Chapter six

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"I just bought club sandwiches..." Magnus says when Alec opens the door. All dressed, of course.

"That's fine."

Magnus can't even look at him as he reenters the room. Even as they sit across from each other with the laptops open and sandwich in hand, he avoids looking at Alec. Then tension in the room is thick and awkward. Alec can barely stand to be around people when things aren't awkward, so this is killing him.

"Can't we just stop pretending that we are actually getting any work done?" Alec asks with the uneaten sandwich in his hand.

"Maybe you aren't getting any work done," Magnus responds with his eyes glued to his computer screen, "but I'm actually getting a lot done."

"Sure, you are." Alec mumbles and takes a big aggressive bite of his sandwich. Freaking Magnus Bane.

"I am." Magnus says and turns his laptop around for Alec to see, and much to his disappointment, Magnus has actually gotten some work done. Unlike Alec who hasn't been able to concentrate at all.

"Let's just go." Slamming the computer shot, Alec stuffs the last of his sandwich into his mouth and packs up his briefcase.

"Charming." Magnus mutters and closes his own laptop before getting up. Before they leave the hotel room, Magnus looks at Alec and gestures to the corner of his lip. "You might want to take care of that..."


"That thing around your mouth." With slightly heated cheeks, Alec quickly retreats into the bathroom and to his horror he sees that there is dressing on his face. "that's what happens when you eat like a caveman!" Magnus shouts with a grin on his face. "Thank God we aren't going to be eating at any fancy restaurants, right boss?"

"Oh, shut up." Alec mumbles as he wipes his face. On his way back to the door, he sends an evil glare at Magnus. Almost hoping that looks can kill.


A lot of faces are turned towards Alec and Magnus with that seems like really fake smiles. They are gathered around a large table in a conference room and two of the executives has been going on for too long, yammering about their company and what makes it so great. Which would of course be alright, if they had brought any new information. Something that Alec didn't already know from the folder.

This has not been what Alec had hoped for, when he asked to go on this trip. He had expected to get a firsthand impression of the company, the employees and how the workday unfolded. Not this. Sitting in a room with only top executives present.

Now they ere all looking at him, expecting him to say something about how amazing the company sounded and that they wanted to acquire it, but he couldn't. Because he didn't want to.

"Thank you," Magnus said when it become obvious that Alec wasn't going to say anything. "for that... revealing pitch. You'll hear back from us." Magnus stands up and gathers their things.

"Wait." Alec lifts his hand to stop Magnus. "I want a tour of the place."

"I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand." One of the executives says.

"The place where your employees are. Where the actual work goes on. I want to see it."

"But..." he gestures towards the PowerPoint presentation, that is still covering the screen behind him.

"I don't care about the facts and the numbers," Alec gets up "I want to meet the people that works for you. After all, the company would be nothing without them, don't you agree?" He tilts his head as he looks at the men in their over expensive suits.

"Uhm... I guess we can make that happen..." He says and snaps his fingers at some young girl who Alec expects to be his assistant. "Lead Mr. Lightwood and Mr. Bane to the working floor. Make sure they get to see everything they want."

"Yes sir." She responds then turns towards Alec and Magnus. "Right this way."

"Thank you."

As soon as they have left the conference room, Magnus whispers to Alec.

"at least you don't snap your fingers at me."

"Keep bugging me, and I might begin to."

For a second, Magnus just looks at Alec like he is trying to decide if he is serious or not.

"Nah." He shakes his head. "You wouldn't." He puts his hand on Alec shoulder, which causes Alec to look at him. "You like me too much." Magnus then winks and walks a bit faster so he can join the assistant who are walking a little further ahead. Alec stops in his tracks for a second, slightly caught off guard. Half of the time, he can't figure Magnus out. Actually, more than half. For instance, was that just a fun remark, or was he flirting with him? Alec has no idea, and it is bothering him.

Throughout the entire tour of the building, Alec keeps a distance to Magnus. He hates not being able to read people, and Magnus can sometimes be quite the mystery.

Magnus on the other hand, seem to be apologetically himself. Chatting up the coworkers, asking how they like working there. Alec himself sticks to just observing. He isn't a chatting kind of guy, anyways.

When the time comes for them to go back to the hotel, it actually feels like a relief. Something at that company just didn't feel right for Alec.

"Thank god, that is over." Magnus says when they get into the car.

"What do you mean?" he doesn't want to let Magnus know what he thinks of the plays. He wants Magnus' unbiased opinion.

"Come on, you must have noticed it too. They overwork their employees. They don't give them any benefits at all, and they take all the credit. I don't like that place."

"I agree." Alec says and magnus looks surprised at him.

"You do? Why didn't you say something?"

"Because I wanted you to share your opinion. Without knowing mine."

"You don't think I would have been honest with you if I didn't agree?"

"I don't know yet. I haven't figured that out." Translated, Alec haven't been able to figure Magnus out.

"But I'm such an open book." Magnus grins.

"Well, maybe I don't read enough then."

As soon as the words leaves his mouth, Alec realizes how those words can be misinterpreted, which Magnus of curse is quick to pick up on.

"Oh, is that so? Well, I wouldn't mind helping you open the covers on this book and start reading." He says with a wink that makes Alec blush so hard, that he feels he could light up a city.

"I dint mean it like that!" He shouts, and Magnus laughs loudly.

"You are so fun, when you are flustered!"

"Just shut up..." Alec mumbles under his breath which only makes Magnus laugh even harder.

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