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Thursday, January 12th

Tonight my brother is going away to Sydney for a couple days. We've just finished dinner and now Tom is packing some last few things before Chelsea and I take him to the airport. "You ready?" Chelsea calls to upstairs where Tom is. "Yep." Tom says as he comes downstairs with all his luggage. We pack everything in the boot and then the three of us make our way over to the airport.

"Have a safe flight." I say as i'm in a big hug with my brother. "Don't worry about me, i'm worried about you!" Tom says laughing. He would really kill me if he knew I was going out with Nick tomorrow. We say our goodbyes and then Chelsea and I make our way home.



Hey Sierra just msging u
to say hi. How are you?

Hey Nick. Yea im good I
js dropped my brother off
at the airport, wbu?

I'm good thanks Sierra, im
also rlly excited for tmw but
also wanted to to let you know
to bring swimmers, I know it
might spoil what we're doing
but js so yk xxx

Okayy sound good can't wait
tho xx

Yes me too 🔥 I'll cya then



I get myself into bed as I can't stop thinking about how fun tomorrow is going to be with Nick. Even though I have to wait all the way till night time it will still be fun. Let's just hope that Tom doesn't find out, and if he does: he's okay with it.

Toms POV
Ive landed in Sydney and have arrived at my hotel. I do trust my sister but i'm nervous that she's going to do something with Nick whilst i'm gone. I know that maybe I have been a bit too hard on her but she's my little sister and she's important to me. I just don't want her getting in to trouble with Nick and then if something bad happens, like maybe he breaks her heart it will be awkward for me too because I have to play footy with the kid every week. This just isn't what I expected was going to happen when I moved to Collingwood. It's bad that it's happening to Nick too because it's his first year of footy ever. I don't want him focusing on my sister all the time because she can be really difficult.


Friday, January 13th

As I wait for the clock to strike 5pm I sit on the couch in the living room all ready for Nick to pick me up for our second date. Chelsea comes downstairs and sees me dressed in the beautiful pink bikini with a really nice throw over on top. "So you look ready." She says laughing. I smile. "I'm very excited." I say with a big, big grin on my face. "I can tell." She says as she sits down next to me. "Just know not to get too attached, you don't want him breaking your heart Sierra." My sister tells me. "I know Chels." I say until I hear the door bell ring. "He's here." I yell whisper to my sister as I get up to open the door. Once again Nick stands there looking as handsome as ever in his swim shorts and a nice beachy top holding another bouquet of white flowers and chocolates. I think i'm blushing really hard right now.

Nicks POV
Sierra opens the door after I ring the bell. My jaw almost drops when I see how beautiful and stunning she looks. Does this girl ever look bad. I'm definitely blushing hard right now but i'm not embarrassed to show it. She's gorgeous. "Hey." I say starting the conversation. "Hi." Sierra says back with her pretty smile. "I hand her the flowers and chocolates I got for her. "These are for you." I say. "Thank you Nick. They are so beautiful." She says as I pass them to her. She gives the flowers to her sister to put away for her but keep the chocolate in her hand. "I'll bring these." She says with a smirk. Gosh this girl. I want to marry her. "Should we go?" I ask as I put my arm out for Sierra to link onto. "Yes." She says smiling and then we walk over to my car together. I open the door for her, get in myself and then off we go.


I blindfold Sierra as we get out the car. "Nick where are you taking me?" She asks nervously. "Do you trust me?" I ask. "Yes." She says. "Then just follow me." I say as I grab her hand and then I walk her over to where we are going. "Watch you're step." I say as I hold Sierras waist and help her walk. We come to a stop. "Okay, you ready?" I ask as I stand behind the beautiful girl. "No." Sierra says nervously. I laugh and then removed the blindfold from Sierras face. I watch as a big smile grows on her face.

Sierras POV
Nick takes the blindfold off of me. Wow this boy as put a lot of effort in. I see a beautiful set up on the beach sand. There is drinks and food and everything. The sun is about to start setting too. "Is this for us?" I ask Nick the obvious question. "Yes." Nick says. "Do you like it?" He asks me. I turn to him as he is standing almost behind me. "Nick I love it." I say as I look him in his bright ocean blue eyes. I give him a big hug. Having his arms around my waist is the best feeling. Nick and I sit down on the blanket that is set up for us and begin talking and enjoy the sunset.



    Liked by whipsernickydaicos and 45,892    otherssierramitchell Date night 🌅🌊    View all 547 comments whispernickydaicos 😌❤️‍🔥    sierramitchell ❤️

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Liked by whipsernickydaicos and 45,892
sierramitchell Date night 🌅🌊
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whispernickydaicos 😌❤️‍🔥
    sierramitchell ❤️

tommitchell6 With who SIERRA?
    chels_mitchell ...

annalisedalins_ Awww🥰
    sierramitchell Imu Anna xx

chels_mitchell Wow🤩
    sierramitchell Hey Chels 😌

maddie_daicos Oh Nick actually did a good job!! 🙌🙌
    whispernickydaicos Yes 👍

joshdaicos Nick pulled it off 🕺
    whispernickydaicos I did ‼️
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