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Saturday, January 14th

I wake up to the noise of banging from around the house. I sit up in bed and see Nick next to me peacefully sleeping. I'm confused at first but then I remember about last night. I check the time on my phone and it reads 5:38am. All that noise must be Chelsea getting ready for work. I rub my eyes before getting up out of bed to find Chelsea. I slowly creep towards my bedroom door trying not to wake up Nick. I open my bedroom door to find Chelsea standing opposite me. I shut my door behind me. "Hey Chels." I say hugging her. "Hey..." She says suspiciously as she's probably curious to why I just closed my door behind me. "How was your date last night-." She asks cutting herself off as she realises that Nick is most likely on my room. I awkwardly smile at her. "Ugh, please don't tell me you fucked." She says. "No! We just cuddled I guess." I tell her. "Whatever I have work, I got to go." She says as she hugs me one more time before leaving and walking towards the staircase. But then she turns back and looks at me. "Just make sure Tom never finds out about this." She sighs. "I promise. He won't." I say as she makes her way downstairs and I go back into my room.

I shut my door behind me as I re enter my room but notice Nick sitting up in bed. "You alright?" He asks me softly with the hottest morning voice. "Yeah." I say confidently as I walk back over to my side of the bed. "Who was that you were talking to?" He asks another question. "My sister. She's leaving for work." I inform him as I get back into bed and put my head back down into the pillow. Nick lays back down again aswell and I cuddle up into his bare body. "Let's go back to bed." I yawn as I close my eyes.

Nicks POV
It's about 6 o'clock now and Sierra has fallen back asleep but i'm still awake watching the gorgeous girl look so peaceful. I can't believe that I actually have her in my life, she is beautiful. I would marry her right now if I could it's just her brother who's in the way. I decide to get some more sleep in before Sierra wakes up again. I hold on tightly to her like a teddy bear and kiss her on the forehead.


When I wake up I can feel Sierra playing with my hair. She's lying in bed on her phone but one hand is playing with my hair. I open my eyes and move towards her to alert her that i'm awake. "Good morning sleepyhead." She says turning her phone off and paying full attention to me. We are now facing each other in her bed. "Sleepyhead?" I ask and laugh. "Yes! It's almost 11." She states. Sierra holds up the time on her phone. "Oh..." I say feeling bad that i've made her sit in bed waiting for me to wake up. I honest am so dumb. "Nick it's fine. I've only been up for 30 minutes." She tells me. I smile as she is trying to cheer me up.

Sierras POV
As I begin to get lost in Nicks blue eyes, he grips my waist and is pulling me closer to him. Our heads meet and we rest them on each other. As i'm about to place my lips on his we both feel a phone vibrating underneath us which ruins everything as we leave each others arms. It was my phone. Fuck i've missed a call from my brother. He's going to get suspicious. Nick sees the worry in my eyes as he knows that I can't just be honest with my brother right now and tell him that i'm in bed with a guy I said I would never see again. "It's alright." Nick says comforting me. "Just message him and say you were in the shower." He adds making up an excuse for me. I smile at him.



Hey Tom. Sorry I missed ur
call I js got out of the shower,
I miss you! How's Sydney
going? With all the press n
stuff? ❤️

Hey Sierra. You better not
be in any funny business...
But Sydney is going good
js a bit stressful but it all
worth it now that i'll be at
the pies. Can't wait to come
home n see u n Chels tho

That's good. I'm happy ur
happy! Can't wait to see u
again aswell. When do u
get back?

I'm back on Monday. Also
do you know why Chels isn't
answering my messages?

She's got an early shift. She
has to do hair for a photoshoot
or something. Anyways i'll see
u on Monday. Can't wait! ❤️‍🔥

Alright, and yes can't wait
to be back soon! Cya 🖤🔥


As Nick and I get out of bed we go downstairs. The fridge has nothing in it, I need to go shopping. "Want to go get breakfast?" Nick asks as he's sitting on the couch in the living room. I walk to the living room. "You mean lunch?" I say laughing. "Brunch!" Nick says laughing. Gosh he's so stupid cute. "Yes okay." I say. I get Nick some more of my brothers clothes to wear and then I go upstairs to change myself. I just wear leggings and a hoodie and put my hair in one loose plait.

Nick and I are now in his car as we drive to breakfast. When we get there Nick pulls out the seat for me so I can sit down. As we order and our food and drinks come we spend the morning appreciating each other. "Sierra i'm really glad I found you." Nick tells me as he looks at me from across the table. "Me too Nicky." I say blushing. Nick reaches for my hand under the table and we smile at each other. This boy is perfect for me. And the best part is that this is just the beginning.



    Liked by joshdaicos and 48,502 otherssierramitchell ☕️☕️    View all 491 commentswhispernickydaicos So good 😊❤️    sierramitchell Yesyes!!

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    Liked by joshdaicos and 48,502 others
sierramitchell ☕️☕️
    View all 491 comments
whispernickydaicos So good 😊❤️
    sierramitchell Yesyes!!

chels_mitchell Don't have to much fun 🤩
    sierramitchell Shhhh...

annalisedalins_ Awe 🥹🫢
    sierramitchell Hey Anna

joshdaicos Hmm I wonder who with?!!
    sierramitchell Idk?
    whispernickydaicos Stfu josh 😂

tommitchell6 Erm what's this?
    sierramitchell 🤷‍♀️

maddie_daicos CUTEST 🥰
    sierramitchell Hi Madzzz
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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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