Chapter Nine: Is It Funner With Or Without You?

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Kellin walked into Mandy's room. He looked at her and quickly looked away. I guess it wasn't exactly the last memory you'd want to have of someone...her heart rate was lowering by the minute. She'd be dead soon if the doctors didn't figure out what was wrong.

Kellin knelt down by my side. "It'll be okay." He said, sweeping the hair out of my eyes softly.

" won't. Do you know the last thing I said to her?"

"I don't, but she'll make it through this. Even if she doesn't, she'll know you still care. She can hear us. She knows you're sorry. She knows you didn't mean it."

"'s not okay. Right now, she's equivalent to a sleeping Mandy...only she's dying. She doesn't listen in her sleep. I just want it all to be okay."

"It will be. Life has many challenges. If you can get through them all, then you win. You can't- and won't- go down in flames. You're a warrior." Kellin said with a strong voice, his eyes sparkling.

"But I'm not strong. She was my best friend. I can't just drop it like nothing happened."

"And that's fine, just know that you are strong and she'll be remembered."

I stood up and walked out. I didn't want to be reminded of her. Kellin followed me. I did, and at the same time, didn't want him to.

"Kellin...can we go somewhere? As a distraction or something?"

" where?"

"I don't know...actually, I think I just want to go home."

"Well...alright." Kellin scratched the back of his head.

"Um-bye..." I said, giving Kellin a quick hug and a peck on the cheek before going back to my mom's car.


*Vic's POV*

Stop it, Vic. No more thinking about Kellin so much. You're being ridiculous. He loves Adelie...not you.

I lied down on my couch, staring at the ceiling.

I picked up my phone and dialed Kellin's number. I tapped the call icon.

"Hey." Kellin said calmly.

"Hi, Kellin. Are you busy?"

"Nope. My schedule for the day just cleared actually." Kellin stated. It made me feel special for some reason.

"Wanna go SeaWorld?"

"Haha, sure!"

"Okay. Should I pick you up?"

"Nah. I'm at the hospital. I'll meet you there." My heart sank. Was he hurt?

"Are you okay?!" I asked quickly.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. It was Adelie's friend. She...kinda got hit. By a car."

"Oh...ouch." I said, calming down.

"Yeah. So, I'll see you there?"

"Yeah. Definitely."

I hung up before I said something stupid like, "I love you." or "Bye-bye, sugar lips." that would have made everything way worse.

I got to SeaWorld and got us our admission tickets. It was probably too much, but I didn't care. It was Kellin for god sakes.


*Adelie's POV*

On the way home, the hospital called and pronounced Mandy dead. I got home and went straight to my room. I didn't want to see anyone. Not even my mom.

I went into my bathroom and sat in the bottom of the shower and sat in the hot water. I didn't even care if I was still dressed.

The hot water stung my skin but it was relaxing. Reality faded away about ten minutes into this shower.

I was at a pool in this daydream. I imagined that I was a diver in the Olympics. I was in the showers...I walked out and to the diving board I started climbing the ladder. Reality came back to me.

What the fuck?!

Correction, I was climbing out of my three-story-high window.

I quickly got down and dressed in dry clothes. I ran downstairs to find my mom.

"Mom!" I yelled, scared and in need.

"What?" I followed her voice and ran to give her a hug.

"I-I think I need help..."

"What with, honey?"

"Not with any normal thing...I think I need to go to a mental hospital or something...things are getting worse."

"What things?"

"I almost accidentally killed myself...can I just...I don't feel like I'm safe for myself...I need medication or something."

"I can take you to a doctor."

"I don't need a doctor!" I shouted, getting frustrated. "I need a psychologist. Please, mommy."

"Okay," She agreed. She knew I only called her "mommy" when it was important.

*Kellin's POV*

When I got there, it was awkward at first. We both chilled out after a bit. Vic and I went to the Shamu Stadium, Dolphin Point, Shipwreck Rapids, and the Wild Artic. It was fun. 

I was tired after walking a lot, so I sat down on the walkway. 

"It's dirty there, Kellin." Vic pouted.

"Well, I'm tired..."

"Seriously?" He laughed a little. "Get on my back, ba-dude."

"Did you just almost call me 'baby'?" I giggled.

"No." He coughed out. 

"Yes you did," I laughed and hopped onto his back, whispering, "Baby." 

"Wow, Keller." He sighed and I saw his cheeks reddening.

Vic walked around with me on his back for a bit. There were some fans here and there, but not too many. 

Vic carried me all around SeaWorld and at closing time, he carried me to my car. He sat me on the hood and turned around, with his hands flat on the hood on either sides of my legs. He looked deep into my eyes. I wanted to kiss him...but of course, it would be awkward afterwards.

"Did you have fun? He asked slowly. It was a little scary but enticing at the same a dare.

"I had lots of fun. Did you?" I asked. A smile crept onto Vic's face. An electrical surge ran through me as Vic's lips collided with mine. Butterflies filled my tummy and my palms got clammy. I kissed back and Vic pulled away. The feeling was gone. I felt kinda...empty. It was weird. Vic stared at me. 

"Yeah...I had fun." He winked and walked away to his car. I must say, he looked pretty badass when he walked away like that. There was a certain spring in his step, which I'm pretty sure I put there. 

I slid off the hood and got in the car. I drove back to the bus that contained the rest of Sleeping With Sirens.

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