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Tom and Nick come back and sit at the table with everyone again. Over everybody's conversations Nick and I just can't keep our eyes off each other.

Nicks POV
Sierra is the most stunning girl I have ever seen. I know I only meet her tonight and we haven't even had a conversation but she's just beautiful. She has beautiful hair and beautiful eyes and a beautiful body. I can't keep my eyes off her. "Nick?" My dad calls. I snap back into time after staring down Sierra. "I've been talking to you this whole time we're you not listening?" My dad asks me. "Sorry dad." I say embarrassed. I see Sierras eyes on me she can probably see me blushing.

As the night ends everyone is saying goodbye to each other. Even though I haven't talked to Sierra all night should I still say bye to her. I don't know. What if she thinks i'm weird. But before I know it I turn around to a tap on my shoulder. "Cya Nick." Sierra says before hugging me. I hug her back quickly and don't waste my opportunity.  As the hug breaks our heads are almost together and we look into each others eyes. "See you soon Sierra." I say before she walks off and leaves with her brother and sister.

Sierras POV
Tom, Chelsea and I get into our Uber. "Did you girls have a good night?" Tom asks. Chelsea and I just nod. "Everyone was super nice." Chels says. "Especially the Daicos family." I say. I can't stop thinking about Nick though. He's really cute.

Saturday, December 31st

It's 5pm and i'm just getting back from a afternoon walk before new year's. I have no Idea what we are doing tonight but Tom said he's sorting things out. As I walk in through the front door I see to my surprise Josh, Annalise and Nick. What are they doing here. Josh and Annalise don't notice me but Nick does. Gosh I look disgusting too. I'm wearing a matching set. Black leggings and sports bra. I probably look gross. Nick walks up to me. "Hi." He says smiling at me. "Hey." I say. Then he goes in to hug me. Even though i'm probably hot a sweaty he still hugs me tightly. "Sorry I probably look like shit right now." I say. "No, no you dont."He assures me. Tom, who is talking to Josh and Annalise then turns to me. "Oh hey Sierra." He says as he walks up to me and gives me a hug. I have so many questions to ask him. I wave to Annalise and Josh and then push Tom into another room where I can ask him what's going on. "Erm why is everyone over? And where is Chels?" I ask frantically. "Sierra they're here for the new years party and Chels has gone to get last minute things with Maddie, Josh and Nicks sister." He tells me. I honestly feel so stressed out right now and I don't know why. "Okay." I say and then go upstairs to shower and change.

When I come back downstairs i'm wearing a black full length body suit with a singlet straps and clean white air forces to dress it up. I have my hair down and straightened. I walk over to Annalise. "Hey girl, how are you?" She asks me. "Good, how are you?" I ask "I'm good thanks." She tells me. Then Chelsea and Maddie come over to us and the four of us girls talk. "So Sierra what's with you and Nick?" Maddie asks. "What?" I ask pretended to play dumb. "Oh come on we all see the way you and Nick are always looking at each other." Annalise says. "I don't know he's nice I guess." I say trying not to spit out the fact that I think he's such a cutie.

The night is going well and it's only 2 hours till the new year. I'm having a good time. A lot of the Collingwood players are here and many other people but one person I haven't seen all Night is Nick. I have no idea where he could be. I sort of stay in one area hoping that Nick will eventually pass by and when he does I walk over to him. "Hey Nick." I say. Nick gives me a huge smile and I stare into his gorgeous blue eyes. "Hey Sierra." He says back. We hug and I put my hands around his neck and he puts his arms around my waist.

Nick and I hang out for most of the night up until the new year. The whole night I have been obsessed with him. When the night comes to an end and I have to say goodbye to Nick we hug closely again not wanting to let go. He stares into my eyes again and says goodbye before him, Josh, Anna and Maddie leave.

It's about 3 in the morning and nobody's is asleep. Everyone has left but Tom, Chelsea and I have spent the whole early morning cleaning up so we can sleep in and don't have to worry about it in the morning. As i'm sitting on the end of my bed on my phone about to get into bed Chelsea comes into my room. "Hey Chels." I say patting down next to me signaling for her to come and sit down next to me. "How was your night with Nick?" She teases me as she sits down. "Oh come on it's not like we spent the night just us two or kissed when the fireworks went off." I tell her. She gives me a look. "Sierra i'm your sister I can read you from the inside out, I know you like him. You don't have to admit it but I know." She says. I sigh and think about it. "Okay maybe I do think he's pretty cute but I met him 2 days ago." I say. "Whatever." She says kissing my head and leaving. "Goodnight." I call out just as she leaves. Maybe she is right.

Nicks POV
I'm staying at Josh and Anna's tonight just because it's easier. As soon as we get to their house Annalise goes straight upstairs and Josh is about to follow her but I stop him so we can chat. "Josh." I say. "Yes?" Josh asks confused. "I like Sierra and I know I have only known her for like 2 days but I think she's really pretty and really nice." I say to Josh in one quick breath. "Just know if you want to make a move on her take it slow." Josh tells me. "Huh?" I ask. What does he mean. "I'm saying if you like her and want it to work don't rush and take it slow." He says. "And don't tell Tom maybe he might get mad." I laugh at what Josh has just said. But as I walk to the guest bedroom I can't not think about Sierra.

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