Ch 13!! :P

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Hola Amigos!

Next NOT EDITED chapter is up! So here you go:

Song on the side is 'Another World' by 'One Direction'

{Btw, incase you havent noticed, from now on i am going to be posting a different 1D song with every chapter since I am in love with them and I want you all to fall in love with them too! ;) }


Nate’s POV:

Genevieve and I practically stormed into the room, both of us super angry, planning on chewing out our so called friends and giving them a piece of our minds. But I reeled back a little when we entered and took in the raging expressions on each of their faces. I was shocked to say in the least.

My mate too looked slightly alarmed at the situation and walked over to the girls for an explanation. I followed behind her and waited for them to say something but when they remained silent I decided to speak up. Turning to face the guys I asked. “What happened here?”

“The boys think that us girls are useless pieces of crap and are only good for standing at their sides and looking pretty.” Riley said matter of factly, as if that explained everything.

Genevieve’s eyebrows shot up at that and she shot an accusing glare towards the guys while I just stared at them shocked. What the hell?

“That is not what we think at all. “ Jake said defensively.

At that Aria perked up. “Oh really? Then what is it that you think Jakey?” She said, her voice sugar coated and I could tell that she was majorly pissed. Jake recoiled a bit realizing the same thing I had but straightened his shoulders and said, “All we said is that guys are supposed to lead the packs always.” Then he turned to face me and asked. “Have you ever heard of a girl leading a pack in the thousand years of history of our race?” Thinking back to all the stories and things I learnt growing up I shook my head. A female as an Alpha was unheard of.

“See?” Jake said, all smug.

“Yeah, but history is lame. We should live in the future, not the past. I mean rightfully, if something were to, god forbid, happen to Tyler shouldn’t Riley or I get to lead the pack since she is alpha female and I have Alpha blood in me? Why the hell should Christian get to?” Daniella retorted, and looked at Jenny and me to see what we thought. Even though it was pretty dumb considering that she was saying that she should run the pack and not her own mate but still, I had to agree with her a little. What she said makes sense. That’s why once again I nodded slightly and she sent a triumphant grin towards the boys. But just then this dude I had never even seen in my life spoke up. “Seriously man? You siding with the chicks?” He asked me smirking. No, no I wasn’t siding with the chicks. I was just saying that they had a good point. But before I got to say anything, my little Cherry spoke up. “Seriously man?” She said mockingly. “Who are you in the first place?” I had to laugh at that. She was so adorable. And I can’t believe that she was mine. All 5 foot 2 inches of her. She was my soul mate and she was perfect for me, I couldn’t have picked anyone better. Not to mention, it explained my gigantic crush on her…I mean it was getting to be super embarrassing thinking how whipped I had been…and still was.

“Who are you pipsqueak?” The-guy-who-I-had-never-seen-before-in-my-life said back rudely and something inside me snapped. I was in front of him in less than a second, practically getting in his face. “You do not speak to her like that, got it?” I snarled. Everyone turned to look at me shocked and arrogant jerk face said “Why? What’s it to you?”

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