Chapter 9

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"Hello, it's nice chat with everybody chat. I felt a little lonely tonight and I felt like chatting with my fans could cheer me up." Nora said that being dressed up as Mask Girl in her special apartment, after the whole asexual meet up she didn't feel like sleeping yet and she knew her fans wanted to see new content on her OnlyFans. Nora did something a little different and wearing all white lingerie with a bridal corset look and even wearing a long blonde wig and blue contact lenses, she looked like a bride on her honeymoon and her fans where loving it. She had over twenty thousand viewers on her OnlyFans livestream, Nora had a lot of fun posing as a sexy bride and even did a little show when she removed the tights that she wore in a seductive way on her bed while looking at the camera and she getting paid in the thousands while doing it. Nora even did special videos for her top subscribers as well and she was making bank out of it.

"Damn I made almost double than last week." Nora said that to herself after she ended her livestream and doing a some video requests and picture from her MOST loyal fans and looking at the the amount of money that her fans had sent her, she took off her mask and smirked while she was drinking a liter of Dr. Pepper.

"Heterosexual men really aren't the brightest when it comes to the sins of the flesh, easy to milk and control. But now I have more money than I know what to do with, I need to get a good chunk of it out without those agents noticing." Sighing Nora sat up out of her chair and took off her wig

"Looks like I'll be skipping class tomorrow, this is going to be one hell of a night for me?" Nora went out in disguise she kept the blue contact lenses on but wore a short black wig that looked similar to a guys hair cut, she still wore dark baggy clothes that wouldn't make her stand out and even the same black mouth mask she wore at the asexual meet up. She was lucky that the bank that she was using as a 24 hr machine and knew thee amount that she wanted to take out again, it wasn't the first time she had taken out cash. After she started her Mask Girl shows again on her onlyfans she had been taken out a few thousand a week to make certain that she wouldn't be noticed, Nora had about fifty thousand in cash and had plans in transporting it back to Texas with a little help.

Being out Nora didn't really stand out, thanks to the mouth mask and what she was wearing she looked more like a guy. Which helped her out in not being a target, the only thing that sucked was that she had to walk a few blocks.

"Fucking sucks I can't get a car here. Stupid feds, still can't believe they posed me as a twenty year old, they could have done twenty one for me." Nora complained to herself since she couldn't complain to anyone at the moment and she didn't those agents since there was no communication common ground, in passing some time she did listen to her music on her touch screen mp3 player that had ice nine kills on it along with her other favorite music and bands since she didn't have access to her phone and she couldn't buy music on her Mask Girl phone to avoid being tracked. During her little walk to a twenty four hour bank machine, she also needed to be cautious when she went to the machine in the event that someone wanted the mug her.

After she withdrew four thousand dollars she went back to her Mask Girl apartment and hid the money with her stash after she took off her wig and contact lenses, she didn't feel like sleeping yet so she kind of stayed up most of the night editing photo's on her mask girl onlyfans and checking her mask girl social medias. The result was her ended up sleeping in her mask girl apartment around 4am, she was later waken up my a phone call from Tracey calling in checking in on her and Nora realized that the time she woke up was around 1pm.

"Damn it's already one?" With that said Nora answered the call

"What's up?"

"Ai, where are you I didn't see you in class and you didn't reply to my text either?" Nora yawned before she replied to Tracey

"Oh..I'm skipping classes today I already turned in a few extra credit works, so I have a little time on my hands...anyway I'll talk to ya later I gotta shower." Nora ended the call before getting out of the bed she was in and stretched after that stretched using her mask girl phone she called Alice who answered her almost right away 

"Hey Nora, I was just about to call's good news." Nora smiled hearing that from Alice

"Really, let's hear it." Nora became over the moon happy hearing that the buyer for their bio fuel increased there offer after seeing how well it was made Alice had went threw the contact and liked what was offered for both her and Nora and signed it, the two how had more money than they knew what to do with and the buyer wanted more of the bio fuel that was brought recently which gave Nora an idea

"This gives me an idea, I did recently met a guy at that asexual meet up the other night. I sensed that he was little dispirit for cash hearing that he was was on a sports scholarship, I think we can use him. It'll also save ME some lifting and a new hiding place. I'll also keep those agents away from our business while I'm still here in Gotham. I also gotta keep on my toes because of that stalking thing now."  Nora explained her idea to Alice about used Koby Dwayne as a paid errand monkey and Alice like the idea and more so that Nora would get help in Gotham, after the call ended Nora returned back to her regular apartment and soaked in her special bath treatment....She came out after an hour wearing cozy clothing like sweatpants and a tank top, in wanting to get a little fresh air she opened her balcony window and was a little surprised seeing that she had a new neighbor right across from her. That person was Jason Todd and he was smoking a cigarette.

"Well aren't you beautiful, guess I'm your new neighbor?" Jason said that when Nora noticed him and he smiled seeing her

"Just moved in today huh?" Nora said that to him and he replied to her

"Sure did, the name's Jason. And you?"

"Ai, nice to meet you Jason." Nora acted calm, to her Jason was giving off the same vibes as Tim and it made her think that he might be one of Tim's older brothers. The two calmed casually and Jason couldn't help but noticing the inside of her apartment from where he was looking and was surprised by the layout 

"Asian themed? I've lived in this city my whole life and never seen that before." 

"That's funny, that's the third time I've heard that." Nora raised an eyebrow as she leaned on the balcony railway

"The first time was from a kid that had a stuck up energy around him...I believe his name was Damian? And the second was with a classmate Tim who I accidentally kicked in the nuts after he startled me." Jason laughed hearing the part about the nut kicking, but he was his reaction with his eyes that proved to Nora that he did know the two. While Nora was talking to Jason she noticed that she sensed something different about him, she couldn't figure out what it was but she felt like the guy escaped death a few times. At the same time she felt like something was off about him, she couldn't tell if it was good or bad and didn't let her guard around talking to Jason in the time she had but she was curious about something.

"Jason? You wouldn't happen to be free now would you? I was thinking about getting some coffee?" Jason was a little surprised hearing that and seeing how calm she was in saying those words to him, she didn't hesitate with her words and spoke with confidence. Jason accepted her little offer and went out with her for coffee at the business she now half owned, Nora did pout seeing that Jason was much taller than her and he made a few short jokes to Nora and people couldn't help but noticing the fun size difference between the two as they entered the coffee shop. 

"I didn't realize that you where much taller than me on the balcony? I'm starting to rethink this?" Nora showed that she was a little embraced and she wasn't faking it either, being half Japanese she was a little on the short side and was lucky that Alice was the same height as her. Where as Jason looked like hill giant next to her

"I guess I'm sorry?" Jason said that not sure how to make her feel better as the two took a set at the table they where given, Nora showed Jason how to take an order and of course he was surprised seeing an A.I server on the order screen device. 

"You've been here a lot?" Was Jason question to Nora as she finished with there order and she answered him

"I work here, it's my day off."               

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