Chapter 12: Plot Twist Much?

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*Kellin's POV*

"Kellin?" A soft, and slightly deep, voice had asked. A voice I had gotten so used to that it always calmed me instantly.

"Yeah, Vic?" I said, my bright eyes no longer covered by my eyelids.

"You should be my boyfriend...officially." He said quietly.

"Oh? Well I might just have to say yes to that suggestion."


"Vic, do you want to be my official boyfriend?"

"I would love to, Kel." He said calmly, although I could see the excitement in his eyes. His smile beamed from one side of the universe to the other. Well, not really...but this boy's smile made me want to kiss him so badly. And that's exactly what I did. I kissed this smiling man in front of me. Vic seemed...different about kissing me this time. It was a great kind of different, believe me.

Vic's lips intertwined with mine and his tongue grazed my lip. I let out a little tongue and his slipped into my mouth. Our tongues danced in probably the wettest way possible. It felt like someone had hooked me up to a heater, because I felt multiple ways.

Someone cleared their throat, which scared Kellin and me out of our skin. We both jumped in shock and looked up to see Tony standing there, staring with confusion.

"Heeyyy guys..." He said awkwardly.

"Sup, Tony?" Vic asked as if what Tony saw was totally normal.

"Oh, y'know...just witnessing my band mate and his best friend making out on the couch. What about you guys?" He stated casually. We all laughed at that, simply because it was funny...true, too.

"That sounds interesting...we're just makin' out on this nice couch. Care to join?"

"Nah, I'll pass." Tony said with a grin.

"You sure? It's pretty fun." I joked with a convincing smile.

"Haha, wow." Tony said and continued to walk away.

"Hey, I'll be right back. I have to talk to Mike about something. Wait here." Vic said.


*Vic's POV*

I walked towards Mike's room to see if he was awake. I knocked quietly and waited. After about ten seconds I walked in to see Mike asleep. I jumped onto him and whispered in his ear, doing the most creepy voice I could manage. I said, "I'm going to rape you, Mikey."

"AAAH!" Mike screamed and rolled out of bed as fast as he could. I burst out laughing and Mike glared at me. "What do you need? Well, besides my ass virginity; that's off limits."

"Wow, Mike," I said, still chuckling from his comment. "I wanted to tell you something!"

He gave me an uptick of his chin, signaling me to go on. "Well, today Kellin came over...he's still on the couch, actually...and he said he would be my boyfriend. Like, officially." I said, beaming a huge smile. Mike's face lit up and he got off the floor to attack me with a huge hug.

"That's adorable, dude!" He said enthusiastically. I'm sure he didn't really think it was cute and he was just supporting me, but I don't know. Maybe he really thought it was cute that I totally fell hard for my best friend.

"Okay, okay. Let me go now. I need to see my boyfriend" I said, squirming from my big...little brother's arms.

"Alright. Did you tell the other guys yet?"

"Tony walked in on us, but we haven't told anyone together yet."

"Oh...well go see your boyfriend!"

I walked off and back to Kellin who was looking up at the ceiling and fingering the hem of his shirt. I jumped onto him with a big smile on my face. My smile didn't last long though. Kellin had tears in his eyes. I looked for answers in his eyes, which obviously there was nothing of the sort. Just sparkling diamonds floating in a sea of tears about to dribble from his eyes. I was confused at this point and I'm sure you could see the confusion painted on my face.

"Kellin...what's the matter, baby?" I asked, my voice threatening to crack.

Kellin said nothing. My heart was breaking. I don't want to see him like this.

"Please, tell me." I pleaded.

"It's stupid...really, Vic. You'll laugh. I swear. That's how dumb I'm being."

"Kellin, tell me. I promise I won't laugh, no matter how ridiculous it may or may not be."

"Okay...well," Kellin let out a big sigh. "There was a commercial about animal abuse. It was just sad. I'm sorry, I'm being melodramatic and stupid."

"You aren't being stupid...I might have even cried too if i watched it."

"Don't say that, you're too perfect to cry about hurt animals." He said, which I laughed at because it was kind of impossible for someone to be too perfect to cry about something...especially me, I'm only me; the only thing special about me was that I had the greatest boyfriend in existence.

"Everyone cries, Kel."

"Well, duh, but...I don't know." He said and I realized three things...first, Kellin had stopped crying, which is a very, very good thing. Second, I was totally straddling Kellin. Third, Kellin was turning me Well, let's just go full detail and say his junk was hard and pushing against my shorts.

"You're too cute, Kel." I said with a chuckle. I saw his cheeks go pink and he smiled an adorable smile.

"Why, thank you." Kellin said as he shifted under me. I held back a moan. Seriously, I would be so embarrassed if I moaned and he realized why.

"Kellin, s-stop" I grunted and he laughed.

"Stop what?" He asked innocently.

"Stop rubbing your dick on me, babe." I said, laughing. Kellin too started to laugh.

"But what if I want to keep doing it?" He now had a smirk stuck to his face.

"If you wanted to that bad, I'd let you...but everyone's here."

"Aw," His smirk faded to a frown. "Fine then. I can settle for cuddling then." He said with a wink.

"You'll see later." I winked back and Kellin giggled.


*Jaime's POV*

I walked out of bed and into the living room area to see the most awkward thing ever. It was pretty much revolting. Kellin's words of sweet nothings escaping his lips like butterflies from a net. That wasn't the gross part, it was the fact that it was to Vic. Now, I'm okay with Vic dating, just not dating guys.

"Hey, Jime." Vic said casually, peeling his eyes from Kellin for a short second to glance at me.

"What exactly's going on here?" I asked, crinkling my nose.

"What do you mean?"

"You and Kellin. When did this happen?"

"I don't know what you mean..." Vic said softly. I knew Kellin understood because his smile was washed away by my words.

"I mean, you never told me you were-" I stopped myself because I knew it would break Vic's heart if I didn't approve. "...never mind. I'm going to get coffee. Bye."

On that note, I walked out the door, not bothering to look back at that grotesque scene.


I know I said I'd uptate earlier today or yesterday but stuff happened. Anyway, I know that Jaime isn't a homophobic jerk like that, but you know, plot twists. c; Okay, well bye, bubble-bums and toxic ducklings. ^__^

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