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Wednesday, January 4th

Chelsea and I are chilling at home since tom is at his first training session today. Well the session should be finished now because it's around 5pm. Tom should be home soon actually.



Hey Sierra just wanted to
say thank you for the gift
I love them so much you
really didn't have too but
thank you! Hope I can
see you soon again 🙌

Hi Nick, i'm happy you
like them n yes definitely
want to see you soon I
might come by training one
time and see you idk xx

Yes sound good we have
training for two more days
so maybe i'll see you then?
Thanks again 🫶

All good Nick. I'll lyk if
I come past 🤍🤍


Nicks so sweet. It really does make my day when he messages me or even when I just think about him. Tom gets home and he tells us about his first training session with the boys. He seems really happy. I'm so glad he's moved to Collingwood.

Thursday, January 5th

Okay so you know how me and Nick discussed that one day I would come into training and see him, well i'm going today even though it is the next day. I wear black trackies with a black tight long sleeve and a cropped black vest, with my panda dunks. I get in my car and make my way to the club. I've obviously had to make an excuse to come and Tom has helped me. He's pretended that he's forgotten his boots at home so I can come and bring them in. What he doesn't know is that i'm coming in too see Nick and not him. If he finds out he will kill me. I get in the car and make my way over to the club.

When I get there I try find my way around looking for the locker rooms where Tom said he would be. I turn the corner into a room where all the boys are, this must be the locker rooms. Tom sees me and walks up to me. "Thanks Sierra." He says as I hand him his boots. I don't say anything back as I catch a look over at Nick. I give him a hug and everyone starts going off. "Oh Daics you like that don't you?" One of the boys teases. Nick goes red in embarrassment.

Nicks POV
Gosh the boys are so embarrassing. I see Tom getting annoyed. I can see how protective he is of Sierra. All the boys leave the locker room and it's just me and Sierra now. "Your wearing your boots." Sierra says happily as she notices im wearing them. "Yes I love them." I say. She smiles. Gosh she's gorgeous, she is beautiful. "Um I have something to ask you." I say nervously. I am genuinely really nervous. "Yes?" She asks. "Would you like maybe let me take you out tomorrow night? You know just me and you, not like a date but I mean if you want it to be one it can be but..." I ask before she cuts me off. "Yes Nick I would love to go on a date with you." She says staring at me with those gorgeous eyes. Oh my god did she just say yes? "Really? Perfect i'll pick you up at 5." I say in shock that she actually said yes. "I'll see you then." She says then hugs me tightly around the neck. I love her hugs. I watch as she walks off and I have a big smile on my face. "Wear something fancy!" I call out before she turns the corner. She stops, turns back and smiles at me before continuing to leave.

Friday, January 6th

Chelseas POV
I have no clue where Sierra is. I know that Toms at training but Sierra should be home, it's like 1pm. As i'm about to message her I see her car pull up in the driveway. Thank god she's okay I was a bit worried. I walk over to the front door so I can open it for her but she barges in before I can. She has the biggest smile on her face. "Chelsea! Nick asked me out on a date!" She says screaming looking like she's about to pass out from excitement. I'm shocked too. "What?" I say dropping my jaw. "I know! He's picking me up at 5, i'm so excited!" My sister tells me. I'm happy she's happy. "You have to help me get ready!" She exclaims. "Sierra it's in 4 hours." I say laughing. "I don't care let's go." She says grabbing my hand and pulling me to her room.


    Liked by annalisedalins_ and 35,671    otherssierramitchell ❤️❤️    View all 541 comments annalisedalins_ Stunner Sierra 👑❤️sierramitchell Miss u x

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Liked by annalisedalins_ and 35,671
sierramitchell ❤️❤️
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annalisedalins_ Stunner Sierra 👑❤️
sierramitchell Miss u x

chels_mitchell 😍😍My sister
sierramitchell Hey sister

whispernickydaicos Omw! ❤️‍🔥
tommitchell6 Erm where?

maddie_daicos Wow Sierra 💃
sierramitchell Hey Maddie 💋
See more


Sierras POV
I make my way downstairs with the final outfit. I hope Nick likes it, he did tell me to wear something nice so I hope that this is okay. The gorgeous red dress sits so nicely on me anyways. I enter the living room with my heals clinking agains the floorboards. Tom and Chels are both seated on the couch and turn around when they hear my footsteps. Chelsea runs up to me. "You look stunning Sisi." She says hugging me. I give her a big smile. "Now where are you going?" My brother asked as he stands up and approaches me. I was not prepared for this. "I'm going out." I say trying to avoid the question as much as possible. "With who?" Tom elaborates. "Nick..." I spit out. Toms eyes widen. He puts his head in his hands. "Look I promise it's nothing serious." I say trying to get myself out of the sticky situation. "For now." Chelsea says. I give her a stern look. "Your lucky i'm tired Sierra." Tom says unhappy. I give him a big smile and then the doorbell rings. My sister and I smile at each other and then I walk over to the door and open it.

Nick stands there looking as handsome as ever with a bouquet of red flowers. Oh my god they match my dress. "Hey." I say biting my lip. I give Nick a hug. I feel his warm hands wrap around my body once again. He hands me the flowers. "I hope you like them." He says. "I love them." I say kissing Nick on the cheek. Oh my goodness I did not just do that! Tom walks over to the door and gives Nick a look. "Be carful please." My brother says. Chelsea takes the flowers off of me and makes sure she will put them away for me. "You ready?" Nick asks. "Yes." I say and we leave. He opens the car door for me and I enter his black Jeep. Here we go.

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