Chapter 4

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"Maggie, I know this is a lot to take in. Especially in 48 hours," Clark had found Maggie eating a Peanut Butter sandwich at the kitchen island, looking very blank and unphased. Jason slowly trudged after Superman, feeling somewhat bad for what he had said.

Jason knew it wasn't his place. He knew she didn't know. But he still said it.

"Honestly Uncle Clark," Kent swallowed hard, not knowing what Maggie could say next. Would she demand to head straight home? Would she ask him to leave? He could only predict. "I think it's very brave of you to step up to that role. The innocent people you have saved, all the lives you have changed. To be honest, I think it's pretty fucking awesome."

Clark was taken by surprise at not only her answer, but her choice of language. She definitely could have worded it a bit better, but nonetheless, he felt his heart soften. His niece didn't think of him as weird, or abnormal. Just awesome.

"Well sweetheart, I have to go back home. You know. Justice League calls." Maggie hugged her uncle one last time, making sure to savour the moment as she knew it wouldn't last forever. But she did notice he smelt like blueberries.


Maggie chased Jason down the hallway towards where their sleeping quarters were, in hopes of apologising about the incident during training. Although, as per Jason fashion, he ignored her, occasionally muttering 'freak' under his breath.

"JASON!" Maggie near yelled the boy's name as he reached his bedroom door. The teenager snapped around, finally giving Maggie a chance to speak. "Look, we were both annoyed at each other, it had been a long day. In the hindsight, we could look at it as a moment that was a learning curve. For both of us,"

Jason scrunched up his face and exited the scene into his room, slamming his door in Maggie's face.

"He'll come around," Maggie jumped at the sudden voice behind her, before reaching the realisation that it was only Alfred. "He's still adjusting to the fact that he is not the only one around. He never had to deal with Dick, he's only had himself and Bruce. Just give him some time," Maggie nodded at the man, acknowledging what he said.

Maggie felt down that she couldn't connect with the only other teenager in the house but held onto the idea that he would come around eventually.

"I also went out and got you this, I thought it would be good for you. You will be able to keep track of training each week. All you will need to do is write something interesting that happens each week."

Th elderly man handed Maggie an A5 sized book with the word 'journal' imprinted on it. It was a light shade of mint green and had a hard cover. As she opened the journal, the only thing looking up at her on the page was lined paper that was otherwise blank.

Before she could thank Alfred, he had disappeared.

Although an odd gift, Maggie made sure she would use it.


Week One

Monday – Jason and I got off to a bad start. He still doesn't want to speak to me.

Tuesday – Bruce stayed home from patrol to work with non-verbal spells. I wasn't able to do any.

Wednesday – Went out to dinner with Selena, Bruce, and Jason after long day training. Selena was nice, but seemed like she was EXTREMELY interested in Bruce.

Thursday – Practiced verbal spells, found out I can make myself fly. Pretty cool.

Friday – Training.

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