Dinner at Beau's (2)

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Chapter Ten

I got down to the living room for dinner.

Wow, Gina was a great cook! Just looking at the food she prepared was enough to make me drool.

"Come here sweetie, sit beside Beau." Gina gushed.

"Um I think I'll sit beside Luke." I replied, sensing Beau's glare.

"Yeah c'mon baby doll you want me." Luke winked suggestively.

"LUKE, LANGUAGE." Gina scolded.

I slowly made my way to the seat beside Beau, not wanting to aggravate him any further.

Beau stood up and pulled the chair back for me, so I could sit. Wow, I didn't know he had that in him.

Gina was beaming proudly. This was probably her first time seeing Beau doing something gentlemanly.

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After dinner, everyone gathered in front of the television to talk.

Beau stood up suddenly and announced that he needed to go back to his room.

I turned my attention back to Gina who was talking. All of the sudden, I felt myself being carried out of my seat. Without even turning around to see who it was, I already knew it was Beau.

Without saying anything, he carried me bridal-style into his bedroom.

"You are a weird kid, Beau." I commented, still in his arms.

"Yeah I know, I've been told." he replied grinning down at me.

"Um so you can put me down now." I said uncomfortably.

For the very first time, Beau listened to me and placed me on his bed gently. I was so grateful I wanted to do my happy dance but that would be so awkward.

"Do you um, wanna stay the night? Cause you know, there's nobody at your house now." Beau asked awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.

"Okay..." I replied, not wanting to go back home and be alone with the creepy monsters out there somewhere.

Beau started going through his drawers, searching for something for me to sleep in.

"Um it's alright Beau, I can sleep in these." I said, pointing at the clothes I was wearing.

"But I wanna-" Beau stopped mid sentence, leaving me there to wonder what he was about to say.

"Wanna what?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"I wanna see how you look like in my clothes." Beau said slyly, flashing me a wicked smile.

"Perv!" I cried out indignantly.

"Here! Wear these." Beau handed me some clothes.

I checked out what he picked out for me. It was a large T-shirt with the wordings "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT" and blue shorts.

"Um do you mind?" I asked Beau, trying to get him out of the room so I could change.

"Mind what?" He asked innocently.

"I. NEED. TO. CHANGE. BEAU. GET. OUT." I emphasized each and every word. Damn, he was getting on my nerves!

Beau scooted out of his room, leaving me to change in peace.

I changed into his clothes quickly. Beau's shirt was so big it was up to my knees, completely covering the shorts he gave me.

The silence was rudely interrupted by Beau banging on the door.

"Are you done?!" He shouted. Pfft, how polite.

I opened the door and glared at him. He took a step back to check me out from head to toe.

"Stop staring at me like this." I scolded.

"Gotta say you look hot in my clothes." He shuffled past me, giving me a wink.

"Where do I sleep?" I asked awkwardly, looking around the room for a mattress of some sort.

"On the ground! What do you expect? This isn't a hotel you know!" Beau replied dryly.

I have never met someone as rude and ungentlemanly as Beau. I thought he was nice when he asked if I wanted to stay the night and now he's asking me to sleep on the floor. How lovely.

The door was opened abruptly and Luke poked his head in.

"Tom, you can have my bed. I'll sleep with Jai tonight." Luke offered. He was so sweet, unlike a certain bad boy named Beau Brooks.

"Aw that's so sweet of you Luke. Thank you!" I said gratefully.

Before I could walk out of Beau's room, Beau grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards him. I yelped in surprise.

"No, don't go, Tom. You can have my bed, I'll sleep on the floor." Beau was now staring intensely at me, as if daring me to say no.

"Oh..ok but we could share the bed if you want?" I asked, hoping he would say no.

"Sure thing, babe. You could've asked me that earlier." He grinned. Dang.

I snuggled under the blanket with Beau already fast asleep beside me, snoring softly.

What a pig! I was actually planning for a heart to heart talk with him or something before falling asleep.

After 15 minutes of staring at the ceiling and listening to Beau snoring, my eyes started to shut. I thought I heard someone whisper into my ear "Good night babe." A strong arm was then wrapped around my waist. That was when I felt comfortable enough to fall asleep. ( Picture at the side )

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-Cassandra ♡

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