Who Is He Exactly?

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Chapter Two

The next day I woke up at 8am. The sunlight was creeping through my curtains and it was far too bright to go back to sleep.

I drew back my curtains and looked out. There was nothing to look at really, just my neighbour's window. My new neighbours moved in yesterday. Well I just hope they're nice.

All of a sudden, someone from my neighbour's house drew their curtains back.

A teenage guy stood there running his hand through his messy hair. He had brown hair which looked so soft I wish I could touch it. He was facing down and I could see his long dark lashes as he was blinking. He looked like a Greek god. His abs were really defined too. His pants hung low around his waist and I could see his snail trail and his v line.

Great, now I sound like a creep.

He finally looked up with a famous smirk plastered across his face. When I realized who he was, I almost had a full cardiac arrest.


I was too stunned to move and I stood rooted to the ground. I bet I looked like an idiot now. I can't believe I was actually checking Beau out.

Beau pushed his windows opened and yelled "Are you done checking me out?"

"I.. I wasn't checking you out!" I replied hastily. I could feel my cheeks turning red. The last thing I needed was for him to think I was interested in his cocky self.

Maybe you're attracted to him.

Shut up stupid conscience!

"Alrighty then. Nice hair by the way." He winked and walked away.

"Stupid narcissistic asshole." I cursed under my breath.

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About 15 minutes later, I went downstairs for breakfast. My mum was busy spreading Nutella on the bread for my two younger siblings, Haylee and Justin. Haylee was 8 and Justin was 6.

"Morning, Tom!" Haylee and Justin greeted me in unison. They were the cutest siblings on Earth and I loved them so much!

I smiled sweetly and replied "Good morning, pigs!"

"Tom, I baked some cookies for the new neighbours next door could you please bring it to them after you're done with breakfast?" my mum asked.

"I'm not doing that." I replied immediately, remembering my encounter with Beau just now.

I was usually a friendly person, but I was definitely not going next door when Beau was my neighbour. No freaking way!

"Why, Tom we could come with you! Please? I wanna meet the new neighbours." Haylee whined and pouted, giving me her puppy dog eyes.

"Fine fine fine." I groaned.

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After we're done with breakfast, I took the basket of cookies and headed next door with Justin and Haylee.

I pressed on the door bell and waited patiently on the front porch.

Someone opened the door after a few seconds and it was Beau. He was now dressed in a wife-beater and jeans and damn, he looked really hot!

"Isn't it a little too early in the year for Christmas carolers?" He asked with an amused expression on his face.

Luckily, Justin came to my rescue and replied him "We're not Christmas carolers, we're from next door. My mum baked some cookies for you guys!"

"Yeah welcome to our neighbourhood!" Haylee added, giving Beau a toothy grin.

Beau's face softened a little when he saw Haylee and Justin. What? Beau, the bad boy loved children? Who knew!

"Beau! Who's here?" someone asked.

Suddenly, a pair of twins appeared beside Beau. One was wearing a beanie and the other one was wearing a snapback, he had a lip-ring too.

"Wow she's hot. Is she yours bro?" The one with the lip-ring commented, making me blush.

"Hi I'm Jai," The other twin introduced.

"And I'm Luke!" The one with the lip-ring introduced and winked at me.

"I'm Tom." I replied, giving them a small smile.

"What? You're like 14 and you're hitting on a girl who's 2 years older?" Beau asked Luke, with an angry expression on his face. Weird, why was he angry though?

Luke simply ignored him and glanced at the basket I was holding on to.

"Wow cookies, is that for us? Thanks a bunch!" Luke said excitedly reaching out for the basket.

"Yeah, we're from next door." I replied awkwardly.

"Wow, a hot neighbour! Is this a dream?" Luke smirked.

"Uh.. We should get going." I turned around and started walking away with Haylee and Justin.

"No, wait!" I heard Beau say as he grabbed my wrist, holding me back. Haylee and Justin were already at our front porch.

"What? Let go!" I squealed.

"Let's hang out." Beau moved closer, staring at me with his greenish blue eyes. I could feel my knees getting weak.

"I... I.. uh.. I," I stuttered nervously.

"Mesmerized by my handsome face, sweetcheeks?" Beau smirked.

"What? Ew no!" I replied, disgusted.

"I'll come over in 10. Make sure you wear something nice... for me." Beau winked before letting go of my wrist and closing the door in my face.

How rude. Who said I wanted to hang out with him?

You want to, just admit it.

Shut up, I don't!

You do!

I don't!

Great, I was having an argument with my conscience. Yep, I was normal.

As much as I wanted to convince myself that I was not excited to hang out with Beau, I gotta admit that I was actually looking forward to it.

He's the bad boy who didn't give a fuck about anything in the world. Hanging out with him would be a totally new experience for me.

Beau Brooks, who are you and what are you doing to me?

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Here's Chapter 2 for you guys. I was so excited to update so here it is :)  

Don't forget to vote too! Thank you.


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