Day 8- Rainy days (E.T.)

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I couldn't miss out on the birthday of the best drummer. You're a star Ethan. Buon compleanno.

Words count : 2,2k

It was his birthday in a few days and you had to surprise him. You and Ethan had been in a long distance relationship for the past year. You lived in Italy too but you always were away when he wasn't and at home when he was on tour. So for a year you didn't see him once and you knew he started to feel tired with the tour and a message from Vic made you think about it. And that's how you decided to surprise him in his 23rd birthday, in LA.

The guys were obviously aware of your arrival in LA and you planned everything to be perfect surprise. You could spend some times with him since they were only playing two days later. You would take a flight that would stop by New York and then take another one to LA where you would meet him. It was the perfect plan. You had you tickets, landing the 8th of october 2023. You just had to make it happen.

The first flight was during night time for LA, so you called him before he went to bed. It was 11 pm in LA and 8 am in Italy, so you technically were on his birthday.

"Happy birthday, tesoro !!!" you quietly mused over the phone. You listened to his grave chuckle. He surely went out with the guys tonight. "Thank you, cara..." You could hear the strained smile in his voice. "I'm sorry we can't see each other for your birthday." you heard him sigh on the other end of the line. "It's not your fault, we both have our lifes going a bit crazy." "But, I know it meant a lot to you Ethan..." you insisted and it was really touching him. You always knew what he was feeling, even when he politely denied it. "No buts. It's okay, really. Just hearing your voice means the world to me." your breath hitched in your throat, he still had such an influence on how fast your heart could go.

"I love you Ethan." you blurted out after a moment of silence. He stayed silent, quite stunned by the sudency of those precious words. Still, he chuckled soflty. "I love you too, y/n." You smiled brightly, tearing up. Distance was always hard in a couple and not a night passed without you just tearing up thinking of not having him close. You always feared he would fall out of love somehow. Even when he proved you he wouldn't, fear stayed around. You both kept silent for about a minute until he groaned a little. "I should go. The guys are waiting for me to take a shot." You smiled and nodded, even if he couldn't see you. "Good, have a nice evening tesoro. Ti amo." "Ti amo di più." and he hung up.

You looked at your phone scrolling through old photos of when you met him before covid. He was always a nice guy and celebrity never once changed him. He was your light in the dark ocean. He was your Ethan. And after month of not seeing him, you needed to find back your light. The taxi came to a stop and you realized that you had arrived at the airport. You paid the man and started to walk into the building.

You were waiting for your plane to be ready for boarding. In the end, it was two hours late. You landed at 2 pm in New York, local time. Luckily your flight to Los Angeles also got delayed. So you waited to board againg. You waited, and waited. Apparently the conditions in LA, due to the rain were a bit complicated to land so they needed the valisation of the airport.

You waited so much that you finished a second book. You were looking for another one when you were called by the staff of the airport. You started to worry, you presented yourself at the desk. "Hello, I'm Mrs. Y/n L/n, is there a problem ? You called for me five minutes ago." the flight attendant turned to you and smiled politely. "Yes we called you because there seems to be a problem with your luggage. Some staff of the airport seem to have...misled it." Your face turned into a frown. "Misled it ? Do you mean they lost my luggage ? " You winced a little at your cold tone. You tried to remain as calm as you could but it was hard. Your plane was delayed of already four hours and your luggage was missing. "Not lost miss, your luggage is certainly in this airport, we just need to find where." "Yes, but my plane is-" Suddenly, people called your plane for boarding. You started to rub your temples, frustration growing inside of you. "What am I supposed to do ? I can't miss my flight but I can't also leave without my luggage." The flight attendant smiled politely at you. "Give me a minute, I'll try to find a solution." and she left.

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