Chapter 1

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Being beautiful is one thing but very beautiful as a child can be...dangerous..very dangerous.  Nora Hoshiko Sturlungar is a unique mixed nationality beauty being half Japanese from her mother's side and half Norwegian with her father's side of the family that immigrated to the United States after WW2 and her father meeting Nora's mother during college. Her father being the first in the family in both dating and marrying a Japanese women, there was mixed feelings at first but the families had gotten along pretty well and didn't mind mixing nationalities. Nora's father's side wasn't apposed to it but Nora's mother's side had options since the Japanese during that time wasn't so keen on mixing the gene pool until they got to know the family better, upon the birth of Nora's older brother and Nora herself both families where very happy in how both children looked and behaved since they where both very behaved babies and toddlers

 Nora had gotten her stunning beauty from her Japanese grandmother and because she was an Asian mix race she had beautiful unique looking eyes, because of her beauty she had gotten used to perverts and kiddnappers at a young age and became very alert whenever she knew she was being followed. Nora's father worked with the FBI so protecting her was a breeze and her older brother of seven years was more than happy in protecting his little sister.

 Nora really didn't care much but she was grateful that she wasn't ugly but wished that she wasn't so attractive even as a kid, evener she was in public with her parents in elementary school talent agents would run after her on the streets begging her parents to sign her up for modeling. Nora didn't want to be more of a target but she knew that she had the beauty for a model but didn't want to do it 

During Nora's school life she was VERY popular for her charm and beauty and made friends easily, during the time era technology and social media was starting and Nora wanted to be famous in her own way and wanted to be one of the first child internet stars.In keeping it a secrete from her parents and her older brother she didn't tell them about her dream, so she created thee identity of the alter echo ' mask girl' with her Youtube channel the mask was so she wouldn't deal with more creeps than she already did. Because that social media was just starting out Nora knew that she can get attention, Nora was fluent in Japanese half the time when she danced she spoke in Japanese. Though she also spoke in English when she talked about her day and knew what to say in order for her to reach her fame, things started out slow at first within a year she had gotten to 20,000 followers because of those followers she was given an offer to be paid for advertising. She didn't want to confront her parents about her making money but because she wasn't using her dance area at her home but her Norwegian grandmother's home that didn't live that far from her parents home she talked with her instead, Nora was her grandmother's favorite grandchild so she kind of spoiled her. When Nora confront her grandmother about wanting her own source of income and wanting to be independent she went with her granddaughters wishes and helped her out, especially if it meant with getting independents when she becomes an adult.

By the time she entered fifth grade and because she started her YouTube channel when she was in the middle of third grade 'Mask Girl' had received 80,000 followers and her income had became a little more than what Nora's mother made in a month, Nora had made close friends with kids from the anime community and she started doing her own reviews on her top animes along with speaking about her love of gundams and her favorite models. Talking about her love of anime both in English and Japanese was what made her YouTube channel increase and more advertising offers for her, when she had entered middle school she had gained 100,000 followers and was thee most popular YouTuber she even heard kids at her school and her group talking about 'Mask Girl' and loving her videos. 

For Nora's videos she always wore different colors wigs that she bought with her own money, keeping a double life wasn't easy but she still managed. Though as she gotten older she started getting more beautiful which made the creeps increase outside of her school life, despite her beauty she always turned down guys that asked her out. She didn't knew why at the time by romance always grossed her out and wanted nothing to do with it, but she did take fighting lessons in thee event that she gets kidnapped. She was hyper aware of her surrounding and could sense a stalker a mile away, she was very happy that the county she lived in didn't have meda humans or super villains. But she wasn't that different from the meda humans she had powers but they where a little different at wile she is able to go into peoples dreams, if she also wanted could act like a phantom and explore without being seen while she's asleep. She discovered that she had inherited that power from her Japanese grandmother and her grandmother told her not to reveal her powers since many would want a power like hers since sleep is very important in living beings, Nora promised and didn't tell a soul of her abilities. 

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