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Nicks POV
As I start driving off to the restaurant I can't help and look at how gorgeous Sierra looks. I hope she enjoys tonight because I have something really special planned. She is a special girl so she deserves it. I need to let her know though. "Sierra you look stunning." I tell her keeping my eyes on the road but thinking about how pretty she looks in that red dress. "Thank you Nick." She says and then pauses. "You don't look too bad yourself." She adds. I can see her smiling. I blush hard.

We arrive at the restaurant and I open the car door for Sierra before my car is taken to valet parking. The restaurant i've booked is going to be perfect, im so excited. Sierra immediately notices how fancy the restaurant is just from the outside. I can see her getting excited. We get taken to the private room I booked with an amazing view of Melbourne city. I pull out the chair for Sierra and then the night begins.

Sierra POV
Nick has really out done himself i'm so lucky right now. As we sit across each other at the table our eyes lock like always. Gosh his eyes are deep blue like the ocean. We look at the menu and order before starting our conversation. "Nick this is amazing." I say as the waiter walks off after taking our orders. "I'm happy you like it." He says. Hes adorable. "Your lucky my brother let me come out with you." I say with a laugh. "Well what about your parents? Would they be fine with you going out?" Nick asks and then I freeze. "I don't talk to my parents anymore. None of us do." I say to Nick making him aware that it's just me and my siblings. Nick looks at me regretting everything. "Sierra i'm so, so sorry." He says. "It's fine, just so you know now." I tell him. He looks really stressed out. "Nick... I promise its fine. How could have you know?" I ask. He looks at me and sighs. "I'm sorry." He apologises one more time. "It's okay Nick." I say. He reaches for my hand under the table and plays with a ring on my finger before letting go. He's so cute.



    Liked by sierramitchell and 49,615 otherswhispernickydaicos Night out!    See all 724 commentssierramitchell Huh whos that?    whispernickdaicos Huh idek

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    Liked by sierramitchell and 49,615 others
whispernickydaicos Night out!
    See all 724 comments
sierramitchell Huh whos that?
whispernickdaicos Huh idek...

joshdaicos I wonder who with? 🤔
annalisedalins_ Ikr??

maddie_daicos Awww 🥰
whispernickydaicos Hi madz

chels_mitchell Wow 🤩
sierramitchell Hi chels

mitchkane_ Nick? Who's this?
whispernickydaicos Oh hey mate...

bridgetpatel Erm whos that? 🫤
whispernickydaicos 🤷‍♂️
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As the night is coming to an end it's really upsetting. I've had so much fun with Nick. He's my new favourite person! "Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom." He says as he gets up from the table. I watch as he walks away and he doesn't go to the bathroom he goes to the counter and pays. He looks back at me who's watching him and flashes a smile. Agh he's the cutest. I'm going to die for this man. He walks back the the table as I give him puppy eyes. "What's wrong Sierra?" He asks me in a soft voice as he helps me get up from my chair for us to leave. "You didn't have to pay." I say as we walk out of the restaurant. "I know but I wanted too." He says smiling at me. I give him a big smile back. "Thank you Nicky." I say.

Nicks POV
She just called me Nicky. Oh my god i'm in love with this girl. I turn to her and we stop waking as we make it back to my car. I stare onto her deep, glowing, brown eyes. I open the car door for her then get in myself. I'm crazy for this girl already.

Sierras POV
We make it back home to my place and Nick helps me out his car. He walks me to the front door and I open it to the surprise of Tom standing right there. He looks angry. Really angry. "Hey..." I say nervously as I step back a bit scared of him. Nick is behind me and holds onto my waist as he can see that i'm scared. "What the fuck are you doing taking my sister out?" Tom yells looking at Nick. What the fuck, he was literally fine with this 3 hours ago. Chelsea walks to the door behind Tom. I look at her. "Tom step back." She says trying to pull him back. Tom doesn't budge though. He walks out the house, past me and straight to Nick. "Look at my sister again and watch what happens!" He shouts at Nick. "Tom stop!" I say trying to pull him away. Once again he doesn't budge. I look at Nick. He looks back at me. He doesn't look scared he looks upset. I then turn to Chelsea who's now behind me. "I don't know what happened to him he started getting mad about everything and I knew when you got home with Nick he would kill you guys." She says into my ear. "Whats his problem." I whisper back. There is a moment of silence as Tom still stands face to face with Nick. "Tom come back inside." My sister instructs calmly so Tom listens. He storms inside with Chelsea following behind him. "Nick im so sorry." I say to him walking up to him. "It's not your fault." He says trying to keep a smile on his face. He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear and looks me in my eyes. We have a deep moment reading each other through our eyes. "I should probably get going now." He says speaking up. "I'll see you around I hope." I say trying to smile. I give Nick a big hug and he hugs me back with a lot of affection too. As he lets go i'm about to walk away and go inside. "You look beautiful tonight, by the way." He calls. "Im happy we made it happen." I say as my last worlds before I smile at him and walk inside.

Nicks POV
After leaving Sierras after a crazy night I get in my car and drive off with a lot going on in my
mind. What did Tom mean when he said he never wanted Sierra to see me again. I truly hope he was drunk or something. I'm just glad that Sierra let me take her out before things got out of hand. I want to do it again. I want to see her again. I honestly just want to be with her right now.

Sierras POV
As i'm about to go up into my room all I can hear is Tom yelling at me telling me im never allowed to see Nick again. "Tom just shut the fuck up!" I yell. "You ruined the whole night! Nobody cares what you think!" I say going off at him before storming off the room.

Im finally lying in my bed after the best and worst night ever. I look around my room before turning my lights off to sleep and see the red roses Nick had gotten me. Chels must've put them in my room. As I look at them I can't help think about Nick and the memories that are new held in between us. I miss him already. Will I ever get to see him again?

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