Chapter twentyfive

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The weekend flew by in a haze of a lot of firsts for Alec. His first time making love, his first time fantasizing and talking about a possible future shared life with a loved one, his first time voicing the concerns of his father finding out about his sexuality -although he strongly believes that Robert already knows. He also believes that Robert is very aware of the fact that Alec is terrified of pursuing that lifestyle. Or at least he was. Alec isn't really sure how afraid he is anymore. Right now, he doesn't feel the numbing kind of fear he used too, but then again, Robert is far away. Alec has no idea how he'll react to being in the same city as Robert again.

And that time is approaching fast. Alec and Magnus are in the car, driving to the last city before having to head back to the everyday life of working together in his father's company. The tension is already getting to Alec, and Magnus clearly feels it. His hand hasn't left Alec's thigh once since they started driving.

"Do you know which company you will recommend for your father?" Magnus asks in an attempt to get Alec to think about something else.

"It's not really fair to decide this without having seen every company yet." Alec glances at Magnus with a crocked smile, "but if I'm only deciding between the ones I've seen, I must say the one in New York. The one you liked so much."

"I think that is the best one too." a satisfied grin is plastered over Magnus' face. "Maybe we could both get relocated there for a while. To ease the transition of them becoming a part of your dad's company."

"That would be amazing." Alec responds but the smile has left his face, "Although not all that possible. You know I'm being trained to take over the company as the CEO. My father will insist to keep a close eye on me."

"Even if I report all the progress I've seen you make? If I explain how much you grow as a leader, when you have the opportunity to make every decision yourself? Won't he think it would be a great way for you to get some more experience before taking over?"

"Magnus, I can task you to lie on my behalf."

"It's not a lie, Alexander. You have evolved so much during this trip."

"Thank you, Magnus, but we both know that the personal growth I've had isn't exactly what Robert is looking for in a future CEO."

"No, maybe not... but I can clearly see your leader potential." Magnus states while squeezing Alecs thigh encouragingly.

"Well, that might be because you are a little biased, Magnus." Laughing, Alec put his hand on top of Magnus'. "But I do appreciate your words."

"You are never really going to believe anything I say when I praise you, are you?"

"Probably not." Alec shrugs. "Its just not really in my nature."

"Oh, I've noticed." Magnus rolls his eyes at Alec which makes Alec laugh harder.

"You are a little brat; you know that right?" the grin on Alecs face almost seems like it has been there constantly since finally letting Magnus into his heart. And Alec kind of like it.

"Yes. I'm very well aware." Leaning over, Magnus pecks a kiss on Alecs cheek.

"Good. Just checking."


"We are very much looking forward to hearing from you." The CEO of the last company shakes Alecs hand as he and Magnus are getting ready to leave.

"Thank you for your time. You have done great things with this company. I promise you will hear back from us by the end of the week." The smile on Alec's face might seem a bit fake, but the CEO doesn't seem to have noticed. Magnus, however, have. Which he doesn't shy away from telling Alec as soon as they are back in the car.

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