Chapter 6

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When the three vigilantes had reached the Batcave, Jason lifted Maggie carefully from the leather seat, and carried her bridal-style to her room. Although she had been kidnapped by a pair of Gotham's finest, she only had a few cuts and bruises. The exception being a large gash on her right cheek. Although it had started healing, it was deep enough to leave a decent scar.

Turning the corner into the hallway of their rooms, Jason couldn't help but take a glance at Maggie, and how she finally looked at peace after the whole ordeal. Her long, blonde hair rest on top of Jason's arm that was supporting her neck, and it's touch reminded Robin of soft silk. Her relaxed features complimented her already natural beauty, capturing the boy's heart without him even realising.

When he reached her room, he placed her down on her perfectly made bed, in the perfect bedroom that was in the same condition she had left it in.

Although Jason had bigger problems, he could only think of one thing...

Why did Alfred make her bed and not his?


"Jason, with what happened to Maggie, I think she needs to take time off from the suit," Bruce dropped the bombshell on the boy, leaving him in a state of shock.

"What?" Jason raised his eyebrows at the billionaire, feeling cold flushes down his spine. "Where?"

"I think she might be good to go stay with Dick-"

"BRUCE! You realise he wants nothing to do with you!"

"Jason calm down, he met her once, by complete accident. Maggie was 11, and the Titans were just starting up. She doesn't realise it was Dick though. She seems to have a good understanding of who he is, and she would do well with him. Plus, I don't exactly like the idea of her putting on the suit after the whole... ordeal." Bruce looked at Jason with hope. Hope that he would understand. Batman watched on at the teenager as he saw the little happiness leave Jason's face and transform into anger.

"Why is it all about her, and never about me? Why can't you be more worried about me Bruce? You have no fucking problem putting me out there, risking my life for this shit. If that was me kidnapped by the Joker you wouldn't have gone to those lengths!"

Bruce felt his blood boil as he watched Jason's jealousy finally be heard. "Jason, I took you off of the streets! I took you in when I could have left you out there with the pigs!"

Jason turned and stormed off to his room, slamming into Alfred's shoulder as he raced past him.

"Master Bruce, if I may, it seems as though Master Todd has developed a form of jealousy. You act as though Maggie is your daughter, and Master Todd as just another person-" Alfred attempted to bring Bruce to his senses, before being rudely interrupted.

"Alfred, I treat them both equally. Both hard. Maggie is basically my daughter! Jason is just a troublesome kid who I'm helping, and I am treating him as my own!" Bruce stormed out of the room, with his loud footsteps following.

Alfred sighed.



Jason's eyes shot open, alert to the screaming coming from the room on the other hall. Without second thought, he leapt out of his bed, not caring about what he was wearing, or what he looked like. As he raced out of his room to Maggie's door, he heard quiet whimpers coming from the other side of the door.

Instead of opening it immediately, Jason paused, thinking about whether or not he should proceed. After a minute of contemplating, he knocked on the door quietly, careful to not scare her.

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