Chapter 9

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Hey guys!

So, next chapter!!! Hope you like it :)

Don’t hesitate to comment and vote. Okay, so what I really mean to say is VOTE! And COMMENT! Do it! Dooooo it! (WOW! that sounded wrong…)

Also… here's the link to the set that I made on polyvore for Tyler and Riley:

Mmmmm…. shirtless Tom Welling aka Tyler <3 Yummy!! *Drools* ------------------->>>>>>>

The song on the right is 'sexting' by 'blood on the dance floor'. It's dirty but so damn addicting!! I love it!

Anyhoo, this is one long ass of a chapter…it’s 24 pages on word and it is NOT edited!

Now go read… GO!


Riley's POV:

I ducked out of Daniella’s room and quickly ran downstairs to Tyler’s study since I knew its where he would be, catching up on all his stupid Alpha business. I entered the living room and noticed a huge group of elderly ladies from our pack that I had probably met like twice in my life all sitting and playing cards, betting their jewelry and stuff. I bit my lip and tip toed to one of the archways trying to escape without being noticed, being as quiet as possible, but of course luck as we have it, was never on my side. Just as I was a foot away from my freedom Tyler and Daniella’s mom saw me and called me back into the room. I gritted my teeth and turned around pasting a fake smile as I looked at the ladies that looked to be in their late forties or early fifties. I walked forward hesitantly and one of the ladies that I’m pretty sure I had never ever seen pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I cringed a little, weirded out, but it’s not like there was much I could do. I just stood there awkwardly as I was passed around the room like a damn parcel as they all cooed over me and kissed or pulled my cheeks, patted my head or even gave me hugs like the first woman.

God. Why can’t they just leave me alone? I mean what was I? A puppy? (Pun not intended.) They were all “Oh hello Riley dear. Oh my word, you’ve grown so tall!” and “Ohhh the last time I saw you, you were just a tiny little thing.” and “You’ve grown into such a beautiful woman. You’re parents must be so proud.” I was damn tempted to shout at them to get lost and to let me go, but I held it in. I mean, I’m tall and you’re old. Get over it already.

When they finally let me go I practically shot out of there and sped down the corridor throwing the door of Tyler’s study open and rushing inside before anyone caught up to me. I slammed it shut and leant back against the door sighing in relief. No more creepy old ladies to fuss over me.

When I had calmed down I scanned the room for Tyler so I could talk to him. Big mistake. My eyes fell on him as he was using the bench press in the small home gym he had built in the corner, looking so hot it was unreal. As I was looking at him he spotted me standing at the door and placed the bar back down onto the holder and stood up. He was breathing heavily, hair and body sweaty, and his shirtless body fully on display. Oh. Hot. Damn. I didn’t even try to be discreet, as I ogled him from head to toe, and I’m pretty sure I even drooled a little, but I didn’t care. I just stared while a saw a smirk form on his face and he made his way toward me. Crap.

Okay, Riley. You can do it. Just keep calm, and…and…and wait. What was I saying?

I fumbled around in my mind, trying to figure out what to do while he came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me towards him so I was pressed flush up against his chest. He looked down at me and smiled, his 6’2 height making him tower over me, a little. “Like what you see?” He teased his cute smile turning into a full blown grin. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood up on my tip toes and whispered in his ear “Yes, I do actually.” He pulled back a little and I let my feet back down flat onto the ground as he said, “Well why wouldn’t you? I mean have you looked at me?” Believe me, I wanted to say. I’ve seen it all, and I definitely like. But settled for raising my eyebrow and pushing him away lightly. “Cocky much?” I asked. He laughed and pulled me further into the room, “Very much.” He winked and sat down in his chair behind the desk that was made out of leather and was really big and high backed. It reminded me of those evil villain people that twirl around in their chair and rub their hands together and mutter ‘I have been expecting you’ in really weird accents. It was actually pretty cool.

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