled. "Of course I got you flowers."

"Well, thanks." I smiled and put them on the table for now. I walked back to Vic and gave him a soft kiss.

"So, what do you want to do?" Vic asked randomly.

"Video games?" I asked, smiling.

"Sure, babe." I said, hanging up my suit jacket.


*Adelie's POV*

I dialed my mom's number. I was ready to get out of here. Even if I had only been in for a little over a month.


"Hey, Mom. I wanted to know if you'd come get me."

"Well...sure, but is that allowed?"

"Of course. You're my mother. They won't care."

"Alright. I'll come pick you up."


*Vic's POV*

I really didn't know how Kellin turned me on so much. Maybe it was how he shifted himself in my lap. Whatever it was, it was definitely making me feel something. Kellin was making me hard. Again. Right now I would really just rip off his damn skinnies and-

"Vic," Kellin interrupted my thoughts. "Your phone is poking me."

"Haha, uh, that's not my phone."

"Wh-what do you mean?" Kellin asked, his cheeks reddening.

"Well..." I rubbed the back of my neck and chuckled coolly. With a sly smirk on my face, I continued talking, "Figure it out, babe."

Kellin threw down his controller and turned around on me and started kissing me. He'd never kissed me like that before. It was pure passion mixed with his own kind of sexy. I liked it. I liked it more than I probably should have.

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