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Monday, January 9th

I have a shoot today. It's a bit later though, at 12. I've had my time to sleep in though, but now that it's 10 I should probably get up so I have a good hour and a bit to get ready. I begin getting ready.

As i'm make my way downstairs to have a snack before leaving I see Tom in the kitchen. He's in his full Collingwood gear, which probably means he has training today. I haven't spoken to him much over the weekend because of what happened on Friday night. I'm not mad. Well I am... But I know he was just trying to protect me but i'm not a baby anymore and he knows Nick well enough to know that he's not going to hurt me. "You got a shoot?" Tom says speaking up as he sees me dresses, ready to go. "Yes." I answer. "You got training?" I ask as Tom nods. Its almost sort of awkward between us which I hate because it's never like this. "Look Sierra i'm really sorry about Friday." Tom speaks up. "It's okay." I say thinking he's going to apologise. "I already miss Nick so..." I add. "Thats exactly why I don't want you seeing him. He's already making you upset from his absence after one date." Tom speaks up. "What?" I ask getting frustrated again. "I told you already Sierra not to see him." He says. "Well i'm going to go out with someone eventually and you have to accept that!" I shout. "Sierra it's not that simple!" Tom yells very loud that i'm sure Chelsea could've heard him from her work. The house goes silent. "I should go." I say grabbing my keys, leaving and driving off.

Honestly who does he think he is bossing me around all the time! I'm so sick of him. I've been thinking about how annoying he can be all day now. I get home from my shoot and immediately tell Chelsea what's happening.



Sierra i'm sorry...


I know what's best for you
just listen to me.

Sierra your making me


You know what I don't care
come and see Nick



"And now he won't stop messaging me." I say to Chelsea as I have just finished explaining what happened with Tom this morning. "I know i've only known Nick for less then a month and we have only been on one date but he's so sweet and I feel bad for him because I have no choice but to ghost him now." I explain to my sister. She gives me a hug. "Sisi it's okay. Maybe go to the club and talk to Nick yourself." She requests. "Maybe but I won't go to the club that will make Tom even madder." I say. "You do whatever Sierra, forget about Tom." Chels says as she leaves my room and lets me think. Maybe I should just message Nick.



Hey Nick. I'm really really
sorry about the other night
n i'm also sorry that I didnt
msg you and wtv. I do really
want to see you again and
I miss your company 🤍

Hey Sierra. What happened
was not your fault and i'm not
mad and i'm honestly sorry that
I didn't msg YOU. I would love
to take you out again maybe
Thursday night. You tell me
when your free ❤️

Yes Thursday is perfect! I
can't wait x

Yes alright i'll pick you up
at 5 again and we can do
something more chill this
time maybe if you want?

I really don't mind up to

Okay okay i'll plan something
good. Cya then Sierra ❤️‍🔥🫶

Bye Nick 🤍


I just found out that my brother is going to Sydney on Wednesday till next Monday. This means that I can go out with Nick without having to worry about him on my back. I do want to apologise to him first and get on good terms with him even though it's just a little fight. I'm so excited to go out with Nick though.

I hear Tom come home from training and I go downstairs to see him. The first thing I do is give him a hug. He doesn't hug me back at first probably because of the shock that i'm even fine being around him, but he eventually comes through and hugs me back. I can feel that he maybe missed me a bit. We apologise through our hug. When the hug breaks we are finally able to have a nice conversation. "I heard your going to Sydney on Wednesday." I say. "Yeah I am." Tom says. "For what?" I ask still unsure on why he is even going. "I have to do some stuff since I just got traded." He tells me. "Oh okay we'll what time is your flight." I ask. "It's about 10 at night which is quite late." Tom fills me in. "Alright we'll Chels and I will probably drive you to the airport then." I say. Then coincidentally Chelsea comes downstairs. "Oh so you two aren't fighting anymore?" Chelsea says exited. She's obviously fed up with all the arguments we've had. She gives Tom a hug since this is the first time she's seen him today because she went to work quite early.

The night continues and Tom, Chelsea and I spend the night together. We get take away and açai. We've been so caught up with the new year that we haven't had time just the three of us.



    Liked by sierramitchell and 27,693 otherstommitchell6 Açai w my sisters 🤤     View all 326 commentssierramitchell So yum 😋 tommitchell6 Istg it's the best

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Liked by sierramitchell and 27,693 others
tommitchell6 Açai w my sisters 🤤
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sierramitchell So yum 😋
tommitchell6 Istg it's the best

chels_mitchell So goooodd 🤤🤤
tommitchell6 Ikrrr

jackginnivan I ❤️ açai
issacquaynor We know Jack 😂

maddie_daicos Delicious
sierramitchell Hi madz
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