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The Night goes on and Nick and I are beginning to watch the sunset. We sit there right next to each other. "It's so beautiful." I say to Nick. "It really is." Nick says as he looks at me. I look at him. "I'm happy we're doing this." He tells me. "Me too." I say. As we stare at each other I get lost in his eyes. Fuck he's perfect. He looks down at my lips and then back up at my eyes. He's really playing with me now.

Nicks POV
Sierra and I look deep into each others eyes. Her eye are beautiful. She's beautiful. I could kiss her right now. I look down at her lips and then back up at her eyes. She then does the same to me. Gosh this girls got me crazy. I place my hand on her chin as our faces get closer together and I can feel her breath on me. Our lips almost meet just as there is a big sudden bang! We break apart from each other as we look over to the ocean where there are fireworks going off. Sierra and I have our faces fully separate from each others now as we watch the fireworks. The fireworks are beautiful but what was happening with Sierra was better. I want this girl she's everything I have ever wanted. "Oh my god." Sierra says as she watches the fireworks. "They scared me." I say laughing. "Sierra laughs with me. "Yeah me too." She says. Her laugh is really cute. I stand up thinking about something else we can maybe do. "What are you doing?" Sierra asks me as she sees me stand. "Come." I say as I put my hand out to help her get up. We are both on our feet now.

Sierra POV
Nick helps me get up to my feet. What is he doing. I watch as he takes his top off. I was so not expecting that. I look at his body, his abs, his beautiful toned abs. God this man is beautiful. He's got a chain around his neck too which makes everything about him even hotter now. "Let's go for a swim?" He asks as he sees my eyes tracing on his body. I look up at him embarrassed as I realise he's noticed where my eyes were. "Yes okay." I manage to get out as i'm still distracted on his body. I take the clothes I have over my bikini off and tie my hair up in a messy bun. I see Nick staring at me too. "Your hair looks cute like that." He says poking my bun. I smile. "Let's go for a swim." I say as I slowly walk towards the water. "If you can catch me." Nick says before sprinting off towards the water. Oh so he wants to okay games. I can play games.

I run towards the water but Nick has already beat me too it and he's already in the freezing cold water. I stop at the water and don't go in. "What are you doing?" Nick asks me. "It's cold." I say pouting my lip. "Its fine. It warms up as you get in." Nick says trying to help me. "No!" I argue playfully still standing at the shore. "You
leave me no choice then." Nick says as she comes up closer to me and splashes me before picking me up bridal style and bringing me in the water. I scream and hold onto him tight as the water is really cold. As we go deeper he puts me down. We're both at a level where we can stand now.

I shiver as I go closer to Nick so he can warm me up in this insanely cold water. "You're crazy." I say. "There's no way your okay in this water." I add as my teeth chatter because of how cold I am. "Aww you poor thing." Nick says as he pulls me closer to him and warps his hands around my waist. He gives me butterflies. I can't believe this is actually happening but I have to quickly play along before I turn red from blushing so much. I place my hands around Nicks neck and we stare into each others eyes again continuing along from how we ended it before but now in the water. Nick looks at me with his deep eyes. He's just beautiful. As we come closer together I can't help but automatically make a move already. I peck Nick on the lips leaving him shook.

Nicks POV
As Sierras soft lips leave mine i'm shook as I didn't expect that to happen. But I liked it so I smile. Her arms leave my neck but mine don't leave her waist. She reattaches herself by putting her head on my chest, one hand rubbing my shoulder and the other playing with my hair. This girl has got me absolutely crazy. I just want to hold her in my arms forever and forever.

As Sierra and I exit the water we make our way back over to our spot. It's quite dark now but there is big light posts so we can see quite well. The ocean looks like it's glowing too. I grab a towel as wrap it around Sierra as she is shivering again. I get a towel for myself and Sierra and I dry off. When we walk back to the car I help Sierra get in once again and then we make our way on the road so I can take her home.

When we arrive at Sierras places she takes a while to exit the car and looks like she's thinking. "You alright?" I ask. "Nick do you want to stay the Night?" She asks me. "I would love too but what about your sister?" I ask. "She will be asleep now and won't hear us and she leaves for work early. She'll never know." Sierra tells me. I give her a big smile and we make our way into the beautiful house hold together.

Sierra takes me up to her room where she showers and then it's my turn to shower.

Sierras POV
I've just had my shower and now Nick has just gotten in himself. I put my pajamas on which is just trackies and a sports bra and then do everything else before hopping into bed. Since Nick is showering in my ensuite, when he's done he can just come out and get into bed with me. It sound weird saying that. There is no way i'm about to sleep with Nick Daicos. Nick comes out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist and that's it. Fuck he looks hot. I smile at him. "Sierra I need clothes." Nick whispers trying to be quiet to not let my sister hear even though her bedroom is on the other side of the house. He's so cute. "Oh shit yeah! I'll get you some of my brother clothes?" I say to him as I get out of the sheets. "Yes that's fine." He says. I think he's a bit in shock from what i'm wearing. I go and grab him some shorts from my brothers room and bring them back for him.

Nick changes and then gets into bed next to me. I turn to him. "Thanks for tonight." I thank him. "That's okay. I'm happy you had a good time." He says smiling at me. "I did." I say smiling back. We get closer to each other before I place my head on his chest and we wrap our arms around each other softly. Nick kisses my forehead which gives me a shook but it's cute. He's cute. "Goodnight." I say as I close my eyes. "Goodnight." Nick says. I can hear his heartbeat through his chest. It helps me fall asleep.

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