Chapter 1

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Maggie Zatara.

The only known child of Zatanna Zatara and her lover John Constantine.

September 17th, 1999 – The Birth of Maggie Zatara


The midwife looked at Zatanna with fear-stricken eyes. Although the baby was halfway born, the nurses were already able to tell that the infant had just about drained every drop of life out of the poor mother.

Zatanna looked over at the nurse with pleading eyes, "Look... please," She breathed out slowly, "Save the b-baby over me," Zatanna stuttered, "I-If, it's a girl, name her M-M-Maggie, for a boy, Michael, b-but she must have my surname." The nurse began to plead with her, before announcing the baby is a girl.

As little Maggie was placed on Zatanna's chest, her eyes welled with tears as she looked down at the bundle of joy she had created. "Little Maggie, you have your father's dirty blonde hair, but my ocean blue eyes. If your father had seen you, he would be swooning over you. But now is my time sweet child. I want you to stay with your grandfather Giovanni, he will take good care of you," Tears started gently falling from the new mother's eyes, onto her cheeks. "Maggie my darling girl, I will pass my magic onto you, I hope one day, you will use it to aid people."

Zatanna took one last look at the midwife, who was touched by her last words spoken to her only child before glancing around the room. "I cannot thank you all enough for the help you have provided me, I ask that you leave the room now and return once my father comes to get you. Goodbye all. It was a pleasure to have you aid in the occasion that is bringing a human onto this planet."

After all the nurses, midwives and doctors have left the room, Giovanni approaches his daughter with a knowing look. "Place a protection spell on her, before passing on your magic. That way when she is grown and I am not able to be her carer for any longer, she will always be protected by her mother."

Zatanna mustered up a weak smile with the little energy she had left before bidding her father goodbye. "Maggie, my darling angel, this is for you," Giovanni approached Zatanna before giving her a final warm embrace as a tear falls from his eye. As Giovanni reaches for Maggie, Zatanna begins her final words. "Tcetorp ym rethguad, sa I evael siht tenalp. Ssap no lla ym seitilliba ot Eiggam, ym ynlo dlihc. Ekam em evael siht Htrae."

When Zatanna had finished reciting the spell, Giovanni looked on at his daughter as he watched the little life left in her leave, whilst his grip on Maggie tightened before he began to speak. "Maggie, my little Houdini, you are going to do amazing things, you are one lucky little girl, and I will make sure to take care of you until the end of my time here."

September 24th, 1999 – The Funeral of Zatanna Zatara

On the dreadful day that was the incredible Zatanna Zatara's funeral, the gods sent rain down upon San Francisco. Heroes and Heroines from across America had taken time out of their busy schedules to farewell their accomplice, their friend, and most importantly someone who felt like family. Someone who they loved, and respected. Someone who took care of them, even when she couldn't take care of herself.

When Giovanni entered the oversized hall that was decorated with Zatanna's favourite flowers, Bearded Irises, and Cockscomb, he makes an attempt to pull himself together for the sake of the tiny sleeping human that rest upon his arms. When he gets his act together, a tall man, with short, slicked back, jet black hair and rectangular glasses dressed in a tailored black suit paired with a velvet purple tie approaches Giovanni, he looks up at the gentleman whilst his eyes are welling with tears, reminiscing on the fond memories he shared with his daughter during her younger years.

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