Chapter 2

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When the excitement had worn off, Maggie ran to her room. In her mind, the quicker she would be able to get to Gotham City to finally meet her godfather. As she closed her door, she could hear her Gio raising his voice at someone, however, it didn't seem as if it were at the only other person in the room.

In order to hear a little better, she creaked open her beige door. Who could her level-headed grandfather possibly be raising his voice at?

"Bruce, pardon my language, what the actual fuck is wrong with you? This is Maggie we're talking about; she doesn't know what she's agreeing too!" Giovanni was nearly screaming when Diana tried to ease the situation.

"Gio, calm down, take deep breaths, you agreed to this all those years ago, and if Maggie doesn't like it, she can always come back. She isn't getting taken from you," Diana tried desperately to provide serenity to the situation, but no matter what she said, it only seemed to aggravate the old man increasingly.

"Diana! You are not helping! Get out of my house at this moment. I do not need you and your silly job influencing my daughter on what she should be doing!"

Diana flinched at the word daughter. Giovanni thinks Maggie is Zatanna. He's trying to protect Maggie because he couldn't protect her. He couldn't save her. But now he wants to save the only living part of her he has. "Gio-"

"Diana, with all due respect, get out." Giovanni snapped at her, before using two fingers to pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration. As Diana turned towards the exit, she hesitated, hoping the granddad would stop her, so they could talk about it, and how it could change Maggie's life for the better. But he doesn't.

"Bruce I'm done with your shit! Just call me when she lands," The once angered individual, slowly calmed himself down after aggressively hanging up the phone to a baffled Bruce Wayne.

When Maggie heard the faint sound of her Gio's footsteps grow louder, she closed her door quietly and turned to her room to begin packing. "Ekam sexob raeppa," Maggie began her spell to summon boxes when she heard a delicate knock at her door.

"It's only me Houdini," Gio called out to her whilst Maggie softened at the nickname he had given her years ago. As Maggie approached her door, the conversation she had overheard earlier haunted her mind. Should she let him in? The person who was preventing her from her full potential?

Maggie ended up letting Giovanni in when she noticed the bags under his eyes were stained a light shade of red. He had started crying. Maggie made sure not to mention it to him, as it would most likely taint his ego.

"Maggie, darling, I just wanted to let you know the plan," Maggie nodded, making sure to stay quiet. "Bruce is sending over one of his private jets, it will take off at San Francisco airport at 8am sharp tomorrow, you will arrive at about 4pm. Alfred will pick you up and take you to the manor,"

Maggie could see the pain in her Gio's eyes. It hurt him greatly to be letting his only grandchild leave him. But the elder man knew it was going to happen eventually.

"Gio," He turned back around to face her. "I'll get an Uber in the morning, that's pretty early for you to wake up." Giovanni began to argue but he knew he definitely needed a good sleep after this.

"Kcap ym smeti."


After heartfelt a heartfelt goodbye between Gio and Maggie, she boarded the private jet that was due to take off any minute.

Purposefully, Maggie wore a simple black dress that was slightly loose, accompanied with the pearl necklace Bruce had kindly gifted her a few years prior. She mainly chose the pearls in hopes of showing Bruce her appreciation for all of the gifts.

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