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 #analfingering #handjob

"Do you like the new place?" Magnus voice sounds over the speaker of Alec's phone, which he has put on the kitchen counter while making himself dinner.

"Well... it's debatable. I like my new apartment, and I like the city. But the people at the company are still so damn boring. And lets just be honest, some of them are really terrible people." As the water in the pot comes to a boil, Alec puts in the vegetables. "And I miss you." He puts the lid on, but after a few moments, the water boils over, sizzling as it hits the hot stove.

"I miss you too, darling. But I do not miss your cooking." Magnus laughs while listening to Alec swearing, trying to maintain the situation. "Maybe you should order in, instead?"

"Or maybe you should just moved in here with me and do the cooking." Alec states as if it was the most normal thing to throw into a conversation, while trying to clean up the mess he made on the stove. The other end of the phone falls completely silent. Alec screws his eyes shot still with the soaking dishtowel clutched in his hand. Fuck. He shouldn't have said that. It just slipped out. It has been the only thing on his mind since moving out here. "Are you there?" He asks silently, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I'm here..." Magnus' voice sounds a bit different. A bit strained.

"I'm sorry..." turning off the stove and ignoring the almost ruined dinner, Alec puts all his attention to the phone call. "I shouldn't have blurted out something like that."

"No, you shouldn't." Magnus states, "especially not, if you don't mean it."

"I do mean it, Magnus. My dad is far away. He doesn't even check in with me all that often anymore, and your two weeks' notice are up... so..." Alec swallows thickly before gathering the courage to ask Magnus directly this time. "So, yes... I mean it. I think now would be a good time. You should come visit me. Spend a weekend here so we can talk face to face about the possibility of you moving in."

"You know I would love that, but isn't it to risky?"

"I don't think so. Like I said, I barely hear from him. And if you want, we can get a different apartment together, and I can keep this one too, just to keep up the appearance of me living here alone. On paper at least. My dad will never have to know."

"And you are sure it would work?" It is clear to Alex that Magnus is afraid of letting himself believe that they can be together unless it is absolutely certain. He doesn't want to get disappointed again and Alec understands that completely.

"Of course, there can be risks," Alec admits, "but not big ones. It seems like my father is finally trusting me again. And I go to the therapists he once me to. Maintaining my addiction as he calls it."

"is it awful?" Magnus asks. Alex hasn't shared much about the therapy because he doesn't want to worry Magnus.

"It isn't great. But its okay. I just pull out the emotions I went through when you came into my life and chose carefully what to say. The reason my dad believes me know is because I'm honest about the struggles I have – or had – regarding my sexuality."

"It must be horrible to have to relive all of that again. I'm so sorry."

"Its okay. All it does is remind me of how lucky I have been to find someone as patient as you. you are the reason I got through it. its because of you I know accept who I am..."

"oh, Alec..." Magnus voice is thick with emotions, "I love you, Alec."

"I love you too."

"Fine." He eventually says, "I'll come out this weekend. We can talk about moving in together."


"Don't you think it's a little silly to be renting a hotel room when I have a perfectly good apartment?" Alec teases Magnus while sitting on the bed in Magnus' room, waiting for him to finish his makeup.

"no, I don't, actually." Magnus states. "Your apartment is owned by your fathers company. We can't be sure we are safe there."

"He is not a criminal mastermind, Magnus." Alec laughs. "He is just a bigot that is mentally unstable with a terrible temperament."

"yeah...?" Magnus peeks his head out form the bathroom, only finished with half the makeup. "Are you sure about that? No doubt in your mind that he could be monitoring who enters your apartment?"

Alec ponders for a moment and eventually he must give in.

"No. I am not completely sure. You are right. Better safe than sorry." Alec joins Magnus in the bathroom and puts his arms around him, looking at him in the mirror. "But I will be spending the night here with you." he kisses Magnus' cheek.

"You better." Magnus smiles back at him. "Now, move your hands from my body so I can concentrate."

"You can't concentrate?" Alec smirks, "really? What is distracting you? This?" Alec slides his hand down Magnus side then shifting direction, heading in between Magnus' legs. Magnus moans and parts his legs willingly for Alec as he rubs his hand over Magnus' dick. "Is this what is distracting you?"

"Yes..." Magnus closes his eyes and leans back against Alec. "But keep going..."

"Yeah?" opening Magnus' pants, he puts his hand inside, stroking his cock inside the limited space. "Like this?"

"mm-hmm.." Magnus responds and circles his hips back against Alec's crotch.

"Do you want me to make you come right now? Or do you want to wait till tonight?"

"Both." He pants. "is both an option?"

"Always." Alec grazes Magnus' skin on his neck with his teeth, "Pull you pants down."

Magnus instantly pull them down and Alec gets a firm grip on his dick, sliding his hand back and forth. "mmm, you're so hard for me, aren't you..." he whispers in Magnus' ear. "Can you moan for me too?" He asks then coves his finger in spit before pushing it inside Magnus' ass. Working him inside and out.

"oh fuck.." Mangus pants. He melts into Alec' embrace, moaning and whimpering with every stroke and every thrust. "yes darling... just like that... Fuck yes..."

Alec continues, keeping Magnus so close to the edge without actually letting him reach his orgasm for several minutes. Slowing down his motions every time Magnus is close. Alec himself is panting just as hard as Magnus. He too needs release, but Magnus' pleasure is the only thing on his mind.

"Do you want to come?" he asks when another orgasm escapes Magnus' grasp.

"yes please... so much... baby please... let me come..."

"Then turn around. I want you to come in my mouth..." Magnus turns instantly when Alec pulls out his finger and slides to his knees. He tugs at Alec's hair, pulling his head back and works his own cock hard and fast, resting the tip on Alec's lips. Alec is waiting with his mouth open, and his tongue darting out. He wants it so bad. It's a need Alec had never known he would get, but there it is. When Magnus finally comes into his mouth, Alec lets out a satisfied whimper and swallows everything. 

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