Chapter 14

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While Nora was with Jason in going to the location where she was told to go to from the paper in the envelope, Alice had brought Kody to her hotel room an explain in better detail about what it was going to do for his new job and also paid one grand in cash in starting his new job. Thanks to Nora with her looking around she knew the locations in getting the used oil and with Kody having the right type of space that was required in keeping the oil bins for transport since he had access to a storage unit his parents owned but didn't use, along with having transportation. Alice even had Kody sign a work contract in showing him the benefits of the work and the conditions he had to follow until the contact changed when he moves to Texas, Alice was just happy that she was helping out her soul sister in her time of great need.

As Alice was telling Kody his new job Nora and Jason had arrived at a reserved parking garage, there where other cars that where parked but Nora was curious in seeing which car was given to her. Nora was also buying a little time in making certain that Kody wouldn't be a target if he was around a beautiful girl like Alice for a day.

"Thanks again for accompany me Jason, this seems too good to be real?" Nora said that while using the unlock button in locating the car as Jason answered her

"Very wherry aren't ya Ai?"

"Well threw out childhood my grandma had to fight off a lot of creeps when I was around like three was when it started, I learned to be aware and...not trusted gifts that suddenly pop out of no where..I learned the hard way." As Nora continued talking she sensed Jason was getting a little worried and decided to put more fuel to the fire

" I've also been getting this bouquets lately and honest it's starting to creep me out, it started reminding me when I was in fourth grade of this thirty year old weirdo almost abducted me after he sent me a third bouquet of red roses. The cops caught him in time thank god." The story Nora Jason was true it was also one of the reasons why she hated Valentine's Day

"So your VERY used to pervs and creeps." Was Jason question and Nora answered him

"To the point where I'm unfazed and I deal with it pretty damn fast with those weirdos getting what they deserve, I'm kind of in a tight spot right now and I want to deal with the sender of those flowers but I have a feeling on where to start?" Just when Jason was about to say something to Nora she pressed the button again and she found the car that the keys belonged too, Nora was surprised by the car she had found which was a black Lotus type 133.

"Wait isn't this a Lotus? Where am I going to put this, my apartment doesn't have parking garages, this car screams your begging to be mugged if I park it outside my apartment." Nora said that with worry and realization then Jason said to her

"Maybe there's something in there that'll help? It wouldn't hurt to check?"

Sure enough when Nora opened the drivers side of the car she found a note with familiar handwriting in saying that she was allowed to use the parking space along with having the keycard in having access to the garage, even so it was her Q in looking into Jason even after he walked her back to her apartment and she told him how she still wasn't certain in taking such an expensive car as a gift. She really hadn't used her sleep phantom powers in exploring Jason's apartment that very night when she was asleep, with her powers she fazed threw the window like it was air but she was solid enough to not faze threw the ground. 

"Oh great he ain't here?" Nora said that being annoyed, her only source of light was the moonlight. The apartment was filled with different types of fighting weapons like what you would see in assassin games.

" Huh he reminds me of assassins creed? Why does he have all this, yay Gotham is a crime city but this is over killing it?" Nora questioned that looking at the blades that where hanging on the wall, just when she was about to check the rest of the apartment Jason had came in from the front door and turning on the lights. Nora had been in Gotham long enough to know who the visualanties where and she recognized the red helmet Jason was wearing when he took it off him

"No fucking way he's the red hood guy." Nora said that being shocked by what she was seeing and more when Jason answered his phone as he entered the apartment 

"Good timing Bruce I was actually just about to call ya, I've been a little busy the past few hours." Nora was curious as Jason walked past her not realizing it as he kept talking on the phone

"That car we picked out for Ai, she was more concerned than happy."

"Wait we?" Nora said that being confused by his words and she kept listening to his conversation

" Yay not only that but I found out more about her, she told me a little about her childhood. With her looks even as a child she dealt with a lot of older men stalking her and her grandmother protecting her constantly starting when she was around three, not much of a fan of random gifts either seems they traumatized her a little. Well your going to see her tomorrow for that meeting your setting up she very alert a lot similar to how we are, getting her trust won't be east."

" Is he talking about that Bruce Wayne guy? I fucking knew there was something wrong with him." Nora was of course disguised with this new information, as much as it grossed her out she stayed and listened to the call that lasted at least around five minutes. Nora wanted to kick herself in not using her powers the first day she met Jason Todd, but she was happy she was using them at that moment now that she knew what and who she was dealing with. It also made her happy that they where the right type of people in helping with dealing with her witness protection problem she planned on getting herself out of, after she returned to her physical body which woke her up she texted Alice in telling her about her plan in breaking free and leaving a little more early than what she originally had planned.

The next day Nora acted nervous when she woke up in the morning and doing her routine, she knew what to say to the agent that was talking to her over the phone while she was getting ready for her meeting. Yes she told them about the car that was gifted to her and they where worried of course, then Nora explained how she had a already paid garage that was close to her apartment. The plan was while Nora was out Alice in disguise would go to Nora's mask Girl apartment and packing up around 30% of the items in that apartment, she already had a lot of boxes that where out of the camera's view so it wasn't an assure. 

Nora really hated dressing normal since it didn't scream HER, specially if she was meeting some rich guy for a job he was offering her. She had a pink business dress suit that she had found in a nice second hand store, it was a designer, in making herself feel better she went with wearing Korean based makeup for her eyes that made her eyes stand out the way she would normally wear her makeup. With her hair she went with going down with a pair of designer glasses she had got from the same store as the dress suit, Nora looked like a young beautiful safisicated pink business women who looked like she should have been in modeling school.

Driving that new car was a new feeling for Nora, she really wasn't that big on fancy cars. It also made her miss her special 1990 Japanese car Kei truck that she loved driving in after she got it custom with her kawaii/anime taste which was very popular in the town she was from. She did have another car since a kei car on a texas high way was a screaming metal death trap, though driving in Gotham wasn't that different from driving in Dallas country and the main city itself. Luckily the car that she was driving had GPS so she wouldn't get lost, it took her around thirty minutes in arriving at Wayne Enterprises.

  Entering the building and walking up to the receptionists desk she scanned her surroundings, walking up to the desk she spoke about having an appointment meeting with Bruce Wayne under the name Ai Williams. During her time at Wayne Enterprises Alice who was in disguise had entered Nora's building and entered the second Mask Girl apartment and did some packing for her friend and had finished packing the expensive shoes and jewellery that where mostly sent from her biggest fan Onyx

" This Onyx guy might as well be her sugar daddy at this point?" Alice thought that to herself as she was holding up an very expensive diamond necklace out of it's box

"This looks like it cost the same as our house?'s a good thing I know Nora well enough to know her REAL motives for Onlyfans."                

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