Chapter 5

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(happy asexual awareness week)

Current time to the present Nora was in the bathroom in the bathtub while her whole body under the water and using a breathing tub so she wouldn't drawn herself, it wasn't normal bathwater she was in instead of it being clear water. The color was dark green so dark that you couldn't see her body, what she was bathing in was her grandmother secrete bath serum that kept her so young for her age and what Nora was gifted in knowing how to make. Nora had time off both from college and her job, also she really wasn't in the mood to talk or see anyone and wanted alone time, even after she moved to Gotham Nora still kept up with the bath scheduling like her grandmother told her to do when using the bath treatment. She had to be submerged in the water for thirty minutes for the stuff to really work, when those thirty minutes where up Nora emerged out of the water and pulled the breathing tub out of her mouth and breathed in the fresh air while looking like a dark green slime human and rubbing the liquid away from her eyes for her to see.

"Fuck..I wish there was an easier way to do this."

Nora didn't stay a slime monster for long she took a shower and washed the stuff off her completely with the result left her with flawless/youthful glowing skin both from her face and body to that of a young teenager along with the bags under her eyes completely gone, Nora was quite happy seeing herself in the mirror after she had gotten dress in her Japanese kimono bathrobe.

"It maybe a hard process but the stuff really turns back time. I still have Obaasan's stunning beauty to thank the most." After saying that to herself she looked over at the large bottle that the stuff was in and looked inside it with a worried look

"Damn, I'm almost out Gotham better have some type of Asian town otherwise I'm skewed." Nora didn't stay in the bathroom too long she got out after wrapping her hair up in a towel and walked over to her kitchen in finding something to eat which she choose to eat some coffee jelly that she took from the shop and enough of it to please her food needs

"Guess I can do a little grocery shopping? It wouldn't hurt to check out the outdoor market after this?"

That's what Nora did after she had a little snack she got dressed in casual clothes and didn't bother putting on makeup since she didn't need it and she went out to the farmers market, she didn't notice she was being followed since she was walking to the market since it was close by. She did notice people staring at her mostly it was people that she walked past and she heard the comments and compliments about her skin and how beautifully glowing she was, hearing those words gave Nora a little pride and pride with her grandmother's youth recipe. Because she knew that she was beautiful she used it as her weapon a good chunk of her time when she wanted too whether it was getting discounts for gundam figures or at anime conventions, she mostly used that SPECIAL charm on people she thought where easy and a little stupid. Mainly with guys she knew where straight or bi, Gotham was a little filled with straight people from what she saw at least and used what was given to her. Using her feminine charms she was able to get a of good produce at a good cost with a normal price being over $400 and she got around $120 some half of the stuff she got being free, getting all the stuff was nice but walking back to her apartment was another. She didn't mind the weight since she build up muscle caring a lot of stuff at conventions and the weight reminded her of the time when she bought a grand worth of manga's and made some people jealous.  

"What a great hall, I'll have to check out the sea food market next. I sure miss the smell." While she was walking and almost made it to her apartment she had bumped into someone, she apologized and noticed that she had bumped into a kid around twelve years old. Nora sensed his nature had had some mixed feelings about his presents and couldn't tell if the kid was a threat to her or not, even in his the way he spoke sounded like he he came from a VERY well off background despite his attire being a little average looking.

" Are you alright carrying all of those? They look heavy?" Nora was a little confused by that, she was smart enough to know that the kid wanted to help her but something still felt off to her. She questioned him while she looked around her surrounding in seeing if anyone stood out to her

"How do I know this isn't some sort of trick?" Nora noticed that despite the kids calm behavior she could tell by his eyes that he wasn't expecting the response from her but she smiled 

"Just so you try anything you'll regret it." Where Nora's words as she handed him one of the bags before she headed inside the building but stopped at the door when she opened it

"You coming to help or not?" Being a little surprised at first the kid followed her up the stairs Nora introduced herself as Ai and the kid introduced himself as Damian, during the little walk up the stairs since Nora's regular apartment was on the upper floor. She wondering what the kids intentions where, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was little off with him. When Nora arrived at her normal apartment she opened the door and went inside with Damian, because of the money Nora was making she was able to make the apartment more to her taste while still hiding her anime loving nature from the living room and kitchen while all her manga's and anime stuff where in her bedroom. The outside looked a lot like a traditional Japanese home with a modern twist seeing that she had a large flat screen with a PlayStation5.

"Interesting looking home you have here, Asian influence?"

"You got a problem with my place?" Nora said that after putting the groceries on the kitchen counter and looked at Damian and he replied with

"No, not at all. It's just....a little uncommon here in this city. I like it it's different."

"Before you leave, I have a question? Does Gotham have a type of Asian town by any chance, I need to get a few things and regular American store don't sell what I'm looking for." That wasn't a question Damian thought she would ask him, he answered her honestly and she wrote down where the location was on some paper that was nearby and when she got what she wanted she threw him out, well more like told him that he overstayed his welcome and she didn't like having she didn't know in her home for a long period of time. Nora didn't make her plans until she was certain that Damian left, to her relief he saw him leaving from one of the building windows.

"So that was the creep that was watching me at the market? Why do I get the feeling that he wasn't alone?" Nora knew the moment that she met Damian and looking at his eyes that he was the one that she sensed was being followed back at the farmers market, this was the first time that she had a stalker as young as Damian but she had a feeling that he wasn't alone. Nora was fortunate to sense when someone was stalker her in person since she had deal with creeps during elementary school life when it first started, she figured that she would get creeps and lucky for her she always came prepared in dealing with them like she always did even after she moved out of her parents place. 

  Nora was curious and wanted to see what would happen, so she decided to act like she didn't notice and seeing the results. If Damian wasn't alone like she thought and couldn't handle it, she might need to get help in getting rid of him. So after an hour she spoke to one of the FBI agents in wanted to go to the Asian town on Gotham, he was curious as to why and she explained how she needed some things that weren't sold in normal stores. Nora wanted to do some shopping while it was still daylight out and with a little arguing Nora got to go to the part of town with the FBI agent acting as her chauffeur since she didn't have a car, she really didn't have the time in really looking at Gotham because of school/work and her doing her Mask Girl shows. The city didn't look that different from Dallas whenever she visited to hang out with her friends and for concerts and conventions, she couldn't help but feeling a little home sick because of what she had to leave behind....

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