Chapter 5

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When Jason had triple checked that no civilians were still inside the bank, it dawned on him.

He hadn't seen Bellator or her alter-ego Maggie anywhere in the bank.

As he attempted to recollect everything he had seen, he could only think about the open safe room door, that still had all the gold inside. As if it was untouched. Although it seemed suspicious at the time, Jason had assumed that someone went to hide in there, bit realised it probably wasn't the best place to hide with a lunatic running around.

As Robin reached the safe room, he took note of the still full shelves, and the seemingly untouched room. All but one object that was placed on the floor.

A note.

Jason picked the note up to examine it when a wave of shock hit him. Harley had taken Maggie.

Dear Batsy and itty-bitty Robin,

Mr J. said you had some fresh meat.

Thought I'd check her out.

She's really pretty. But fuck she packs a punch. She might even be better than you Batsy!

If you want your precious little 'B' back, COME GET HER



Jason read the note over and over again before he remembered that Bruce has no idea about what's going on.

"Fuck Bruce! Harley got Maggie. I don't know what to do or where to go, fucking hell Bruce-"

"Jason I'll handle it, just go back to the manor, and tell Alfred what's going on. He will help."

Jason agreed to the man, but continued to hyperventilate. They had just made amends, and now she was with the Jester of Genocide's princess herself.


As Maggie's eyes slowly started to wake, she was met with an ungodly sight. Harley Quinn, standing over her, with a knife.

"Good morning sunshine!" Harley smiled at her, making Maggie uncomfortable. "Well, Mr. J was just wondering... where you came from?" She grinned, "And what the fuck you are doing with Batsy!"

Harley giggled in Maggie's face, resulting in Maggie spitting at her. The only reaction Bellator received was Harley sticking her tongue out.

"So... what's so special about you? Why'd the Bat choose you?" The supervillain giggled, as she danced around Maggie, who was currently tied to a wooden chair. Stereotypical.

"Here's why you BITCH! Gniliec maeb lla-"


Harley slapped Maggie across the face, stopping the spell. The realisation hit her, like the slap hit poor Maggie's face, hard.

"Holy shit! You're Zatanna's daughter! Wait until Mr. J hears about this, he'll have so much fun! Maybe he will let me join!" Harley giggled like a toddler as she taped Maggie's mouth shut.

When Harley had left, presumably to let the Jester of Genocide know about her existence.

The room Maggie was being held in, appeared to look like an old, run down, potentially abandoned home. The floorboards were a taupe colour, covered in a thin layer of dust, which in Maggie's opinion, really set the mood.

The walls were a darker shade of brown than the floor, but were littered with graffiti drawings of stick figures, and random words.

The ceiling had multiple supports, that appeared as though they could fall at the slightest touch.

Bellator ~ Jason Todd x OCWhere stories live. Discover now