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Jake’s POV:

“How about we watch a movie?” Tyler suggested.

I nodded enthusiastically while the others groaned and shook their heads. At the moment the boys and I, well beside Ashton since he was MIA, were trying to decide what to do since we were all getting bored out of our brains. We couldn’t even go out anywhere because the mated guys claimed that they couldn’t stand to be away from their mates any longer, especially since it had already been so torturous being apart from them at night. Which meant that we were anyways on house arrest.

On top of that we couldn’t go to the game room and chill because it was occupied by the girls and we were trying to avoid them as long as possible. And even though all of us were trying to fight as hard as we could, we knew that we were wearing thin. It hadn’t even been twenty four hours yet and we were wavering from the deal we made.

Most of our night went sleepless, all of us fuming but later it just turned into sad moping. All of us need the girls more than we cared to admit. And they may have had more than a few valid points but it was about our manhood and pride and for that reason alone we weren’t willing to give in. but that didn’t mean we didn’t miss them like hell. Even more so at breakfast. After seeing the mouthwatering food that the girls had made I felt dropping to my knees and begging for forgiveness just so I could have some. But I wouldn’t back down and so I had to suck it up. Thank the lord for cereal at least. Otherwise all of us would have totally starved to death.

But back to the point at hand, we had been sitting here in Tyler’s room for the past 20 minutes trying to make a decision and we still hadn’t made it yet. We just couldn’t seem to agree on doing anything.

But then I got a brilliant idea. “How about we go for a swim?” I asked them all.

In reply I got a bunch of nods, grins and sighs of relief. And I couldn’t help but grin back. Then we quickly changed into our swimming trunks and t – shirts and headed down to the pool.

As we were walking down the hallway to one of the two glass double doors leading to the garden and pool I heard girls chattering inside the game room and I heard the beautiful sound of Aria’s laugh and I instantly wanted to go and wrap my arms around her but I knew I couldn’t so I just kept on walking ahead, shooting a glance at the boys who also looked pretty pained.

Once we had reached the pool I wasted no further time in yanking my shirt over my head, tossing it to the side and cannon-balling into the slightly warm water. I stayed underwater for a couple of seconds before resurfacing and shaking my hair that was matted to my forehead. I gave a thumbs up to the guys and Tyler who hadn’t even bothered to wear a shirt, just jumped in straight away, but the others decided that they wanted to go and play some basketball first before coming in for a dip. I shrugged, they could do what they wanted.

When they had gone to the backyard where there was actually a court I turned to Tyler and grinned. “Holding your breathe competition?” I asked him. He rolled his eyes.

“What are you? five?” He said.

“What are you? Chicken?” I retorted knowing that he wouldn’t back down to a challenge.

Just as I had expected he stiffened and I smirked. Gotcha.

“Oh you're on. Prepare to get your ass kicked.” He gritted out. That’s the spirit!

“We’ll see” I told him smugly, which seemed to get him even more determined to win. I chuckled. He was so damn competitive. Kind of like this morning, when he went all masterchef on us. It was like he would do anything just to prove the girls wrong and himself right. I and the others found it quite amusing. But then again, that’s a part of what made him such a good Alpha.

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