Chapter 10

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"I left her in the interrogation room, she vandalised a police car, it must have been to get my attention." Dick bolts up the stairs of the bland building. At the top of the stairs, is two options, left or right. The pathway on the left lead to a short, dull corridor, with pictures of previous commissioners lining the walls. The right path led to a series of rooms, and a short-left turn at the end.

As Dick ran down the right corridor but took a sharp turn at the second door on the left. In an attempt to keep up, Maggie sped up, but ran into the doorframe whilst heading in.

"Motherfucker," Maggie muttered.

The girl slowly looked around the room. The walls and floor were the same, unhealthy grey, but in the middle of the room was a table. It was an off-white and had a gun-metal grey coloured bar on top, with a set of handcuffs cuffed onto it. The walls had large windows, with partially closed blinds.

In the corner stood a dumbstruck Dick. His face was pale, as though he had seen a ghost.

"She was handcuffed here," Maggie felt her face drop. "S-she had told me she needed help, but I assumed she was just lost." Dick seemed remorseful, but mostly scared. There was something he wasn't telling her.

Before Maggie had the chance to question, Dick was once again bolting out of the room. Following, Maggie lost sight of him, he had left that fast. In hopes of finding him, she dashed down the stairs, and back through the reception.

"Ma'am, you have just trespassed on government-" The only thing Maggie could hear was the receptionist calling out to her. Usually she would stop and apologise, but right now, that wasn't high on her priority list.

As she got outside she saw Dick chasing a police car. At first, Maggie didn't connect the dots, and wondered why he would chase after a car. Before she saw a very distinctly coloured hair in the back. The girl from earlier. It must be Rachel.

Finally, when Dick lost the car, he turned back and ran to Maggie, before his phone began to ring. "What," Dick's voice was impatient, and slightly rushed. "Fuck," He muttered. "Rachel's home has a reported homicide. The victim is her mother..." The boy's voice slowly trailed off as Maggie absorbed the information.

He continues to play around with his phone, before pulling it back up to his ear. "Detective Grayson. Can I get a 10-20 on the car number three one zero?" Hastily, he puts his phone is his pocket. "Right Maggie, you go get the Subaru, and go home. I'm going to go and deal with this."

Maggie's mouth dropped. "Please Dick, let me help, if anything goes wrong I can help-" Dick cut her short.

"Maggie, I need you in one piece," His eyebrows furrowed in frustration, and his cheeks enflamed.

"Dick I get it, you don't want to put me in danger, blah blah blah, if anything, you would be the one in danger. I can protect you, if you don't let me help, I swear on Krypton, you won't be in one piece," In the spur of the moment, Maggie made sure to stand her ground, she uncrossed her arms, and straightened her posture in an attempt to make herself look bigger.

Dick's face relaxed, but his facial expression still told Maggie he was slightly pissed off. "Fine," Maggie settled and wanted to jump in excitement. "BUT the second I think it's not safe, you are to leave on my command. No arguments, retaliations, nothing." His eyebrows raised, signalling for her answer.

"Deal, I'll race home, send me the address, I'll meet you there, did you need anything?" The pounding in Maggie's chest grew faster, harder and louder.

"Yes, behind the Flying Grayson's poster in the first corridor is a duffle bag, put it in the back of the Subaru, I'll deal with it. If you have any emergency bags or anything I'd suggest grabbing it just in case," Maggie was confused, why would she need an emergency bag?

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