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Thursday, December 22nd

Sierra's POV
I'm so tired, I can't be fucked to get up. I've spent the last week Christmas shopping, i've broke the bank and myself. I look at the time and see that it's 11am so everyone else in the house is probably up, that explains the mumbling coming from downstairs. I get out of bed and make my way downstairs in just my trackies and sports bra that I slept in. When I make it downstairs I walk over to the living room where my brother and sister are. "Good morning sleepyhead." My sister Chelsea says as I sit down on the couch. I look over at my brother Tom. "Have you gotten a call yet?" I ask. "Nope..." He says. My brother Tom is being traded to Collingwood for next season but he's waiting for a call to confirm. We've all been super anxious because if he doesn't get the call it means he won't be traded. We all look around at each other in pity. "Let's go out today?" My sister requests trying it change the mood. "Sorry Chels but i'm staying home all day waiting for this call." Tom tells us. "What about you Sierra?" Chelsea says looking at me. "Sure Chels! We can go out just you and me." I smile at her.

Now Chelsea and I are in the car on our way back home from a busy day out. I'm really tired now. I'm also really stressed out and I can't stop bouncing my leg up and down. Chelsea notices. "Sierra what's the problem?" She asks curiously. "Im just nervous about the whole trade thing." I honestly tell her. "Sierra we all know he's gonna get the call back, don't stress." She says as if she's the happiest person on the planet. "I know but still..." I whine. I decide to just go on my phone for the rest of the ride. I open Insta before seeing something jaw dropping.



    Liked by collingwood_fc and 28,671    otherstommitchell6 Thank you Hawthorn for having me through thick and thin

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    Liked by collingwood_fc and 28,671
tommitchell6 Thank you Hawthorn for having me through thick and thin. Collingwood here I come!! ⚫️⚪️
    View all 564 comments
collingwood_fc Can't wait to have you on board!! 🥧
    tommitchell6 I'm so wrapped 😄🥧

sp_10 See you soon mate!
    tommitchell6 🐐⚫️⚪️

braydenmaynard Congrats mate 🎉 C u soon!
    tommitchell6 Thank you 🙏

afl New magpie alert 🚨
    user13759495 Up the fkn pies!!!

sierramitchell So happy for you!! 🥳 YAY
    tommitchell6 😂😂
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I try my best to contain my excitement so I don't distract Chelsea from the road but I simply can't. "Chelsea he made the team!" I say so happy. "What no way!" She says in shock. We spend the ride back home trying not to scream and crash. As soon as we make it home I run through the front door and find Tom to give him a big hug. "It's really happening Sierra." Tom says as he hugs me back. We break the hug and then Chelsea gives Tom a hug too. We're all so excited. After we calm down a bit Tom tells us everything. "So on the 30th there having a pre season night where all the player and their families sort of meet." He tells us. "And we're going right?" Chelse asks. "Yes!" Tom says. I'm honestly so proud of my big brother, I know how hard he works.

Friday, December 30th

I stand in front of my bathroom mirror as I fix the final touches of my hair for tonight. I wear a white long sleeve, tight dress that goes all the way down to my ankles and sits off the shoulders with a pair of gorgeous white heals and I finish it off with my mini Dior d-lite bag. My hair is in a slicked back ponytail but the ponytail sits pretty low though. Just as I finish up curling the two strands of hair that I left out at the front of my face, my sister enters the ensuite. "Sierra how do you always look so gorgeous?" She asks me. "Oh come on you look hot." I say back. "Thank you." She says smiling as she turns and gives me a 360 look of her dress. "Anyways are you ready to go? Tom will kill us if we're late." She says rolling her eyes. "Yes let's go." I say as I grab my bag, turn off the light and leave.

We get out of the Uber and enter inside of the venue. There is people everywhere and to be honest a lot of eyes on me. After we enter through the small red carpet we get seated at our table. We're seated with another player, his brother who just got drafted and their family. Tom does a lot of the talking for us when we're first seated. "Your Peter Daicos and Josh Daicos?" My brother asks. "Yes exactly." The older man who i'm assuming is Peter says. "Your Tom Mitchell aren't you?" The Josh guys asks. "Yes and these are my sisters Sierra and Chelsea." He says pointing at us both. I'm seated in between Chelsea and this other girl who I will be honest is very pretty. "This is my girlfriend Annalise." Josh says as he points to the girl sitting next to me who is also on his right. Annalise and I smile at each other. I look around the table and i'm introduced to Josh's mother, Colleen, sister, Maddie then his brother. I take a deeper look at his brother who's name is Nick. He's sitting right across me. Gosh he's gorgeous. I can't keep my eyes off of him. From what i've heard he's just been drafted to Collingwood. He's beautiful.

As we eat Annalise starts small talk with me. "Your dress is beautiful and I love your bag." She tells me. "Thank you." I say. "You look beautiful yourself." She really does. "Well you must be a model." She says to me. "I am actually." I tell her. "What? Me too." She tells me. I give her a big smile.

As all the new players are called up on stage I see my brother standing next to Nick. Even from a far we still seem to make eye contact. The host goes through all the players names and obviously when we calls out my brothers name I cheer really loud. Then he calls out the next name. "Nick Daicos." He shouts through the mic. So, Nick Daicos is the gorgeous boy ive been staring at all night.

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