Chapter 8 - Mr. Right

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It was now a few hours later, still the early hours of the morning as Dean tried to sleep off the alcohol and snored slightly with Sam working tirelessly on his laptop to try to find the woman's whereabouts while a police scanner was playing in the background.

I came out of the bathroom, wiping my face on a towel and looking back at Sam, "Well, I think I'm sober now? Thank god for angel metabolism..."

Sam glanced back, raising his eyebrows slightly before going back to his computer, "That makes one of us..."

I set down the towel, walking over to the table and sitting across from Sam as I started to mess with the police scanner, "How can you even tell what they're saying?"

I turned a dial, starting to hear static when Sam gave me a look, making me stop and turn it back, "Sorry."

Sam let out a sigh as he started to rub his forehead, "It's police code, I'll teach you when we get back."

I sat across from the table, staring at him, "You're not having another premonition, are you?"

Sam shook his head, leaning back over his laptop, "No, I'm tired and drunk... Even if we do find this girl, I don't know how we're gonna stop her from killing anyone."

I studied his face as he worked on his laptop, debating with myself whether or not to read his mind when Sam suddenly noticed I was staring, looking back up and shaking his head, "What?"

I took in a breath, shaking my head, "You said you moved things... Did you mean with your mind?"

Sam looked at me, sighing a little as he nodded and shrugged, "I think so? I don't really know how else to explain it... I think it's the only reason why Dean and I are even still alive?"

I furrowed my brows, shaking my head, "What do you mean?"

Sam took in a long breath before sitting back in his chair and shrugging, "I don't remember the exact timeline right now, but shortly after I saw you come back, and we were looking for you, Meg called me and said she knew where you were... I assumed it was a trap, so I asked Billie to help us take her down. That's where we got the Colt from."

I stopped, shaking my head, "I thought you said you were looking for the Colt for two years? How did Billie find it?"

Sam smiled a little, shaking his head as he looked down, "She didn't find it, she built it... From scratch?"

I stopped, narrowing my eyes at him and shaking my head, "She what?"

Sam just nodded with a smile when I let out a laugh, shaking my head, "You're right, your type is somewhere between the wife zone and the danger zone?"

Sam let out a laugh, shaking his head as he raised his eyebrows, suddenly remembering why he had brought her up as his smile faded, looking down at his lap as he started to wring his hands together, "She tried to use it on Meg, but... She didn't even get the chance to take the shot..."

My face fell as I looked back at him, frowning a bit as I shook my head, "I'm sorry, Sam... I didn't know her well, but... I know how hard it is to keep friends in a job like this? It's not your fault she died. She just wanted to help you, and she knew the risks."

Sam looked down, nodding, "I know... Anyway, Meg..."

Sam furrowed his brows as he tried to put it together, his mind still a little foggy from the alcohol and tried to shake it off, "It was a trap, she was gonna kill Dean and I. She had already thrown me through a wall, and snapped Billie's neck... She stabbed Dean nine times with the demon knife..."

The Master's Tale - My Big Fat Hunter's Wedding, Book 1, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now