Chapter 13 - Forever & Always

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It was much later in the day by now as the sun had set and everyone was already gathered in the courtyard that was now decorated with round tables and hanging lights, a dance floor in the middle of it all with our bride and groom table set in front of the large water fountain. Mandy and Dean were standing together with linked arms in front of us, waiting for the music to start before they would walk out together to the reception, with Griffin acting as the emcee for the night.

I stood by Sam, linking arms with him and shaking my head as I peeked outside, "What the hell's taking them so long? I'm hungry."

Mandy opened the backdoor, peeking her head out and whispering harshly, "Start the music already!"

Just a moment later, I started to hear smooth funk music play as the opening beats hit for the song 'Let's Get it On' by Marvin Gaye started to play, feeling all the blood in my body rush to my face as my eyes went wide, panicking as I shook my head and started gesturing for them to cut the music, whispering loudly, "Wrong playlist!"

Griffin looked back at me, making eye-contact with a confused and strange look on his face when I gave him a look, cupping my hand around my mouth and yelling, "Wrong playlist?!"

Sam started to laugh hysterically, causing me to laugh as I hid my face and shook my head, "Oh my god... I'm never gonna live this down?"

Sam let out another laugh, rubbing my back as he smiled, "No, you won't... And... Neither will I?"

Sam's smile started to fade when just then the music changed again 'You to Me Are Everything' by The Real Thing changed the mood of the room again, with a bright and happy beat playing.

Griffin let out an awkward laugh as he started talking into the mic, "Alright, for real this time. If I could have everyone's attention... It's my privilege and honor to introduce the wedding party, with the Best Man and Maid of Honor, Dean Winchester and Mandy Pendanski."

I lightly shoved Mandy's shoulder, making her glance back and give me a smirk as she started to walk out with Dean, watching as they made their way to the head table with a wide smile on Dean's face as he looked back at Mandy.

"Oh, you to me are everything, the sweetest song that I could sing, Oh baby... Oh baby..."

I smiled to myself, holding Sam's arm close to me, "Awh, they're so cute together. They're gonna get married next for sure."

Sam stopped, looking back at me and raising an eyebrow, "What makes you say that?" I raised my eyebrows, giving him a look, "It's all a part of my master plan? It's a tried and true staple at wedding's, Sam. People fall in love, hook-up? Even propose to each other at wedding receptions? The air is just full of love and happiness, it's hard not to catch feelings?"

Sam raised his eyebrows, shaking his head, "Says who?"

I stopped, shrugging, "Says... Every romantic comedy ever?"

Sam let out a laugh, shaking his head and about to say something when he stopped himself, smiling tightly, "Nevermind... If you want tonight to feel like a romantic comedy, then I'm all for it?"

I nodded with a sly smirk, "For now... Later, it's gonna be more like soft-core-"

"Today calls for a grand celebration, and it's my distinct pleasure to introduce them to you for the first time as husband and wife... So, without further ado, let us all rise and give our warmest welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Sam and Cat Winchester."

The Master's Tale - My Big Fat Hunter's Wedding, Book 1, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now