emotional turmoil

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they'd planned this: they'd planned the great betrayal of the one boy she was closest to. perhaps orchestrated by her boyfriend, she watched as they inched closer to him.

"Since I realized that what you did was justified."

Your school bag dropped to the floor with a loud thud, slipping off your shoulder and onto the floor of his room.


"I mean it, Y/N." Muichiro took a step closer to you, resulting in you taking a step away. "I understand now."

"No, you don't." With one step from him, he took two. Your trembling hands moved to grab anything around you which you could use to stabilize yourself. "You hate me and I get it. What I did was really shitty."

"Yeah, but, you were peer pressured weren't you?"

The backs of your feet hit the frame of his bed, your hands moving to grab the sheets as the sensation fled from your fingers. Your knuckles grew white at just how hard you were clenching the material.

"I don't blame you anymore, Y/N. I forgive you." He said.

"Stop it." You whispered. "You don't."

You trembled in shock once he reached you, his feet stopping just short of yours as he swept a strand of hair away from your face. You shivered under his touch, snapping your eyes shut and letting a shudder run through you.

"I do." Muichiro gently touched your cheek. "Look at me, Y/N. I forgive you."

This had to be a dream. There was no way this was real. You'd been dreaming a lot more lately, so this must just be another one of them.

"This isn't real." You grabbed his hand, pushing it away from you. This has to be a dream. "Why can't I... go lucid?..." Slowly opening your eyes, you were met with his confused expression.

The oversized sleeve of his sweatshirt brushed against your shoulder as his hand dipped to your waist for a brief moment.

You shoved him away within an instant. "Get off. Please."

"I'm not Jiro, Y/N. I don't want that with you." He whispered, reeling his hand away from you and staring at you with such sincerity that it had your heart aching. "I miss... those days."

"I'm so excited to grow up!"

"Are you sure? People tend to say that you should enjoy your youth..."

"Youth is boring, meanwhile, being old is fun! You get to party and—"

You couldn't even tell anymore.

Expectant blue eyes bore into you as you bit your lip hard enough to draw blood. "I don't know what to say, Muichiro."

"I know what to."

"Y/N," He began.

"Can we restart?"

That should've been your question to ask.

heartache | t. muichiroWhere stories live. Discover now