Chapter 6

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Nora was happy arriving in the Asian part of gotham and felt a little better, she asked FBI agent to park in front of a herb shop and she quickly went in with a happy look on her face. The agent wasn't aware that he was being followed and the person that followed him was Dick Grayson who road on his bike, he was very curious in wanted to know more about 'Ai' and he was close enough to notice the look of joy on her face when she got out of the car and went into the shop.

From inside the shop Nora did ask the shop owners nationality and when she said that she was Chinese Nora spoke to her perfect Chinese in asking for the types of herbs she needed, the owner was shocked by that and Nora explained how she learned different Asian language during her middle and High school life. She also said that she was mix race and was half Japanese also which impressed the shop owner, more so that she was very happy in assisting Nora as best as she can in finding the herbs that she needed along with medicinal herbs and fresh green tea leafs. In not wanting to go back Nora ended up buy the entire stock of what they had that she needed, when the owner asked what the stuff was for Nora said it was for beauty before she paid around over $2000 for all the stuff she got. 

Dick was curious with not only seeing all the stuff that Nora bought but also seeing the very happy look on her face as she getting in the car that was waiting for her, after the car was out of sight Dick went in the shop asked casually asked ' what the girl with all the bags bought, cause he was curious when he noticed her' The shop owners english wasn't that good but she explained as best as she could how 'Ai' spoke perfect Chinese to her and the two had a nice chat at first and then 'Ai' bought the entire stock of herbs not a lot of American's knew about and a lot of green tea leaves, Dick was confused hearing what was brought and wanted to know what the intention was as he left the shop.  

 When Nora had a feeling that she was being followed by more than one person........she was right Dick Grayson was thee other person that was with Damian in spying on her at the farmers market, though Damian was brave and approached her first. When Damian left the building he informed Tim about what apartment she was living in for setting up the cameras, when the apartment was empty that's when Tim broke in by picking the lock.

"Damian was right about an Asian influence." Tim said that upon closing the door behind him, thought what he wasn't aware of was in the past Nora had creeps breaking into her home back when she still lived with her parents and she had installed a little device near her door that was behind a small frame picture of Godzilla picture with thee original actors autograph. That notification was sent to the phone that Nora was using, when she turned on the camera that was in a potted plant she was raised an eyebrow.

"You got to be fucking kidding me?" Nora said that seeing the live feed from her phone from the back seat of the car and the agent questioned her

"What happened?"

"Oh one of my friends I made at the college just gave one of the footballs players my number and asked me out." Of course that was a lye but she made it believable, she knew she had an off feeling about Tim and couldn't figure it out and now it was clear as day for her. She just needed to figure out how Tim knew Damian after she was done making the bath salutation, Nora had one more stop to make before she headed to back to the apartment. The last ingredient was a little strange since it required fresh cow blood since it was similar to human blood, normally she used ox blood since there was plenty of it back in her region but Gotham didn't have the free range so she had to do some looking at one of the butches. It was an odd requested when she found a butcher in the area she was in but the guy did it for her and thee amount she asked wasn't normal either.

  "Thanks again for helping carrying all this stuff." Nora said that as she was walking up the stairs from thee apartment after she had gotten the cows blood and the agent was the one that carrying two buckets of the stuff.

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