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Thursday, January 3rd

Sierras POV
I just got home from my first modeling shoot this year. It's still only 10am since I had to get up early for the shoot. The house is empty there must be nobody home. I go upstairs to my room and check my phone.



    Liked by whispernickydaicos and 46,729     othersjoshdaicos Happy birthday little broski 🥳 So proud of you, hope 20 treats you well

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Liked by whispernickydaicos and 46,729
joshdaicos Happy birthday little broski 🥳 So proud of you, hope 20 treats you well.
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whispernickydaicos Thank you Josh 🙌
joshdaicos 🙌🙌

annalisedalins_ Happy birthday Nick x
whispernickydaicos Thank you annalise

tommitchell6 Happy birthday whisper 🐐🎉
whispernickydaicos Thanks tommy!

maddie_daicos Happy 20th brother
whispernickydaicos Thanks madz

mitchkane_ Big happy birthday daics 🎂🎈
whispernickydaicos Thanks Mitch
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It must be Nicks birthday today. Maybe I should message him privately and say happy birthday. I open messages and find Nicks number that I have saved in my phone.

Nicks POV
Its my birthday today and i'm having a lunch. Maybe I should invite Sierra. I would really want her to come. Toms coming so I guess I could invite her if it's not too last minute. As I get my phone out and am about to message her, she messages me first.



Hey Nick, just wanted to
say happy birthday! I wish
I could see you today but ur
obviously busy. Have a g1

Hey Sierra, thanks for the
msg I was actually just ab
to msg u and ask if u want
to come to my birthday
lunch today. I know it's last
minute and u don't have to
come, js wondering thanks

Yes ofc I would love to come
what time and where ab is it?
Cant wait xx

It's at 1:30 just at my parents
place which is my place too 😂
I'll send u the address, ur
brother is coming too. See u
soon Sierra!


I'm so glad that Sierra is going to come today, i'm really exited to see her.

Sierras POV
Oh my god! Nick just invited me to his birthday lunch. It's around 10:30 now and I want to quickly get him a gift so i'll get ready and get him something on my way there. As i'm about to start getting ready I hear my brother come home and he walks into my room. "Hey Tom." I say as I turn to him. "Hey! What you doing?" He asks me. "Nick invited me to go to his birthday lunch today." I tell him. "Oh sweet, wanna go together?" He asks. "I want to go past the shops and get him something on the way so i'll take my own car." I tell him. "Alright ill let you get ready then." Tom says as he leaves my room and closes the door. Now I just need to think about what i'm going to wear.

I look in my mirror before I leave. I've chosen to wear low rise denim jeans that aren't too tight but aren't too baggy and a matching denim top that sits above my bellybutton. It's strapless so my collarbones are showing but I put a pretty necklace on with matching earrings. My hair is in a neat low ponytail. I wear a Louis Vuitton bag and pretty white wedges on my feet. I'm ready.

I've just gone past the shops to get Nick a present before making my way to his place. I bought him a pair of new Nike footy boots. I hope he likes them they were really expensive. I make it to my destination and park my car before knocking on the front door. Nicks mum, Colleen opens the door. "Hello beautiful." She says as she gives me a big hug. "Hi how are you?" I ask her. "I'm good thank you Sierra, come in." She answers and I follow her into the beautiful house. I walk in and immediately lock eyes with Nick. He walks over to me. "Happy birthday Nick." I say as we hug. Once again I feel safe in his arms. They are locked around my waist as he hugs me. I hand him his gift. "Thank you Sierra you didn't have too." He says. I give him a big smile before we get lost in each other eyes. "Sierra!" Annalise shouts as she sees me. She gives me a big hug breaking the moment with Nick. "Hey Anna." I say hugging her back. Nick walks away with the gift I gave him.

The day continues on and I meet a lot of Nicks friends and family. I'm sitting next to Annalise and my brother at the table but once again, coincidently Nick is right across me. We sing happy birthday and Nick cuts his cake still looking at me the whole time though. I can't lie he looks really good today. He's wearing shorts and a button up shirt with the top buttons undone. It's hot I can't lie. One thing that does annoy me though is one of his friends. She's a girl. Her names Bridget and apparently they went to school together. She has been really touchy with Nick which has surprisingly made me quite jealous.

The lunch is now over at it's around 5pm. Almost everyone has left. My brother Tom leaves and that gives me a sign that maybe I should go too. I say goodbye to everyone before I go up to Nick to say goodbye to him. "Thank you for having me." I say starting the conversation. "I'm just happy you came." Nick says looking into my eyes, smiling and licking his lips. He makes me blush, I hope he doesn't notice. I go to give him a hug where I wrap my arms around his neck. His arms snake around my waist tightly as we get really close. But the hug breaks when Bridget interrupts. I let go of Nick and look down at the ground awkwardly before looking up at him again. "I'll see you around." I say before walking off. I hop into my Mercedes and drive off. I loved and hated that.

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