Chapter 13: Could be better...but for now, let's work at it

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*Adelie's POV*

I felt my creepy uncle's eyes burning holes through my shirt. Why was he even here? Not like he cared about me, just like anyone else on my dad's fucked up side of the family.

"Why are you here?" I asked with ice holding every word in the air.

"Because, Adelie, I heard you were here and I have to tell you something." His southern accent nauseated me. No, his presence nauseated me.

"Well, if you're going to tell me, you better hurry up. Now."

"Well, you son-"

"I'm not going to marry my own damn cousin!" I shouted. I knew that he was going to say that. For years now, they've been trying to get me to marry him. I wouldn't marry my own blood relative. Gross.

"Just give him a chance. He can help. He can take care of your baby."

"What the fuck? I don't have a baby."

"You didn't know?" He looked up at me.

"Know what?" I was quite visibly confused.

"Well, you can see the glow in your skin. And you're getting a bit chubby."

"It's called growing, Bill. And I tend to use facial products, so don't even give me this shit. You and your stupid son always make up dumb little schemes that never work." I said, clearly I wasn't pregnant.

"Oh, sure...keep denying." He chuckled and walked away, removing so much tension from the atmosphere. I so would have punched him, but I would've gotten in trouble, of course.

Delilah walked in with a pickle in between her index finger and thumb. The stench was horrible. I've never liked pickles, but I swear, those pickles were not okay or something. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. But was it really cause of the pickle?

Oh, shit.


*Kellin's POV*

"Vic...what was that about?" I asked with a partially worried tone. You'd be worried too if your boyfriend's band mate probably doesn't approve of his choice in gender.

"I don't know."

"Promise me we'll be together no matter what..."

"Kells, you know I don't care what anyone else thinks. It's only about you and me. If we're happy together, that's all that should matter."

"You're so cute!" I squealed and partially sat up so I could attack Vic's lips with my own, holding is face in my hands.

Vic's hands trailed from my shoulders, down my sides, to my hips. I gasped when his fingers were trying to tug on my jeans. A smirk painted itself onto Vic's lips and he winked at me. I giggled and continued kissing him. I expected someone to walk in on us, with my luck. It would be horrifying to explain why Vic and I are making out on the couch with my pants halfway down my ass.

I started pulling Vic's shirt off, which he more than willingly allowed.

"Vic...I-" I sighed, feeling like something wasn't right...I mean, it's Vic. It doesn't get any more right than this...but Jaime...what's up with him? Is he really not okay with Vic and me? Is it like a boundary thing?

Vic interrupted my thinking by saying, "Kellin, what is it?" His eyes dug deep into my soul and I tried to bring myself to look away and I saw the sincerity and sweetness in his eyes...I couldn't lie to that face.

"I just-I don't doesn't feel right. You're perfect and all, and I'd gladly do this with you pretty much any other time...but I was thinking, and...uh..what's up with Jaime? Like, he doesn't seem okay with us. It makes me feel weird, like I'm taking him from you. You guys are best friends and I don't want to get in the way of that."

"Kells, it's okay. He's probably just moody. It happens." He said and grazed my cheek with his fingertips. I frowned and he gave me a kiss. It was the slowest, softest, and sweetest he'd ever given me.

Mike walked in with a look on his face that was a mixture between humor and embarrassment. "Oookaaaaay, I'll just come back later. Have fun, you two." He said with an awkward faux chuckle, and started off to his room again, which made Vic and me laugh.


"'Sup?" I asked?

"Wanna go get donuts or something?"

"Sure, let's go." I said as I stood up, pulling up my pants. I watched Vic put his shirt on and he noticed me watching. He gave me a devilish grin and I blushed and turned my head towards the ground, letting my hair fall over my face.

"Aww, come on, shy little Kellin." He put an arm over my shoulder and I looked over to him and kissed his cheek.

We walked out and a few fans came by to say hi, so we greeted them and signed a thing or two here and there. We continued to go the car to drive to the bagel shop. It was quiet in the car. I wasn't sure why we didn't have much to talk about. It wasn't awkward, just silent.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I looked at the screen to see who had been trying to reach me.

"Who is it?" Vic asked, raising a curious brow.

"Not sure. It says blocked number. It's probably the guys trying to prank call me."


"Yep. You know how they are." I said quietly and he chuckled.

Vic stopped the car and we both got out and walked into the donut shop, hand-in-hand. A few people stared, but we kept smiling. Vic's phone rang.

"Why don't you go get the donuts, and I'll take this call?" He asked with a loving smile. 

I smiled back, "Sure thing." 


*Vic's POV*

"Hello?" I asked. In return, I heard a loud screech, which scared me out of my skin. I dropped my phone, and it cracked on the linoleum. Damn it. I picked my phone back up and asked, "Um...are you okay?"

"No, I need help." I heard the whisper come through from the receiver. It sounded like the person hadn't talked for ages, or had smoked a pack of cigarettes a day, so it was hard to define the gender-or the person.

Kay, yeah, I'm mean. I didn't update for over a month, AND I left you with a cliffhanger. o-o I'm sorry! xD You'll be okay though. I'll try to update more. o3o Don't hate me. 

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