Killer Kiss

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My life both ended and began with a kiss. Not a simple peck on the lips kiss. No, nothing so gentle, so loving, so forgivable. This kiss was harsh, cruel, and deadly. This kiss was poisonous to my body and my soul. I could feel the cold spreading through my body, cascading down each limb, numbness spreading to my fingers and toes as I became lethargic. Shivers ran down my spine as I grew colder, the life draining from my body with each passing moment. Seconds passed like hours, minutes became days as my vision blurred. Soon I could see only blackness, my sight gone from me. Just as I felt my consciousness slipping away from me, something brushed my neck, jolting me back to awareness. Pain flared from the spot, making me wish for the numbness of moments before to return. It felt like fire burning through my neck and spreading fast.

As my mouth opened in a scream something splashed across my lips before pouring down my throat, choking me. I tried to close my mouth but a hand grabbed my chin, forcing my mouth to remain open. The liquid burned like fire as it filled my mouth and before I could spit it out, the hand covered my mouth and I was given no choice but to swallow the liquid or continue to choke painfully on it. As soon as it burned its way down my throat I began wishing I had let myself choke. The liquid fire raced through my body and I was overwhelmed with a feeling like my insides were melting, my weakening heart pumping the viscous fluid quickly through my veins as my panic grew. I felt like my body should be thrashing about in sympathy from the pain I was in, the panic I felt, but instead it simply lay there like a limp rag as my mind screamed endlessly. It seemed like hours, days, passed before the darkness took pity on me and finally I slipped into its embrace and gave up what little hold I had left on my body as my heart took its last halting beat. The last sound I heard in this life was the growing laughter of my killer as he sat next to me.

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