Chapter 7

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As Maggie awoke to her alarm, it felt earlier than it usually was. As Maggie recalled the night before, she had set her alarm an hour earlier in order to read for a while. To hide the fact, she had a late night.

As she sat down at the table on her balcony with 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee, Alfred presented himself at the bedroom door. As she put her book down on the table, she headed back into her room with only one question. Had Bruce found out?

"Miss Maggie, Master Bruce has requested your presence in the Batcave. I can presume it is about your escapade last night," Maggie swallowed hard.

"You know about that?" Maggie questioned, postponing her visit to the secret basement.

"Miss Maggie, last night you left the kitchen, the complete opposite direction of your bedroom. As well as Master Grayson's motorcycle being missing for an hour and a half. Madam, I don't miss much in this household." Alfred held a soft smile for just a moment. He knew what Maggie was up to.

"I should have known you would realise. Now if I may Alfred, I will change quickly and make myself look half decent before meeting with my uncle." Maggie hesitated before letting the words go. Alfred only nodded before exiting her bedroom for her own privacy.

When Alfred had left, the teenager let out a sigh. Was she in trouble? She had disobeyed Bruce after all.

Instead of being hung up on what Bruce wanted to discuss with her, she projected her feelings into what she was going to wear for the day.

After 5 minutes had passed, Maggie had finally pulled an outfit together. It consisted of a black long-sleeved bodysuit, with a pair of bootcut blue jeans and black boots with a small heel. Along with some basic jewellery that included a pair of earrings Bruce had gifted her on her 9th birthday.

As she made her way to the Batcave, she stopped in the kitchen to get some peanut butter toast so she wasn't hungry.

Upon entering the kitchen, she saw Jason sat on a barstool against one of the islands. The boy looked her up and down before speaking.

"Damn girl, you're looking real good today! What's the occasion?" Maggie felt repulsed by the boy. Why did he feel the need to compliment her randomly?

"No occasion. This is how I usually dress. But.. thankyou," Maggie added a short and sweet smile at the end, to make it seem as though she did 100% appreciate the compliment.

Jason only nodded back at her as she began to make her toast, completely forgetting about her antics last night.

"How did patrol go last night?" Maggie asked, hoping to keep the awkward tension between them away.

"Pretty quiet, I came back an hour early," Maggie knew the second he said it she fucked up. If Bruce came back at the usual hour, that means Maggie was long gone by the time Jason had arrived home.

If Jason knew, had he told Bruce?

"Well that's always nice. Having an extra hours sleep." Jason nodded, agreeing with her statement, just as Maggie finished eating her toast.

As Maggie swiftly exited the kitchen, she made her way to the Batcave, attempting to make herself look slightly more presentable.

The grandfather clock door opened and Maggie was met with the sight of Bruce sat at the computer, presumably tracking someone or something.

"You wanted to see me uncle?" As she approached her godfather, he turned around with a rather unreadable look.

"Tell me Maggie, which motorbike is your favourite?" As Bruce finished his question, it left Maggie perplexed as to where this conversation was going.

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